Originally posted by Clandestine:
Anyone have any input to share on this vocation?
"[b]Naval Combat Systems Specialist"
1) How is the training like?
2) Where would they be posted? (*friend just finished BMT)
3) Off days
4) Job scope
5) Shiong level
I've tried to google but found very few resources that provide any first hand experience with the vocation.
Any information on the above and more would be appreciated.
Lai lai... $10 for the info I gonna dispense.

1) First you'll under go Junior Rating Course which equips you with basic seaman knowledge. Then you'll be given a vocation be it ship or shore posting. You'll then undergo further training accordingly to equip you with the knowledge of whatever system you'll operate. After you graduate from school, you'll undergo On-Job Training, duration depends on ship or shore posting. Ship one is standard 2 months.
2) That depends. And don't bother speculating where you'll land, it depends on whichever unit needs manpower and it is VERY unpredictable. Take me for example, my batch should be mostly posted to MCVs, but in the end, 1/3 landed on the frigates. Including me.
3) Got off then off lor. Ask for what? If you are asking for office hours, training time you are stay-in. After that is 8 - 5 weekday, weekend off, unless you're on duty.
4) Anything in the RSN. The term nvl cbt sys spec is not entirely wrong, but its misleading. It simply means you're thrown to the navy, period.

5) It varies. Can't really elabourate much. But if you are posted to sophisticated platform like mine, be prepared to absorb knowledge like a sponge. Or you'll end up like a fellow NSF on my ship who got sent to hospital for panic attack during a fire drill. While shore posting is usually predictable, less stressful, its usually also boring and repetitive. To the extent that my friend who's posted to shore, somewhat regrets putting that as his first choice.
Hope all these are useful.