See the great similarites between how the Qing dynasty and the SAF works
1. In the Qing dynasty there is only 1 person the Emperor making all decisions. His decision is always right as he is the Emperor. You are expected to listen to him whether you agree or don't agree. He will punish you if you don't listen to him.
There is only 1 person in the SAF making all decisions. He is ah Teo

When he makes a decision, you are expected to listen to him whether you agree or don't agree.
2. In the Qing dynasty you will always be bullied by your superiors and there is nothing you can do. Of course you can try to complain to a higher ranking person but these officals are good friends. You complain to a higher ranking offical and he will tell your superior and they will tortue you even more and you will die 1 day without even knowing why.
In the SAF you will always be bullied by your superiors and there is nothing you can do. Of course you can try to complain to a higher ranking officer but these officers are good friends. You complain to a higher ranking officer and he will tell your superior and they will tekan you even more and you will 1 day go to DB without even knowing why

3. In the Qing dynasty you can try complaining to the Emperor when you suffer an injustice but your petition will probably never reach him as it is thrown into the rubish bin before the Emperor can see it because it is regarded as junk mail.
In the SAF you can try complaing to ah Teo but your complain will never reach him. His secretary will be the 1 reading his email and she will delete it away before ah Teo can even read it as it is considered as junk mail.

4. The Qing dynasty is incompetent. Same goes to the SAF
5. The Qing dynasty is incompetent but as usual there were still be some people who will chose to forever be loyal to the dynasty no matter how badly they are being treated.
Same goes to the SAF. There will always be some people who will chose to be loyal to the SAF no matter how badly they are being treated. Even if they are being thrown into DB they still love and serve the SAF wholeheartily
6. The officials are regarded as servants of the Emperor and the dynasty while all the rest of the people are slaves to the Emperor and the dynasty
The officers in the SAF are regarded as servants of ah Teo while the rest of the soliders are slaves to ah Teo.

7. In the Qing dynasty, you are paid a low salary and expected to do alot of work so many people resort to corruption.
In the army, you are a paid a low salary and expected to do alot of work so many people resort to chao keng. You are just a slave to SAF. Be grateful that you are even paid

8. In the Qing dynasty you can be a official by just passing the imperial exam
In the SAF you can be a officer by just passing OCS
9. In the Qing dynasty many of the officials(servants of the emperor) are idiots and there are many people(slaves of the emperor) who are more capable than these officials.
In the SAF many of the officers(servants of ah Teo) are idiots and there are many people(slaves of ah teo) who are more capable than these officers