no way to get into army... since u r a fireman enlistee.Originally posted by Niptuckx:I have been enlisted to SCDF .. it's been 4 days.. im very stressed... the population there is like 90% malay.. im a chinese.. and i can't speak really well english. so there will always be alot of misunderstanding between towards my action. im in a confusion.. everyone there commnucates in malay language.
And in every meal we have to que up for food many of them cut ques.. and we have to que to wash the tray with hands.. no soap.. i feel so uncomftable..
i feel so depressed.. i can't take it anymore.. what can i do? i dare not to apporach any of my instrutor.. i don't no why.. im just scared...
can i request to transfer to army? im so miserable in there but i dare not to question any stuff.. i feel i become a changed person... i feel i was so unfairly treated.. i feel miserable..
Voice your problem to the Chinese PC or Instructors inside there then..Originally posted by Niptuckx:I have been enlisted to SCDF .. it's been 4 days.. im very stressed... the population there is like 90% malay.. im a chinese.. and i can't speak really well english. so there will always be alot of misunderstanding between towards my action. im in a confusion.. everyone there commnucates in malay language.
And in every meal we have to que up for food many of them cut ques.. and we have to que to wash the tray with hands.. no soap.. i feel so uncomftable..
i feel so depressed.. i can't take it anymore.. what can i do? i dare not to apporach any of my instrutor.. i don't no why.. im just scared...
can i request to transfer to army? im so miserable in there but i dare not to question any stuff.. i feel i become a changed person... i feel i was so unfairly treated.. i feel miserable..
U understand how to speak or write Malay?Originally posted by man, i was also in the scdf, i'm also chinese, it's true you won't get used to being the minority, and it's true that you will feel uncomfortable... think of it this way, with the issue being minority, it's a good chance to feel how it's like, then you understand the indian people here, they have been minority here in singapore for like many years, and you, just some weeks until you POP, don't get too stressed up. As for the hygene stuff, well, you'll get used to it. I also feel damn sadz during BMT, play chess with those guys, play poker, do stupid stuff. Last time bmt i super lao lan, dun listen to authority, coz they play punk, but at the end of the day, everyone just want to finish the bmt peacefully and the authorities also want no troubles, because anything happen, everyone genna... so my suggestion is, just bring some books, talk cock, listen mp3, don't bring expensive stuff into your bmt unless you dun mind losing them, and then after you POP, time to celebrate bah...
but command higher allowancesOriginally posted by BrUtUs:scdf siong... gd luck..
yeah, i'm so happy with me $1200 allowance hahaha!Originally posted by mhcampboy:but command higher allowances
ahem what's wrong...u dun like SCDF?...Originally posted by infantry:![]()
the work shift is like 24hrs rite?Originally posted by S.KCH:I know it is damn damn damn sad at first. Like solitary Confinement coz youc an't talk to anybody else much. And you constantly worry about being bullied or discriminated against. But the only way to get through this is to try to be friends with them la. I know it's impossible to realli blend in, but at least don't stick out so much. Actually some of the malays there, though they don't have much education they kinda helped me through too; they asked me not to pull a long face coz bookout day is coming, and helped me pull my bed sheets properly and woke me up stuff. Just bear with it a little while, and when you go into a unit you will be glad you are in SCDF coz 90% get to stay out, unlike in Army. So you sorta get your life back.
cannot speak english well but type english well.Originally posted by Niptuckx:I have been enlisted to SCDF .. it's been 4 days.. im very stressed... the population there is like 90% malay.. im a chinese.. and i can't speak really well english. so there will always be alot of misunderstanding between towards my action. im in a confusion.. everyone there commnucates in malay language.
And in every meal we have to que up for food many of them cut ques.. and we have to que to wash the tray with hands.. no soap.. i feel so uncomftable..
i feel so depressed.. i can't take it anymore.. what can i do? i dare not to apporach any of my instrutor.. i don't no why.. im just scared...
can i request to transfer to army? im so miserable in there but i dare not to question any stuff.. i feel i become a changed person... i feel i was so unfairly treated.. i feel miserable..
That depends on what you do. Can get 1 24 hrs day work 2 days off.. or a lot with 8 to 5...Originally posted by eac:the work shift is like 24hrs rite?
work 1 whole day, get 1 whole day off...? alternate workday kind...
AFAIK, that is not possible. You are not just in training school only right? Maybe things will turn out better after you get posted to the individual stations.Originally posted by Niptuckx:hey can i transfer to army? im like a moron there do not know what to do.. im so moody.. im living in fear... need to look at their face to live in there.. im going crazy........
i was being treated like dog.. need to train everyday.. and need to place all tray water bottles in order.. im mixing my tray and waterbottle with them.. and need to smell their sweats.. need to listen to their language everyday..
have to listen to their laugh.. have to accept when they tried to disturb me..
im almost like a retarted in there.. and i have to wash this and that.. dunno if they will find me lazy when i take a min rest.. when they chit chat going to other bunk fooling around..
always order the PR to do this and that..... why i have to take all this humiliation.. my brain was freezed.. it hurts so much.
u CANNOT transfer to army, or vice versa in any other way... period...Originally posted by Niptuckx:hey can i transfer to army? im like a moron there do not know what to do.. im so moody.. im living in fear... need to look at their face to live in there.. im going crazy........
i was being treated like dog.. need to train everyday.. and need to place all tray water bottles in order.. im mixing my tray and waterbottle with them.. and need to smell their sweats.. need to listen to their language everyday..
have to listen to their laugh.. have to accept when they tried to disturb me..
im almost like a retarted in there.. and i have to wash this and that.. dunno if they will find me lazy when i take a min rest.. when they chit chat going to other bunk fooling around..
always order the PR to do this and that..... why i have to take all this humiliation.. my brain was freezed.. it hurts so much.
And you feel that the army is going to be any better than that?Originally posted by Niptuckx:hey can i transfer to army? im like a moron there do not know what to do.. im so moody.. im living in fear... need to look at their face to live in there.. im going crazy........
i was being treated like dog.. need to train everyday.. and need to place all tray water bottles in order.. im mixing my tray and waterbottle with them.. and need to smell their sweats.. need to listen to their language everyday..
have to listen to their laugh.. have to accept when they tried to disturb me..
im almost like a retarted in there.. and i have to wash this and that.. dunno if they will find me lazy when i take a min rest.. when they chit chat going to other bunk fooling around..
always order the PR to do this and that..... why i have to take all this humiliation.. my brain was freezed.. it hurts so much.