Originally posted by Arapahoe:it seriously bring to the question of leadership and mental preparation of dealing against terrorist threat. I hope those career uniform seriously learned and don;t take things for granted.
Yes i totally agree that SPF has to bear the blame of this episode.
SAF had nothing to do with guarding him so you shd make the distinction of "career uniform" clearer. :)
Originally posted by eac:which gds bn was sent in? 1 or 3 gds? is it becos they on standby alert?
3GDS are on alert red so naturally they were activated, 4NTM escalated to 2NTM.
Worst part of it they were activated and moved out at 1am about 9hours after the fella escaped.
Pity some of my friends there.
inside Prison Break, got Michael Scoffield
back in SG, got Mat Selamat..
both share same intial MS
Originally posted by del_co:haha, that guy is a pain la. like some ant running around inside singapore's version of afghanistan's caves - buildings, tunnels etc. let's hope he has no help from anyone. in 3 days after his escape, he should be starving and exposing himself. let's hope.
anyway he is a singaporean right? so that means he did ns before and he knows our country's map well - afterall he planned to blow us up. he needed a map for that.
He is NOT Singaporean.
haha local prison break.. sg so small how he hide sia? my friend guessing he knows some black magic. LOL
quite stupid...
the fella escaped at ard 4 pm??
and the rest are activated only after such a long time??
i think the spf thought they could give chase and nab him down but it dragged on, to the pt that they think they cant contain the incident from exposing to the public liao...
i think mr MS won't be able to escape from sgp or from the manhunt this time unless he have accomplices...
if he does, the rest of the JI members who escaped arrest few yrs back will be caught red handed if they help mr ms this time.... time to round all up...
if he uses black magic then we need to activate our priests, monks and bomohs to join forces to nab him liao... haha
Originally posted by Rejected:He is NOT Singaporean.
ok. let's hope he really has no friends here. i'd love to see him caught and all.
Did they let him go on purpose ? So that their hidden agenda is not Publicised?
Originally posted by Arena:if he uses black magic then we need to activate our priests, monks and bomohs to join forces to nab him liao... haha
haha! send in the Iscariot Organization, charged with the pursuit and extermination of demons, vampires and heratics!
Originally posted by cornyfish2000:Latest News: Mas Selamat has been caught!
channel news asia no update
Originally posted by dumbdumb!:channel news asia no update
Hope he is caught fast.
Dun feel good going out knowing a terrorist is out there somewhere.
It could all be a show... To catch any more remaining terrorists in sg...
hello.. havent been here for quite some time! has it changed!
anyway just to clarify some things: in operations such as this one, the police takes the lead, and saf supports. as for bearing arms, its a public image thing.
after cornyfish keena arrested for posting false news lol.
Originally posted by dumbdumb!:after cornyfish keena arrested for posting false news lol.
Oops sorry it was a rumour.. got it by SMS.. paiseh.
Do you know where do ppl in ISD come from?
They doesn't go into ISD straight after being recruited leh...
They come from SPF...
And do you know who is guarding the detention centre?
ISD? It is SPF who is doing the job of guarding it leh..
Just like SAF and MSD...
U know where does the ppl in MSD comes from?
Originally posted by wuming78:as for bearing arms, its a public image thing.
what do you mean? its not good for image of SAF soldiers to bear heavy arms like its SAR21? but then if that is what SAF believes, why would it display ads with its soldiers wielding the SAR21? I think soldiers should carry the rifle to look complete and manly
I was wondering, why they only comb the area surrounded by ACS, CJC, SJI and SCGS... why no search was done at thomson? mac reservoir? forests along mount pleasant road, mediacorp studio area (andrew road)? all focus was placed at the south side of the detaining centre, how about the
North side?
below is the map taken from ST