You canOriginally posted by alien09:say you have blissfully ord-ed but have not received notification of your new reservist unit..if you have medical memos to endorse, do you bring it to (1) cmpb or (2) your old unit after you've ord-ed?
Usually, temp pes status are given because the MOs want to observe ur condition before making a decision. So there is always a chance to get upgrade or downgrade. But to which PES status, really depends on what ur condition is.Originally posted by chrisbenoit:pes d can only be upgraded to pes c maximum?
also, when i checked the section for heart disease, there seems to be some numbers there. does that indicate i have a heart problem?
Sorry dude, no experience in this, best that u call them and ask.Originally posted by queen09:I have a history of childhood epilepsy. The last outbreak was 8 years ago and I was treated at kkh. 2 weeks ago, I had another attack but I did not seek any medical attention. Could I get the army to 'draw' my medical records from 8 years ago from kkh themselves to prove a history of epilepsy? Thanks.
If the MO follow the PES rating law by law then chances are, unless u lose weight and get to the appropriate BMI, it will be unlikely u can get upgrade to PES B based on IPPT alone.Originally posted by fedor:Hi. i am due for tekong on 8 dec.. obese bmt.. i am pes BP..
Aniwae the problem is now.. i want to sign on as a firefighter but they only accept pes B ppl..
fyi my BMI is 29.. but i can do at least 12 pullups n get below 12 for my 2.4km.. this may gif u an idea of my fitness level..
So can i, with a bmi of 29 get a pes upgrade to B if i get at least silver for my napfa?
Ok, I am not a MO ah, so the best person who can answer this is the MO.Originally posted by unhappyliao:Bro, just checking.. Me now has metal in hand and fractured leg ( undergoing MC).. So what will be my likely PES status and after I ord, will I be called back for reservist?
where is MO saabster, haven seen him ard for a long time.Originally posted by octega:Ok, I am not a MO ah, so the best person who can answer this is the MO.
But I seen a friend of mine, same case as urs, metal in leg, PES E.
ORD liao, u are still liable to be called back (arbo then why on ORD day they still gib out NS booklet to PES C9, E dudes) BUT chances are low, because of manpower. Example, if u kena a suay period where they are forming a new NS unit, etc then chances u can be called back for reservist also.
simi si social phobiaOriginally posted by Taiwanpolitics:social phobia is under which pes catagory ?
they refer me to hospital and they diagnosed it as social phobia .
I have sent my progress report back , but until now pes grade still havent revealed to me .
is there any other way i can make enquiries abt my pes garde ?
fear of socialising with ppl .....Originally posted by Chelzea:simi si social phobia![]()
confirm slacking job one lah, worry for watOriginally posted by kane21:any1 have any idea wat bmt is like for Pes C9L9 perm??
liddat oso canOriginally posted by Taiwanpolitics:fear of socialising with ppl .....
y enlistees always ask this type of q....Originally posted by 105090:hi.. i am graded a pes B due to some allergic reactions. i have a brother, who is one year older than me, in NS now.
do i get a very high chance of going commando? my brother isnt in commando..
so will i be? any way of preventing it? eg faiil NAPFA?
As far as I know, I haben seen acne downgrade to PES C and below. Personally, have a friend who has acne problem, the only MC is "excuse cammo" (AKA no need to put on those green colour sh*t on the face) but still PES B.Originally posted by thunder_boy:i had serious acne problem so is there a chance tt i'll b downgraded to pes c?