Originally posted by codename4:
i dont even bother to attend reservist. in singapore, u may be a LTA who takes MRT but one LCP may come into reservist in a merc SLK 230 or BMW z4. and it seems that more LCP make it in life than these so -called officers in NS.
Hmmm, what you said might be true. Well my Coy 2IC pal drives a ferrari to ICT while my specs/men drives mercs, BMWs etc and my runner/driver drives a lotus.
Just to share something, I even had a LCP driver with a PhD. We wanted to promote him but there wasn't a need. He was always performing exceptionally well in ICTs until his salary went beyond $99, 999 per month

NSPC decided not to call him back.
Whether one makes it in life has nothing to do with ICTs la. We always enjoy our ICTs, network and perhaps do businesses during ICTs. When it comes to command decisions, we always must follow la, whether its wrong or right, we all learn something from it and become better and better. Its more important to maintain the espirit de corp within the unit.
Having been combat trained and later converted to a log officer, I have come in contact with the many specs which are not combat trained but performed very well in ICTs. Of course our fair share of specs who cannot make it are mostly due to attitude rather than proficiency. We can impart the skills and knowledge to them but if their attitude is bad, its hard for them to lead men under them. We have placed 1st/2nd sergeants as sect commd/2IC and 3SG as platoon seargeants or even CSM

With new threats happening threatening Log units, SOPs were changed to reflect these changes and now our men was asked to practice drills like anti-ambush drills, leap and bound, flanking, all round defence etc which is very siong for pes C men but we all take it in our strides and yes, we do trust them to cover our asses in times of war and not shoot us in a friendly fire incident

The men were also critical of the SOPs and contribute valuable suggestions. For example, they requested for every section to have at least a SAW, M203 or even a LAW/Matadoor and a GPMG section for the company even though they might be asked to carry more stuff/train on new stuff and become more siong. But we rather protect ourselves in times of war than to let the combat units attached to us "protecting" us.

Its all about attitude la.