Originally posted by cookiecookie:what do you mean? its not good for image of SAF soldiers to bear heavy arms like its SAR21? but then if that is what SAF believes, why would it display ads with its soldiers wielding the SAR21? I think soldiers should carry the rifle to look complete and manly
lol wuming said it, because none of them dare to fire the gun in public. confirm plus chop
Originally posted by Vanquish:I was wondering, why they only comb the area surrounded by ACS, CJC, SJI and SCGS... why no search was done at thomson? mac reservoir? forests along mount pleasant road, mediacorp studio area (andrew road)? all focus was placed at the south side of the detaining centre, how about the
North side?
below is the map taken from ST
haha the spf so slack tts why he was able to escape.
and the reason why they haven't caught him yet, is because they too slack to search.
and the police dogs, too slack to sniff him out properly.
ultimately. the problem lies with the spf that they are too slack
Originally posted by OH-FF:Did they let him go on purpose ? So that their hidden agenda is not Publicised?
they let him out to kill me
Originally posted by Vanquish:I was wondering, why they only comb the area surrounded by ACS, CJC, SJI and SCGS... why no search was done at thomson? mac reservoir? forests along mount pleasant road, mediacorp studio area (andrew road)? all focus was placed at the south side of the detaining centre, how about the
North side?
below is the map taken from ST
They extended the search to upper bukit timah @ beauty world already. Think it's harder to search forest than urban areas so they do the easy part first to try luck?? haha this is just my guess, no offence to SPF!
Originally posted by cookiecookie:They extended the research to upper bukit timah @ beauty world already. Think it's harder to search forest than urban areas so they do the easy part first to try luck?? haha this is just my guess, no offence to SPF!
i hope they catch him la. then we'll finally know how he escaped, and eluded authorities for so long
Originally posted by ^tamago^:now at hillview, hume and bt batok nature reserve…
u spying them using google earth ah?
Are they using K-9? sometime i think the decision made by comanders during the first hour are the most important.
ayway that needs experience so this is a good real exposure.
Originally posted by wuming78:hello.. havent been here for quite some time! has it changed!
anyway just to clarify some things: in operations such as this one, the police takes the lead, and saf supports. as for bearing arms, its a public image thing.
glad to see our big boss mod back lol.
anyway, imagine my disbelief when i woke up, turn on some news channel IN PRC and saw this, spend a few min trying to convince my mum, dad and ah ma that no that cannot be singapore before seeing minister of home affair making that grim announcement....and i am shock, when i come back today barely see any armed/unarmed increase security presence at airport...maybe they dun think he can get out by air?
Originally posted by Arapahoe:Are they using K-9? sometime i think the decision made by comanders during the first hour are the most important.
ayway that needs experience so this is a good real exposure.
i nv hear the specific details about the search. but i suppose should use k9 mah. if they forgot to use k9, then smth is wrong.
Hey, look at the bright side of things. Our island is not so small afterall , in that one guy can disappear. I will tell those foreign friends of mine who sometimes ridicule our size.
Originally posted by Arapahoe:Are they using K-9? sometime i think the decision made by comanders during the first hour are the most important.
ayway that needs experience so this is a good real exposure.
I don't think there are any tracker dogs at Mowbray camp, only got narco dogs and german shepherd guard dogs.
If they really have tracker dogs, think they long long time deploy liao.
island is small. but if there is a will there is always a way to play hide n seek
Originally posted by Arapahoe:island is small. but if there is a will there is always a way to play hide n seek
I guess they assessed the Singapore context, there is no need for tracker dogs, because it's not like USA where there are lots of forested areas.
If he escaped on his own, the likelihood that he is hiding in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is very high.
If he has other JI accomplices who assisted his escape, most likely he is in some apartment hiding.
But judging from a statement given by the petrol kiosk attendant, most likely he escape on his own, because he was headed to the cemetery.
If he had accomplices, they would have put him in a car and drove off somewhere else to hide.
Lots of drinkable water in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve.
Most likely he would also dig a hole to camouflage and hide.
set up ambush.
Originally posted by maurizio13:
I guess they assessed the Singapore context, there is no need for tracker dogs, because it's not like USA where there are lots of forested areas.
If he escaped on his own, the likelihood that he is hiding in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is very high.
If he has other JI accomplices who assisted his escape, most likely he is in some apartment hiding.
But judging from a statement given by the petrol kiosk attendant, most likely he escape on his own, because he was headed to the cemetery.
If he had accomplices, they would have put him in a car and drove off somewhere else to hide.
Lots of drinkable water in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve.
Most likely I would also dig a hole to camouflage and hide.
he's not going to hide for long ba. its a slow death. i wonder what is he doing for food. no halal food there
Eh...they should check MacRitchie that area...plus Caldecott Hill that side....no check mehs... -_-
Originally posted by dumbdumb!:he's not going to hide for long ba. its a slow death. i wonder what is he doing for food. no halal food there
given the choice between being locked up indefinitely again and a slight chance of escape. I think he'd choose the latter.
surprise! surprise! so many surprises.....juz wondering y is the route fm his cell to the visit area not within a secured area? y is the toilet area not secured? was he not hand/leg cuffed? was he not tagged (like wif RFID)?????
was the 'escape' a decoy to lead the authorities to his accomplice????
he knows black magic and use it to make himself invisible...
Originally posted by Arena:Do you know where do ppl in ISD come from?
They doesn't go into ISD straight after being recruited leh...
They come from SPF...
And do you know who is guarding the detention centre?
ISD? It is SPF who is doing the job of guarding it leh..
Just like SAF and MSD...
U know where does the ppl in MSD comes from?
I saw someone who walk with a limp!!!!!
But too bad that it was the right foot...
4 days has gone and Mas Selamat is still on the run.
My friend told me that when they were trekking at the Central Catchment area saw a few MPs and Gurkhas searching for the JI Leader.
Now the JI Leader's Photo "everywhere" !!! MRT station, shopping centres , bus stations....
AND after 4 days there is no sign of Mas Selamat.... Where is Mas Selamat???????
how abt making a guess where he is hiding my thinking is he may just fetch a cab ask uncle send him to changi than swin to palau ubin than wait for chance to escape
anyway make it easy gods know any cabby even know who this guy is lol