but they got deploy you outfield anot?Originally posted by Detached:Let me tell you my status is C9L9, and I'm still in Signals and drawing combat pay.![]()
r u serious,later kanna arrow by them...they say b4 cannot refer to external help arbo kanna charge all tatOriginally posted by chanjyj:1. Call SAF Hotline
2. Give me that PS, PC, OC phone number I will speak to them (I will go easy on your PC since he appears to be helping you)
Not bad..Originally posted by Unknown_X:wah so garang. lol.
but to TS, i also got HBP, inheritated one. dun feel sad over this. just tell your MO give excuse letter and show to the PS. say is MO give u, anything, refer to MO, he knows the case best. even better than u yourself and the PS. he's the qualified dickhead, not your PS. just ask him politely, if something should ever happen to u, is he willing to be responsible? if yes, get some witness and have a black and white signed, with his rank, name, ic, appointment, unit, time, date. and exactly the same details for the witness too.
External help? Got such thing as pull string lah...Originally posted by vitasoys:r u serious,later kanna arrow by them...they say b4 cannot refer to external help arbo kanna charge all tat
since u already saw e camp doctor and referred to mmi and had been to cgh, just wait lor.Originally posted by vadermanu89:I have been having chest pains/faint-ness for more than a week now. The MO initally diagnosed me with mild asthma and gave me inhallers. However it keeps getting worst. Eventually, he allowed me to Attend C for 3 days and Attend B for 2 weeks till I see a specialist in MMI. CGH however stated that it is not asthma but more likely to be heartburn. The drugs however does not work, so they are unsure of what might be causing it. They have arranged an appointment with a cardiologist in 1.5 months time.
If this chest pains continues (and prevents me from doing proper duties), am I able to down-pes? I am afraid that my PS will think that I am chao keng though they are very nice people. I want to get better but if neither CGH nor the MO was able to find the cause or cure for the pain, I am afriad for my own health.
I am currently in Pes B BMT batch. If I have to wait for nearly 1.5 months, I surely will kena recourse since my cardiologist appointment is near my POP date. I am already on Attend B for 2 weeks.Originally posted by eac:since u already saw e camp doctor and referred to mmi and had been to cgh, just wait lor.
until a confirmed final diagnosis is given by either mmi or cgh cardiologist, there is just not enough medical supporting documents to give ur camp mo for consideration for sending ur case for medical board meet for downgrade.
whenever u see e mmi or cgh specialist, just ask for a memo to validate and enable u to keep extending ur medical status in camp until the final diagnosis is reached with a medical report. until then, just wait.
note: just be careful when the chest pain is around the left chest region (heart), and the pain radiates around the region and the left arm, a pre warning sign of a heart problem...
All specialist memo/diagnosis will be acknowledge by the MO. If you feel its faster to go to your own specialist, i would say theres no harm trying to. Do take good care of yourself.Originally posted by vadermanu89:I am currently in Pes B BMT batch. If I have to wait for nearly 1.5 months, I surely will kena recourse since my cardiologist appointment is near my POP date. I am already on Attend B for 2 weeks.
The pain is around the central and left region. It often radiates to the neck and back. It used to occur during physical exertion though now it happens at ALL times. Giddiness and fainti-ness often accompanies it when I am exerting myself. I am pretty afraid that it might be heart-related since I have a LONG family history of heart diseases. MO also say blood pressure abit too high. Though it does return to normal.
Can I see my own private cardio specialist since that would speed things up? Would his memo/diagnosis be valid in the MO's eyes?
I... shan't comment on that.Originally posted by vitasoys:wa..u say until liddat...u seems like some high ranking officer lol
If you want you PM me lah. I no energy left to... to.... t..y....p.......e.... *falls asleep*Originally posted by vitasoys:haha arbo tok in pm?or u add me msn lancerevolution99@hotmail.com
agreed. as long as its certified by a qualified specialist, the medical board and doctors will acknowledge it... be it from govt. or private hospital... the thing most people worrying is whether one can afford the money or not for private hospital/clinic specialist...Originally posted by dkcx:All specialist memo/diagnosis will be acknowledge by the MO. If you feel its faster to go to your own specialist, i would say theres no harm trying to. Do take good care of yourself.
Originally posted by LazerLordz:Not bad..
And get your PC in on this as well. Calmly explain to them that this is a pressing medical condition that affects your health and well-being.
I think for a start since ur superior is not understanding to ur predicament, u should protect urself by asking ur parents to talk to ur superior.Originally posted by vitasoys:recently i started a post about me getting high BP.as i was quite worried so tuesday i went to took my bp.its still quite high so the MO ask me to return on wednesday to take again.the medic measure around 5 times and den after i go see the MO,he ask me take 1 last time.It still at the 140/65 range so he say he will refer me to MMI and give me 5 days light duties.
when i go back to company office write status,i saw my PS.i show him the appointment letter he say " wtf is tis?appointment on wednesday?CANNOT GO
,chee bye chao keng"
i was dam sad lor,i already worried high bp still say i keng,bp how to keng?
den he say push to other days...tis my life lei,say push den push ah.
so i went to pc and pc say ok.he say tuesday got SOC so recommend me to take status to cover the SOC day so i no need take.
today is company mission,status personal cannot take part so we asked to be enemies for them.at first heard muz everything on,standby everything and helmets on,all the status heard le dam pissed.sick still muz fight 1 ah?heng the officer frm HQ quite good say jockey cap and camo off can le.
i feel status kanna condemn lor,cannot go lights off,no matter got wad activity confirm got sai job do.ppl go CWO all the att c and status ppl muz unload and clean the boat...wtf?
now i kanna guard duty on monday by PS ( off in lieu ) and keep kanna threaten by PS tat if i extend my status he will $@$#@(*&$ me all tat.status also nt i requested,is the MO give 1 and the medic also say i better dun exercise arbo BP increase.
sian,u guys tink fair meh my unit
In the directives.... soldier has the RIGHT to RS la. You (generic) must be allowed to see the MO unless the circumstances is unusually, eg, you (generic) did it too often.Originally posted by chanjyj:1. Call SAF Hotline
2. Give me that PS, PC, OC phone number I will speak to them (I will go easy on your PC since he appears to be helping you)
That's strange. Now everything is computerized. This shouldn't happen.Originally posted by Detached:Let me tell you my status is C9L9, and I'm still in Signals and drawing combat pay.![]()
This is abusing ranks & authorities. Let's those bastards understand the seriousness of your medical situations. They don't care what you feel, in the end you will be the one at loss if you continue to do what they ask you to. Ask your parents to talk to them or find the right person who can really help you. Be in mind in army, once if you have no rank, some cruel superior won't care the fuck who you are and just force you keep doing shits, saikang, outfield and more stuffs to uphold their own performance. And they simply just label people who report sick as chao keng even though people are having real serious medical problems.