I kena told project spec is required to go for basic admin spec course?Originally posted by LazerLordz:From the people I've worked with, generally they assist System Managers (either in DSTA or DSO) in monitoring projects, be it in implementation, integration or just doing some junior level R&D stuff.
Not all of them are in the tech line, a friend of mine served his time at CMPB, doing stuff concerned with HR and how they can streamline things.
I'm not sure about the duration, I think it was a few weeks for NSFs.Originally posted by will4:I kena told project spec is required to go for basic admin spec course?
How long is the course?![]()
Originally posted by IronBandit:If I were to be lead by him to war the 1st 5.56mm round that is coming out of my M-16 would be for him. I would rather die in battle serving than die without any cause and lead by a person that have no skills, knowledge and leadership skills.
The soldiers on the front lines are the one's that need a good leader that would be able to take them to battle and try to bring everyone in one piece... would a tech bec able to do that? Some even have running problem... hmmm....
There should only be a handful of such techs that should be bestowed with the rank and through training as any other combatant goes through so they would appreciate what the front liners are doing so in return they would know what they do would make a difference in the front line soldiers.
Sigh...another guy on the wrong track....the analogies you gave are different in nature. Please read my first post carefully. Thank you.Originally posted by caleb_chiang:btw... some did not wish to be in the army, can you ask army to abolish the ruling that male must serve compulsory? No right? then what right it give you to ask for such abolishment???![]()
People like you who would despise and shoot your own countrymen during war are worst than animals.Originally posted by tulanboy:
Well said. In the event of a war, I might, I just might, fire at 'theory sergeants' first then save some rounds for actual combat. But of course, before critics start slamming me for being inhumane and idiotic, I must clarify that I will only eliminate 'theory sergeants' who habitually exhibit ineptness in what they do (be it paper or physical work) because these are the very people who drag the combatants down. You can just imagine an obese 3SG running amok in the camp wheezing, panting and gasping for air while clutching his left chest when enemy forces infiltrate a camp. They are the ones who will pose a hindrance.
Tsk tsk tsk...when did I say that all non-combat 3SGs are incompetent...but you are right on one point: I am terrible....I am terrible to soldiers who abuse their rank.Originally posted by Rephidim:People like you who would despise and shoot your own countrymen during war are worst than animals.
Your anger and hatred because of some individuals in your experience does not justify that all non-combat 3SGs are incompetent.
I was neutral about this until people start saying they will shoot their own commanders. That really boils my blood.
You are not fit to be in the army. Anything the Army did wrong was not to filter out you ungrateful dogs out of enlistment. You have no pride for yourself or the uniform you wear.
We all are disgruntled with NS, but we still wear our green with pride and honor. You are a terrible person. I hope you will wake up your @!%$$#% idea or just get lost from Singapore land. Migrate to some carebear welfare country like Canada. You are not fit to be a Singaporean. Disgrace.
I wonder if u kena abused by those sergeant or u wished to be promoted to sergeant?Originally posted by tulanboy:Tsk tsk tsk...when did I say that all non-combat 3SGs are incompetent...but you are right on one point: I am terrible....I am terrible to soldiers who abuse their rank.
Intent is intent, whether or not your lingo shows it.Originally posted by tulanboy:Tsk tsk tsk...when did I say that all non-combat 3SGs are incompetent...but you are right on one point: I am terrible....I am terrible to soldiers who abuse their rank.
Last time I served 2 and the half thanks to the 3 stripes ok.Originally posted by Ristar:wat half a year? ppl serve only 2 years now wat.
hey yep bro..ur totally rite on that.. as a 3SG and pes B and a Sec Comd to boot..yeah i have seen my fair share of crappy pes C specs who cant even do a all round defence properly..not to mention doing a proper leap and bound or a proper flanking yet at the same time there are those who really deserve it...my coursemates during my MSCC, some of my men whose actions deserve the rank they wear..and even to some extent i tink i deserve my rank too..not based on juz training mind u...any one can go thru training and be "qualified". i am talking abt their attitude and apitude in their vocations. Some of my men think that cuz they are specs, they can boss their way ard some of the junior men yet they cant even differentiate a transmission from a powerpack!, and as commanders, we are the ones who should step in and keep them in line. mind u, as a 3SG talking to a fellow 3SG, its a whole new different ball game compared to talking to a Pte or Cpl, u cant pull rank..and even as they say in SAF its the appointment that counts, pulling rank is still damn common..that why as commanders we should deal with the problem.Originally posted by maodini:Guys, i am from the logistic side. I have seen alot of 3sgt of pes C that do not deserve the rank, yes they abuse the rank and think they are big shot. But well, for every group, there are the good ones. I have some pes A or pes B logistic Spec who take pride in their job and carry it beyond their duty.
As for some logistic vocation, it is to my understanding that they do go thru some combat training such as convey movement and such. Well, i would not say it is same as ASLC or BSLC, but u cant just ignore that.
Originally posted by eac:you are totally rite man... that what functioning in a society is all abt man...to deal with tings objectively and dealing with everyone with respect.. that is the right way of doing things.. ur totally right..that why commanders should earn the respect..any tom dick and harry commander can command..not all can gain and hold the respect of their men..this is something all commanders should learn, and if you hold a rank of a spec, regardless of being a SC or not... you will have to live that talk...cuz in general...specs are higher ranked than the men..thus u haf to lead by example be in you are holding an appt or not.. that why sometimes its quite screwed up to see crap specs..regular or otherwise..
:true, a 3sg can order the men below his rank to do work... but he oso shld not goes over the line when delegating assignments. and next time, imho...[b]any 3sg... try to speak to a pte/lcp/cpl with tactful friendly way as if he is a friend/colleague instead of viewing him as a lowly ranked suborinate that u just order him ard here and there like a maid. as the saying goes... a commander commands, but respect is to be earned.[/b]
This is the issue with many people I've come across. They tend to compare technical/staff 3SGs against combatant 3SGs and this is an unfair comparison.Originally posted by Zeronity:Correct me if I'm wrong, but the impression I'm getting from most of the posts in this thread is that people think those non-combat 3SGs use some unorthodox means to get their rank so that they can show how "big" they are.
I don't know what all the non-combat 3SGs think, but I'm pretty sure some of them know in their heart that they didn't get their rank through the standard way, i.e. SISPEC, and are undeserving of their rank by the combat standard. Yes, some of them are utterly blur about the combat stuff and all, but what can they do? Is there an application for demotion of rank? There isn't.
Often, they are delegated crappy tasks that require some sort of leadership skills. Knowing that they may not be able to rise up to the occasion, they can only try their best to carry out the tasks. They are also aware that others know that they are not 3SGs from SISPEC. They are sort of caught in the middle. Too lenient, they may not be able to complete the tasks. Too strict, those of lower ranks may be unhappy about being bossed around by a 3SG not from SISPEC.
I feel that sometimes, non-combat 3SGs have their difficulties and ought to have more understanding from their fellow peers.