hello to all, i'm a NSF and i got a few qns.
first of all, i'm overweight and and i need some help on how to lose weight/pass ippt.
b4 bmt, i could nt do 1 push up but now i can do about 10 standard ones before my arms cant take my body weight
i need to know is there any way i can exercise besides the usual PT? i cant run much as i get breathless easily due to my weight..
same for pull ups, i can only do 1
any PTIs or anyone here can help? sorry to bother you..

another issue is my posting, i got a signal operator in signals, is it a tough unit? not i want to keng or wad but after the route marches/ ETs, i really cant breath
but im happy that i lost 17 kgs in BMT, and definitely fitter than before.
lastly, how to go to Stagmont Camp from jurong?
they say take 175, 185 or 190 frm cck but is it take from cck interchange or outside the mrt station? so sorry...im quite blur

and drop where? the bus stop is B05/B06, but how to see it sia? can i assume it's the 5th/6th bus stop??
thanks in advance for your help...sorry to bother and i really appreciate the help i'd get..
thanks again