yes, i know the importance of having sixteen years old and above boys to attend 2-years compulsary army. it is to strengten their loyalty and patriot to singapore, and yes, it is to ensure singapore to have its own army to be more secure, and yes, it is to also build up boys to be a more stronger person.
lately i see my cousin, we were at our usual family gathering. he going to army soon, just finish his A lvl, when ask him how he feel about going to army, he was groaning " sian ah, go army, waste of two years sia, go there sure die de.."
common to hear that, as i watched my friends go army, they say life is tough there, some complain that there isnt any meaningful thing there to do, some complain their own officer- in- charge isnt happy with them, and gave them a super hard time. those "who wasnt that built" suffer due to the toughness of army, and the harsh surrounding.
it leave down to this question. who are we trying to build up loyalty and patriot to? or are we just trying to force in this altitude to people, and causes them to have a different lessons taught to them?
as i mention above, the purpose of army is to let boys have more loyalty to this country, and make our country safer. but if we force a person to do something that he doesnt want, it leave a different mindset on him, and he does not do his best to do the things. in the end, the loyalty and patriotness isnt there, and just a feeling being trap.
so the end result? generations after generations are moving out of singapore. adults imbuded with a mindset, "is either my children waste 2 years of his life, or he can go to other country for seven years and get a better education", in the end people will sort of "leave singapore" for "own decision to life".
what do you think about the compulsary army, do you think it shall be make optional and nt compulsary, give in your view...
Training to be soldier,
Fight for our land...
Once in our lives,
What a waste of time
Have you ever wondered?
Why must we serve?
'Cause really bo bian ah
But we want us to be free, to be free. Hah!
Looking all around us,
People everywhere.
Children having fun,
While we are sucking thumbs.
Have you ever wondered?
Why must we serve?
'Cause we don't wanna go DB, go DB HAH!
let me introduce u to my fren, tan ku ku...
be proud to serve!!!
be a man lah!
Girls always got this mentality that men should serve NS like a real men.
This is a joke. Ask them to waste 2 years (2.5years in the past) in the army as medic/nurse/admin and they will whine and rant the whole day long.
army, ICT, CPF, COE.
Love being a singaporean?
just serve and go lah.... -.-"
Actually, some (if not most) of the guys i know, have a neutral or positive attitude before enlistment. But after enlistment, their (mne included) attitude changed to a negative one.
Yet, i still rmb someone who told me this "If u ORD n say knn SAF, exploit me like cheap labour, burn my weekends, blah blah blah blah ... u have truely wasted ur two yrs. IF u ORD n say, Hmm, actually not bad, during these two yrs i learned blah blah blah, n become fitter (or fatter in some cases ) blah blah .. ,then u have not really wasted ur 2 yrs. " Needless to say, this was told by a regualr, but i wonder it can be applied to how many ppl ...
oh sounds like the usual pre-enlistment blues...
maybe nx time can outsource nsf... hire bangala n do all the job... they will be so delighted to get free food, free lodging inside plus free citizenship too...
Well... it will never go through though... Was hoping for that before I enlisted but now hoping ICT to be optional...
I don't believe that anyone would truly enjoy serving... especially when your girlfriend has a high tendency of leaving in the midst/low pay/weekends burnt/doing what you are not willing/not physical type/cannot handle stress and most importantly... dunno how to keng...
Anyway, faced it head on and it was still alright; especially lucky enough to get driver vocation...
Though not as physical as most people but there are our woes too... especially most of my weekends burnt supporting "trainings"...
It was a torture going through it but once it's over... you would realise there are some pretty good memories especially when you can find buddies around you...
i think every guys understand the feeling of 2 weeks before enlistment. sleep cant sleep, eat cant eat.. play cant play. 24 hrs a day become 2 hrs a day bcos time seems to run so fast, so many things havent do yet little time to do it.
honour, glory, patroism(spelling) aside, army really teaches a lot of things that no professors in the world could have taught u. the best teachers i came across is not from schools but from all the experiences, stories and lectures i got during my 2 yrs there. besides that, you mixed with 123587606th different kind of human beings out there. you think its so easy to be independent yet under discipline? it harder than one would think of. how many occasions will u see a JC nerd to sleep beside a siao ah beng in the same room? hardly. but army provide this chance. mixing people of different background creates mutual influences and created opportunities for one to learn from another. army don't just teach u to clean bunk and foot drills or charge that knoll.
i seriously feel that those who always think that serving the army is a boring, tough and out of your own will to start thinking again. its really a playground for men and its a place where boys become men or if worse, boys continue to be boys.
2 years is just a snap of the finger. it will come as fast as the 2hrs u suffered before enlistment. the day u walk out of ur camp for the final time for ur ord.. u will feel with joy, memories and life skills that u will forever cherish.
be happy la.. jus like me.. go in chiong and wait 2 years.. then in future your frens go in u then relax liao
Girls always got this mentality that men should serve NS like a real men.
This is a joke. Ask them to waste 2 years (2.5years in the past) in the army as medic/nurse/admin and they will whine and rant the whole day long.
Same as always. Most girls only know how to talk. When you ask them whether girls must go NS they all give stupid excuses. Little do they know that the reason they don't have to go NS is because we are serving it for them. But girls serving NS? I doubt it will happen, unless some stupid rule comes out in the future.
Looking at the replies...I can scarcely imagine the success rate of over 30 years of indoctrination.
Originally posted by gd4u:Yet, i still rmb someone who told me this "If u ORD n say knn SAF, exploit me like cheap labour, burn my weekends, blah blah blah blah ... u have truely wasted ur two yrs. IF u ORD n say, Hmm, actually not bad, during these two yrs i learned blah blah blah, n become fitter (or fatter in some cases
) blah blah .. ,then u have not really wasted ur 2 yrs. " Needless to say, this was told by a regualr, but i wonder it can be applied to how many ppl ...
I think your regular is preaching. He probably tell that to all the chao NSF that he see around.
Last time i also have lots of regulars who told us to spend our 2years in army wisely while they themselves dont do a shlt, push everything to us, didnt bother to pass their own IPPT.
Originally posted by HyuugaNeji:
I think your regular is preaching. He probably tell that to all the chao NSF that he see around.Last time i also have lots of regulars who told us to spend our 2years in army wisely while they themselves dont do a shlt, push everything to us, didnt bother to pass their own IPPT.
Well said... even regulars tried to find excuses for ippts...
Originally posted by Ys4ever 7:yes, i know the importance of having sixteen years old and above boys to attend 2-years compulsary army. it is to strengten their loyalty and patriot to singapore, and yes, it is to ensure singapore to have its own army to be more secure, and yes, it is to also build up boys to be a more stronger person.
lately i see my cousin, we were at our usual family gathering. he going to army soon, just finish his A lvl, when ask him how he feel about going to army, he was groaning " sian ah, go army, waste of two years sia, go there sure die de.."
common to hear that, as i watched my friends go army, they say life is tough there, some complain that there isnt any meaningful thing there to do, some complain their own officer- in- charge isnt happy with them, and gave them a super hard time. those "who wasnt that built" suffer due to the toughness of army, and the harsh surrounding.
it leave down to this question. who are we trying to build up loyalty and patriot to? or are we just trying to force in this altitude to people, and causes them to have a different lessons taught to them?
as i mention above, the purpose of army is to let boys have more loyalty to this country, and make our country safer. but if we force a person to do something that he doesnt want, it leave a different mindset on him, and he does not do his best to do the things. in the end, the loyalty and patriotness isnt there, and just a feeling being trap.
so the end result? generations after generations are moving out of singapore. adults imbuded with a mindset, "is either my children waste 2 years of his life, or he can go to other country for seven years and get a better education", in the end people will sort of "leave singapore" for "own decision to life".
what do you think about the compulsary army, do you think it shall be make optional and nt compulsary, give in your view...
Freedom is not free. It comes at a price. Making it optional, will only imply any sane person will simply choose to skip serving NS. This is on the premise that each and every soul will only choose decisions that benefit themselves.
Conscription is the only way to go. National Security aint a democracy. Unless we are a big ASS country like the U.S.A, who can afford a volunteer army.
Like that earlier generation bo hua? now army 1year 10months.. no longer the 2.5 years...
This may be a little sensitive, but seriously, you can choose to sacrifice 2 years of your life, or you can choose to live as a 2nd class citizen in a country that is increasingly intolerant and your rights are traded around for election benefits. You might even get a free burial in a religion not of your choice. You choose. The very fact that you are free now to kao beh about this is because your father did his service to the nation.
aiyah, every guy like dat one wad.
u think abt it, last time ur parents did force u or ask u to study right? den u keep complaining right? but right nw if u think back you would hav feel lucky or happy dat ur parents did ask u to study or force u to.
same goes of NS, which guy wouldnt moan or groan abt it? but after coming out, u realise u will be a better person.
The quote "army is a wasted of time" depends on individuality, I felt that the army is a peek of society, in army you learn how to deal with unfairness, living and working with different people with diverse characters which in working world one’s must face…although sometimes you may feel that army is waste of time. It really depends on whether you want to acquire good experiences and values during your national service, that will groom you into a better person. Almost every single male in Singapore has gone through national service I don’t see why your cousin is an exception.
The most is cannot take it, commit suicide within the camp only...
Which I believe, is not rare in the army.
Originally posted by Ys4ever 7:what do you think about the compulsary army, do you think it shall be make optional and nt compulsary, give in your view...
This topic(and its variants) have discussed to death many times...are we going to add 1 more to the count? Drop the's not going to happen...
Too bad..... life ain't fair and always 'happy'..... DEAL WITH IT
If what you think you are right, just go ahead find ways to question one who make army 2 years compulsory for all guys. It's very hard to weigh between the advantages and disadvantages of serving 2 years of NS. The MOD really need to clarify clear enough for people to understand. The advantages - Interaction, learn to take responsibility, how system works, etc. The disadvantages such as, BGR, family, education, economy, money issue, capability of the person, knowledge, less experience compared to people who has starting working outside. Such issue has been asked by many people but no proper answers given by the authority which concerns. If one NSF ask the superior, some of them will even give the answer by saying just serve the 2 years. Indeed what a nice answer given.
If they didnt amend the law,u just have to prepare $5000 to default NS