Is Mindef not providing better food for the servicemen? What has serving better food got to do with killing somebody?Originally posted by Simon Dean:Just to let you all know.
I hang around with a lot of athletes
Just because you exercise a lot, it does NOT give you the liberty to eat whatever you desire especially in large quantities.
YES.You are still susceptible to high blood pressure and bad cholestrol levels.I know several athletes who ate whatever they wanted to and thought they could get away with it.I have encountered such cases.
Some of whom i know became diabetics even after they have pursued their sports, due to poor dietary habits.Too many deep-fried, carciogenic and processed food laden with trans-fats, refined sugar and fatty meat.
One should not justify serving such crappy food just because the other countries cannot afford.All the more knowing that, you should strive to do better for your people.If i raped someone can i also justify by saying at least i did not kill her?
You know its rather ironic having an IPPT test then serving unhealthy food?
If you are fit, it doesnt mean you are healthy and vice versa.
The food is good but u knew some servicemen here not happy n what else can u expect from them?Originally posted by freakass:Seriously the food is not junk lor... Go comapre it with those from other countries... Ours is definitely not the worst... You speak like you are farting... Wat a shame..
whoa 1 day only so much replies,Originally posted by lookingr82nite:y r u so fussy? u think saf is wat? hotel ah? who u think u r? if complain so much, dun go cookhouse n eat. jus scan n go n eat ur own healthy food. u think outside food is much better?think again! be grateful tt the food is free n is way better than the food in 1G saf.
sometimes its so bad until its not edible, especially breakfast..fried noodle thats too salty, frozen prata thats just thawed n soak in oily curry served in styrofoam box... pls la breakfast give this kind of food. why not give us plain bread with slices of cheese? easier n cheaper?Originally posted by will4:The descption of the food really sound not healthy but is still edible, right?
What u suggest to implement healtier food?
well wad are other countries serving for meals for their soldiers? who has info about this? btw i m not mentioning/complaining about saf rations only canteen food.Originally posted by freakass:Seriously the food is not junk lor... Go comapre it with those from other countries... Ours is definitely not the worst... You speak like you are farting... Wat a shame..
food served can he healthy n cheap.Originally posted by will4:The descption of the food really sound not healthy but is still edible, right?
What u suggest to implement healtier food?
ok erm styrofoam box, for yr info we r using it!!!!!!!!!!!!! n i am not complaining about it!!!Originally posted by freakass:Different camps serve different food, different variety, different standards, different nutrition value, different amount of effort put into cooking etc etc... So you cant blame the entire SAF just becos your camp food sucks...
I had 2 whole years of sucky food before my camp changed the cookhouse vendor... My meals for the last 3-4 months were simply wonderful...
Actually things have been slowly improving... You're considered lucky that you are in army now and not years ago.. I think you're just a spoilt brat or some non-combat soldier who got nothing to do everyday but sit there and think of things to complain...
If you get the camp to select soldiers to become cooks in the cookhouse, i can guarantee you that you get more shitty food... Just ask your dad or your uncles... Few years back, out-ration was packed in styrofoam boxes, which they said tht it's toxic (but i took them for 2 years), now they changed it to cardboard boxes liao... Now, the NS allowance has increased by so much! But service time also reduced by so much! Also, only 5 days week! What the freak! You are already enjoying better NS life, so just try to live with it... NS life will get better slowly and slowly... You can complain, but let me tell you that your experience is definitely not the worse... Just ask the pioneers...
I just lost my appetite.Originally posted by borntolive:whoa 1 day only so much replies,
erm i am not complaining about the quality of food, but the NUTRITIONAL VALUE!!!
lets see todays lunch..
rice, 2 piece of fried noah hiah (dono how to spell), 1 small piece of fried fish (use a spoon to cut n u can see the oil ozzing out), curry chicken (1 small peice of chicken +4 luncheon meat cubes+ some small potatoes), beansprouts.
ok i admit its quite a good 4 type of variety of food, i admit it taste ok but wheres the nutritional value? No Protein, No Vitamins and loaded with fats n oil.
I prefer them to gimme steam rice, peice of mildy steam/braised chicken, some leafy vegetables. thats all. is it so diffcult? is it too expensive? instead of frying the fish steam it!!!.
SAF always talk about soldiers being healthy, fit. Wads the use of conducting IPPT, fitness runs etc when the food they serve ruin the training?
Dinner was no better . Fried mee (maggi type of mee), fried chicken soaked in oily sauce zzzz.
I lost my appetite for the second time.Originally posted by borntolive:food served can he healthy n cheap.
breafast..proper bread with eggs, cheese
lunch, dinner..rice, steam meat, green leafy vege
well is it so difficult to ask for these? i believe other countries do this but do prove me wrong if i am.
i wanna ask who has been through ranger course? Been through then complain cos u won't wanna eat like a ranger...can't believe it...complaining?! Ur wife will be rape, ur family will be slaves when war comes...u jus cant survive...2 yrs for u and tats it...complaining?!CMIOriginally posted by freakass:I lost my appetite for the second time.
Hey uncultured wild boar, did you read before you post? I am not complaining about the food... In fact I am against those who are complaining about the cookhouse food..Originally posted by racingmafia:i wanna ask who has been through ranger course? Been through then complain cos u won't wanna eat like a ranger...can't believe it...complaining?! Ur wife will be rape, ur family will be slaves when war comes...u jus cant survive...2 yrs for u and tats it...complaining?!CMI
wads this a personal attack towards me? For yr info, i m a combat personnel n i dont get to book out every nite, n i work on weekends, so stop jumping into conclusion..Originally posted by freakass:I just lost my appetite.
This type of menu will invite even more complaints I bet. Regarding your claims about the lack of nutritional values of the meals, have u really asked the cookhouse management guys to show you the nutrition chart for every meal? One of the forumers mentioned that there is a chart for every meal.
By the way, why is it that you have internet access in the camp at night? You must be one of the slackers who book out every night right? Non-combat soldier right? Everyday slack in camp nothing to do right? So think of something to complain right? RIGHT? RIGHT? RIGHT?
well rangers do deserved more nutritious food IN THE CANTEEN.. i dono about thr rations during outfield but after days of outfield in hot sun, long marches etc, i believe they deserve a good, nutritious meal.Originally posted by freakass:Hey uncultured wild boar, did you read before you post? I am not complaining about the food... In fact I am against those who are complaining about the cookhouse food..
Well nevermind, i dont blame you becos your intellectual ability is rock bottom.
And please watch your language.
the problem is most of the meals has NO nutrition at all.. there has to be a balance between taste n nutrition.Originally posted by GenX:Pls lor,you talk so much over here also no use.You want,you go convince the majority of guys to like food that is more bland but healthier.
If not then what you want?Specialised meals for each and everyone depending on one's taste then no one will complain?Fat hope lor,it is not going to happen so either you convince the majority to accept the kinda food you like if not you just have to accept it lor since it does not take a genius to know what you like for you meals will be in disagreement with most guys who just want that tad tastier food as they are used to non nutritious food
As if the majority of guys care about nutrition,that is the main point.If you cannot convince this group,then your view is not acceptable,plain and simple cos if implement your view will result in more complain.Originally posted by borntolive:the problem is most of the meals has NO nutrition at all.. there has to be a balance between taste n nutrition.
i m just airing my views mah, didnt expect such hostility n flaming even to the extent of saying i non combat, able to use comp whole day.
to the id1iot who say that wad vocation u in?
leme see buns, baos, pineapple tarts, cakes, lor mai kai, friend noodles, bread with thick jam, doughnuts. well should satisfy the tastebuds of many but imagine eating this before u sleepOriginally posted by Marco_Simone:To me,SAF food is OK...well coz I have low taste threshold for food.
Anyway,how the night snack nowadays? Still having buns?
well ok i understand the condition in the past, may i know wad u guys eat? well its not true that our generation cant endure hardship. I myself has been eating plain whole grain bread+eggs+milk for breakfast everyday including weekends n in camp i bring my own bread+milk. for meals i feel cant be eaten i eat oatmeals n milk or bread n milk. i have been doing this for past 6 mths. i m not trying to show off how healthy i am or wadever u guys might think off, i just feel that its wrong to accuse us of being too soft..Originally posted by GenX:As if the majority of guys care about nutrition,that is the main point.If you cannot convince this group,then your view is not acceptable,plain and simple cos if implement your view will result in more complain.
Aiya,of course mah,now food so good (at least in taste lar),some oldbies still see these new soldiers complain,of course some will flame you lar cos they ate something way more inedible and had endured thru it,see now people abit abit then complain of course may flame the person mah.Anyway you really dun have any idea how shitty the food was 10+years b4 your batch so your food now really good liao lah.Our food then is worser in nutrition value than yours and taste infinately times worst then yours.I have being thru that b4 so thou i would not flame you,i understand why some would.
freakass lor, the guy who doesnt mind eating junk food the whole day.Originally posted by Gordonator:i see that a particular someone is doing quite a lot of flaming. to all, please remember to be polite in your language. if we are unable to do a discussion in a civilised manner, i'll have to close this thread.
Originally posted by Gordonator:i see that a particular someone is doing quite a lot of flaming. to all, please remember to be polite in your language. if we are unable to do a discussion in a civilised manner, i'll have to close this thread.