First, PES status is given on the medical condition. So downgrade got Perm PES or Temp PES status.Originally posted by i_heart_icecream:Hey ppl, i'm asking for a friend:
I'd like to find out whether it's possible to "upgrade" to PES B again if some1 who was originally PES B got downgraded due to whatever reasons?
thanks 4 the info octegaOriginally posted by octega:First, PES status is given on the medical condition. So downgrade got Perm PES or Temp PES status.
Temp status are those status that will be reviewed later on. So one might be able to given Perm upgrade or downgrade after each Medical Board/Review. Or given a further Temp status for further observation.
Once, u are Perm status, it will be unlikely to upgrade unless the person somehow manage to "cure" his illness. However, if a person's medical condition can be "cure" it will be unlikely he/she be given a Perm status.
So the question is: Is ur friend's PES Temp or Perm?
before the 3 months are up lorOriginally posted by kenshin_himura:sigh i am PES D for 3 mths.. wonder when wil be my next reviewing be??
Originally posted by kenshin_himura:sigh i am PES D for 3 mths.. wonder when wil be my next reviewing be??
After the NUH doctor has decided the status of your condition and written to CMPB. Your PES status will depend on what the NUH doctor says.Originally posted by joeacid:7)My appointment for the AECG is coming and i have to go NUH to put on the device. And have to go back the next day to remove the device(No bathing again!OMG haha).
8 )Then the appointment to consult the specialise is not on the same day with the removal of the device so i have to go back to NUH for another appointment.
That's my condition now... can i know briefly what my PES status will be?
ok first of all, i have to state that i am not experienced whatsoever.. but this is what i feel.Originally posted by Taiwanpolitics:I am weak in socialisation .
everyyear , teacher wrote in report book eg a quiet boy who needs to improve on his socialization or he is an introvert that needs to widen his social circle .
mine is a severe case .
must I tell the MO on duty or dun tell as this is embarrasing ?
I scare the MO ask me see psychaitrist seh , so embarrassing , no1 in my house has ever seen a psychaitrist .
Wad abt my anxiety while measuring BP ?
I alway have high BP because of feeling nervous , that's y my blood sugar always normal and only my BP is high . ( more than 160)
I tio 24 hours monitering be4 , i hate it cannot bathe and remove it , it causes itchiness on my skin . But i pass my monitering , because I feel less nervous at home comapred to hospital .
I scare I tio 24 hour BP monitering again .![]()
Must I bring my previous 24 hour BP monitering results done previously ?
wad abt the medicine I am taking , must I show MO ?
I have to avoid certain food , must I tell MO ?
must I bring my healthbooklet ? It contains info like I have phomosis ( thick fore skin of my dick) and eyesight record . I have thick foreskin removal surgery be4 .
my eyesight is 550 on left and 500 on right ( not sure now , long time haven't screen) , moderate only not that severe .
as for medical records , I can't bring it leh . My doctor keeps in his clinic drawers , can I just bring a summary of all my sickness or have tobring whole stack ?
whole stack contains all sickness from 6 years old to now .
my ENT doctor even took pictures of my inner throat and nose . must I show ?
sorry for all my questions .
Originally posted by corebooster:hi. i am PES C L2. Buden i am excused for upper body limb due to my forearm fracture. wad will i expect for my BMT? am i still required to carry arms?
Originally posted by skerrit:Hi guys i just recently found out about this forum. Was directed here by another singapore forum.
I already ord. For around 6 years. About 3 yrs ago i had a corneal ulcer in my right eye that was very painful. During all that time as was not called up for reservist did not bother to get a specialist letter. This year was asked to go back to camp to update particulars, which i did. After that I went to get a specialist letter from the national eye center. This is because i have a deep corneal ulcer in my right eye that affects my vision so that i can see outlines only from my right eye. My left eye is fine except that it has a 500 degrees. So you can see that i have coordination problems etc cos of my eye problem.
Here is the procedure:
MO stated that i do not need an appointment. I guess as i am now an nsman and a civilian maybe that's why (is this true?) So i showed him my letter. Apparently he had a chart there and he said something along the lines of pes C9 or something like that. He got a clerk to write down my specialist letter word for word and copied it into the computer, later the clerk photocopied my letter and then the letter was returned to me. I was given an excuse ippt for 2 months. He asked for my particulars, contact number etc etc. Then he said my camp would contact me.
Here are my questions:
How long does it take for the medical board to come to a decision?
Does the MO that you saw that day have any say in the decision making of your pes status? The MO merely copied down the letter that i had into a pc and also rejected 2 other letters that i brought because he said one letter stated that i was seeing the specialist for further review and another did not have a specific case. I read in one of the posts that even if the MO or some clerk or puts in a special request the final decision is still up to the board.
It has been 1/1/2 weeks since i last saw the MO, how long does one normally have to wait. ARe there different criteria for reservists and active service men?
I was a pes A RP and in fact did not take any sick leave during that time and even during BMT or on course, but it seems they do not even have that record in my e-ns website, maybe they have a record that only higher ups in mindef can see?
Sorry i was a bit out of topic, but what do u think of my situation? What kind of circumstances influence the decisions of the medical board? IS the decision based on one man or based on voting by each board member? Also does the kind of specialist affect their decision? Like an associate professor's reccomandation be taken more into account than a newly appointed specialist?
Is there only one national medical board that oversees all the NS ppl in singapore or a few boards? SO the head of the board is a lpt-col/col MO as i read from here, is he also some kind of specialist or asso prof in hospitals or is he just purely based in the army?
SOrry for being so long winded, it was just that these questions popped into my head while typing this
Originally posted by jeffpenguin:i'm a c9l9 going into army in oct 06
what is modified bmt?
what does a c9l9 have to do for modified bmt?
will i be excused for any activities like road march, running and ippt
thanks for your advice. i greatly appreciate it.Originally posted by octega:
Modified BMT training in essence is still the same as normal BMT for the PES A/B.
The only difference here is training is modified (in some cases reduce) to suit the medical condition of PES C personnels. For example, PES C1 require to do IPPT whereas PES C2/C9 are not.
You will do as per the training program states unless ur medical condition permeantly excuse u from doing certain training. Example, U are permeantly excuse Running,Marching and jumping then most likely u do not need to road march, run or do IPPT.