A pot of Woah~~
Ayu {O_o}
18 Nov 04, 02:37
Just wanna show of hands who play MMORPG these days?
Currently I'm playing FairyLand~
Any new ones for intro?
18 Nov 04, 02:42
havnt playd any games in a long time.... jus like i havnt seen u in a long time!!!!
Ayu {O_o}
18 Nov 04, 02:53
ya~ so sry~ miss you guys~ how's life lately?
the Bear
18 Nov 04, 03:02
i've not played these... guess i'm kinda slow these days
18 Nov 04, 03:14
they are too addictive.. i better not touch..
Ayu {O_o}
18 Nov 04, 03:14
hmmm~ I have a list here~
1- GunBound
2- Maple Story
3- World or Warcraft
4- Lineage 2
5- Survival Project
6- Monster and Me 3
7- Guildwars
8- Ragnarok Online
Coming soon: Harvert Moon Online~
Ayu {O_o}
18 Nov 04, 03:50
*bump bump* no one play MMORPGs???
the Bear
18 Nov 04, 03:52
not really..
may actually give it a try when i fix my notebook
i used to like gunbound.. may try it again