Have you already sat through the presentation, or did they hand you the form just like that?Originally posted by ViosToyota:Hi,
have u been through the talk b4? coz we weren't given a choice, they just give us a form and said that everyone will go...
i dont mind going 3 weeks,but 6 months to 9 months is long... can i reject if i am selected???
Hi,Originally posted by Kuali Baba:Have you already sat through the presentation, or did they hand you the form just like that?
I was one. I'd never been abroad with the SAF. I wasn't even shortlisted.Originally posted by ViosToyota:Hi,
They just handed us the "Overseas Assessment Form (NSF)"... and said everyone will go. That's why i'm worried!
i seacrhed through the net... more worried when i found this:
and another from hardwarezone about some warrent saying that half of the techs will go overseas..
were u once a auto tech?
There isn't... just a tick "Put me on high pority" and state a reason. The form mainly consists of the country that we prefer, our ippt and bmt status etc...Originally posted by Kuali Baba:I was one. I'd never been abroad with the SAF. I wasn't even shortlisted.
Doesn't the form have a 'NO' option? I remember that mine did, I had to write down some reason if I didn't select it. You'll be placed right at the back of the queue, which greatly reduces your chances of getting selected.
Usually 10 or fewer guys per cohort per base get shortlisted, after which they'll have to undergo FFIs, BM courses. A smaller number are then selected, based on the needs of the camps overseas.
They must be really desperate then. I don't know of anyone who wanted out. For now, just avoid the 'high priority' box, and if you get selected, raise your concerns to your S1 branch, as well as during the documentation.Originally posted by ViosToyota:There isn't... just a tick "Put me on high pority" and state a reason. The form mainly consists of the country that we prefer, our ippt and bmt status etc...
The chief clerk was the one who did the briefing.
omg, tat sounds scary. do u have friends who get shortlisted, and although saying no but still kana? is there a law to protect nsf from posting nsf? it all feels like a long confinement if it';s overseas...
my apologies for asking so many questions, but just wondering,those who are selected, they are all keen on going? Is the chief clerk supposed to be the person giving the talk? The talk was less than 10 min for the oversea posting...Originally posted by Kuali Baba:They must be really desperate then. I don't know of anyone who wanted out. For now, just avoid the 'high priority' box, and if you get selected, raise your concerns to your S1 branch, as well as during the documentation.
Long confinement? As you've probably been told, you'll get normal working hours over there, aside from preparing for audits and exercises like we also do over here, normal plus home leave as well, and a rather generous allowance. It's just like home away from home.
As far as I know, they were. When I was a trainee the presentation was done by regulars who had been there, at it was 30 minutes long.Originally posted by ViosToyota:my apologies for asking so many questions, but just wondering,those who are selected, they are all keen on going? Is the chief clerk supposed to be the person giving the talk? The talk was less than 10 min for the oversea posting...
the part abt many techs going overseas worry me. may i know when do they activiate us?
and is it only 6 - 9 months, when the form they got us to tick is "Your preferred Choice: 9 Months, 12 Months, 15 Months?"
when did u graduated from oeti?Originally posted by Kuali Baba:As far as I know, they were. When I was a trainee the presentation was done by regulars who had been there, at it was 30 minutes long.
Looks like plenty has changed - 15 months must mean you're posted straight after you On Job Experience at the base. You'll probably be notified of your shortlisting at the beginning of OJE or maybe even sooner - you'll need to do FFIs and get your wisdom teeth extracted..
You could say that. You're largely safe if you're not notified during OJE. I don't know how many applied, I didn't ask around. I graduated in Dec 2005, and saw at least another 3 batches after me.Originally posted by ViosToyota:when did u graduated from oeti?
so i presume the process took a while: from the presentation, to ffi, to wisdom teeth (???) and any interviews? so after four or five months from now, i m safe from any overseas posting?
just for info, did many ppl applied for it? if so i may feel safer...
okay... may i know which veh were u in? and most ppl who went overseas were volunteering to go then? most, if not all, go to local units?Originally posted by Kuali Baba:You could say that. You're largely safe if you're not notified during OJE. I don't know how many applied, I didn't ask around. I graduated in Dec 2005, and saw at least another 3 batches after me.
I was in ATW. Everyone was assigned a base or unit first, including those who were eventually posted out. Like I said, most will end up staying put in Singapore. I don't know about any such rule.Originally posted by ViosToyota:okay... may i know which veh were u in? and most ppl who went overseas were volunteering to go then? most, if not all, go to local units?
is there a rule or law that allow us nsf to reject overseas posting? coz i feel it's very unfair... i read some posts in the internet that ppl were angry after being posted overseas...
Originally posted by LazerLordz:Luck of the draw. A mate's bro was posted to France, another to Brunei.
Cazaux AJT mah. RSAF.Originally posted by sir sickolot II:![]()
there's SAF postings to French bases?! Bonjour!
May I know when you get the news of reduing the number of NSFs sent overseas, and where u get it from?Originally posted by dkcx:Its rare that they will make overseas posting compulsory and even sending alot of people overseas since local bases are now already lacking technicians and last i heard they are reducing the number of NSFs being sent overseas. There were even news of just sending regulars and no more NSFs to oversea bases but somehow they stilled carry on with NSF posting.
Like Kuali Baba said, during our time it was base on interest, if we didn't tick the box saying we want oversea posting, we won't be selected at all. Not sure how many NSFs are needed for overseas but i believe your batch will be sending people to replace the current overseas batch in my company cos they should be ORDing in Feb-Apr if i didn't recall wrongly.
If you really must go overseas, go taiwan or thailand, brunei really no life there. I've quite a few friends who went overseas and they enjoyed it so its not really that bad. 1 of them even got a certificate for his outstanding performance during the period he was posted there.
I belong in maintainance unit as well and i heard it more than a year back from the regulars but in the end they still sent NSFs over. You often will hear stuff in army but sometimes they are just not implemented or delay till dunno when.Originally posted by ViosToyota:May I know when you get the news of reduing the number of NSFs sent overseas, and where u get it from?
hi,Originally posted by dkcx:I belong in maintainance unit as well and i heard it more than a year back from the regulars but in the end they still sent NSFs over. You often will hear stuff in army but sometimes they are just not implemented or delay till dunno when.