Seriously, isn't it better to allow recruits to take a few gulp of water at regular intervals rather than making them take one full water bottle at one go and then disallowing them to drink any more water later on?
How do one seriously expect recruits to carry on their physical training with a very bloated stomach, not to mention the five or six recruits per platoon who will bound to puke after the water parade...
1 bottle still ok lah.. wait till u try 2 bottle... really knn lor
Mine was always half water bottle nia.
It is just a ritual that is suppose to cover backside when someone collapse due to 'dehydration'.You drink 4 bottles of beer no complain and one bottle of water you KPKB for fark?
Whoever said I even drink beer in the first place
Originally posted by annoy-you-must:Seriously, isn't it better to allow recruits to take a few gulp of water at regular intervals rather than making them take one full water bottle at one go and then disallowing them to drink any more water later on?
How do one seriously expect recruits to carry on their physical training with a very bloated stomach, not to mention the five or six recruits per platoon who will bound to puke after the water parade...
1 full bottle OK limit is 2 bottles....
takes some getting used to...but 1 bottle should not be an issue to a guy...even if he is a small-sized one....the bloat feeling also goes away quite fast...
finding toilet is the worst part
During my BMT, we are forced to finish one bottle of 1.5 litres of water at one go.
Heard from ppl, that in the previous batch, my PS made the platoon drink 2 full bottles cause everytime got ppl never fill the bottle full so he punish them make them fill up again.
During my time we let the recruits have their early night snacks and then inform them that there was going to be a water parade just before lights off so that they wont over eat or over drink.See how civilised the SAF was in the early 80s that was also when a section of clowns sneaked out to the canteen to drink beer and ended up getting tortured instead
There is aright practice and the wrong practice even for conducting water parade. Every commander cannot not know because the directives are published for all to refer and act accordingly.
The next time you know someone who is forcing the men or recruit to down the entire 1.5 lt water or forced to finish 2 bottles full as punishment, which btw, is illegal and potentially life threatening to begin with, you might want to inform somebody, or agency about this.
They rather you vomit then kenna heat stroke...
I dunno about the sissies here who complain about something as trivial as 1 litre bottle of water. But where my seniors came from, 12 litres of water was consumed in one night and they didn't bat an eyelid. I'm not saying that we should all start drinking 12 litres, I'm just saying this:
Drink up your 1 measely litre and shut the fuck up.
When you are in recce, you have only 3.5 litres for 3 days... and need to walk like 10s of km... then you will find the need to want to load yourself up with a lot of water before setting out.
hey all you chao recruits, one full water bottle drink up!
Well, never forget the imperative, "care for soldier"
It is important that our soldiers know that water parade is part of SAF care and concern and is meant to save lives in more ways than one.
Having said that, commanders should guard against abusing this system, intentionally or otherwise.
making soldiers drink excessive amt of water, especially prior to strenous activities, without bothering to find out the risk, is basically toying with the soldiers' LIVES.
Excessive water consumption prior and during strenous activities may lead to hyponatremia because too much water in the blood steam depletes the sodium content causing the body to go into shock. Fluid can also accumulate in the brain during hyponatremia. Past incidents have shown that it is potentially fatal.
Another point to make: Sissies or not, have we ever wonder why some of these people are posting complaints in the forum?
Could it be because the "care for soldier" imperatives have left the unit a long time ago?
I guess we could all just tell them to shut the fuck up and do as you are told.
Wuldn't that be less bothersome...?
Of course it would
Which do you see more??? Death & injury due to heat injuries or excessive water?
When you see your friend suffer from heat injury next to you while you train or help them recover from it then we'll see whether you're more willing to take that 1L of water before the activity.
Your body does get used to it after a while. You tend to stay healthier outside camp as well due to the fact that ure used to drinking water regularly.
Anyone for 1 full Jerry can???
Lex {+.+}
Of course, nobody is saying that adequate hydration is not important before a physical activity, especially since the temperature in Pulau Tekong can be hot as hell.
But my point is, rather than making them drink one full bottle at one go before the physical activity and making them run around with a full bloated stomach, why not make them drink less amount of water more frequently at regular intervals?
For example, give recruits a two minutes water break every half an hour. They can then drink like one-third full water bottle. Hydration is also ensured this way, and it'll be more comfortable for the recruits, needless to say, safer.
And I've really seen people puke after drinking one full bottle of water. You can call us complaining sissies or anything, but each and everyone of our body is different. No doubt some guys can down two full bottles easily, but for others, even half full bottle is a challenge.
But of course, if you are looking for a reason to fall out of that particular activity, go ahead and drink till you puke.
Two minutes water break every half an hour? Now this is really somehting worth complaining.
my ocs mate was "kidnapped and tortured" by enemy (instructors) and made to drink a jerry can full of water, until his platoon came and rescued him. apparently he was enjoying himself, taking his own sweet time to drink because being kidnapped no need to dig foxhole.
I have seen...death in the SAF... from all sort of ways, throughout my career, more than you know Lex818. How many death/injury do we need to prove a point? Isn't one already enough?
I empthatise with you and am sorry about your friend but that is why we directives for water parade and re-hydration plan - is to at least ensure that our soldiers are drinking enough and not too little or too much.
My soldiers are problem free and none has suffered heat stroke thus far even though our physical activities can be strenuous. My soldiers have never been made to drink excessive amt (1Lt?), but we carry out proper and regular water parade and avocate self hydration in between.
1 litre. Hey, its one bloody litre. I advocate everyone shut the fuck up when it is one litre. No one is asking for anything more. Unless the size of the SAF standard issue water bottle has grown, this topic is redundent.
This topic was based on the 1 litre bottle. Try to remember that.
one thing alot of recruits(ok, not only recruits. but soldiers of enlistee rank) like to do is to purposely drink as little water as possible(ie to the point of quenching thirst, which is freaking little if you know how to drink) so they can fallsick easily and get out of training.
another one is those IDIOTS that somehow think thirst is a form of endurance training and think the more thirsty they are the more work they are putting in. this are the arsholes that cause PTMC's body cooling unit to be use at least once every month.
lastly, WTH? 2MIN BREAK EVERY 1/2 HR? ur shitting me right?
SAF 7 core values!
Loyalty to country... blah blah blah...
one bottle not enough for me man...