first of all....As mentioned b4...r we going into the house of feng sui and bang ppl there?? telling them what they believe is so not logical ? U have ur believe..we have our own. Billgates success lie in feng sui? Ang moh dunno feng sui, they position their wall, chair and doors all wrongly..that's y they are so poor today???? ppl who read fung sui in the good in telling ppl what to do..why dun they teach themselves first on how to generate wealth rather than walking down the streat begging for "business".U want to bang people there, go lor... I am not stopping u. I am not a taoist, believes in feng shui or buddhist too. Bang, please bang HOFS. Ask them all your questions. Do it. I believes in science. Bang science lah
So one call u to believe in Christ. Why so frust? U believe in karma no one is stopping u. Ur aim of reading the bible is to find flaws and misinterpreting them to gang bang christians, not to understand it.Do I sound frustrated ? I think u should be the one tat checks your emotions first. My questions r not wrong. If u seek to understand the bible, u should really consider those questions seriously...
I also got some questions. U say achieve nirvana...ok..who set the standard?? who is the one that say ok ..u achieve nirvana? Nature?? buddha.?? then who granted buddha nirvana?? nature?? What is this whole thing of nature? How u define nature? So..nature can think? nature can decide? nature says that u next round will become pig...or young handsome prince?? ..since u dun believe in GOd right....the " thing" that is going to judge nature?? so.,.if nature can think, decide and pass judgement and upgrade a soul to achieve what exactly is this nature...Mother Nature???I know nuts about nivana too. U want to find problems with it, do it. I don't care.
There are alot of things to argue about ..which we DONT WANT TO DO IT..becoz of one thing call RESPECT. If i would enter house of feng sui and tell ppl what u believe is crap..u think i can CHANGE the ENTIRE FORUMITES view...u know u cant...but u r doing something quite similar here...i believe u have "mens rea" b4 u procede right.please do it. i implore u.
ya almost forgot..what about this Hitler thing...y make it sound so difficult. simple..i can say i kill u for Christ sake...i can say i am a christian..i can SAY WHATEVER i what;s the big deal...when i die ...then got judgement day lah. No one here is God..only He knows what is right. Actus reas and mens rea my fren. Actus reas is a tick for him liao...mens rea..only God knows.But then why deny he is a christ believer. He says he believes in christ etc, why want to deny it ? U know better than hitler on his religion ? u wanna leave everything to judgement ay, then I guess u can wait till the cow comes home and nothing wil happen.
let me tell u one simple thing...which is..u can type a 10 thousand pages long of essay...BUT IT WILL NOT EVEN SHAKEN The FAITH OF ANY CHRISTIANS in this thread. Amen. and peace to u.Wow... u must really have the gift of clairvoyance to know everybody who read these threads.
Originally posted by TrU PeAce (^0*)v:ya almost forgot..what about this Hitler thing...y make it sound so difficult. simple..i can say i kill u for Christ sake...i can say i am a christian..i can SAY WHATEVER i what;s the big deal...when i die ...then got judgement day lah. No one here is God..only He knows what is right. Actus reas and mens rea my fren. Actus reas is a tick for him liao...mens rea..only God knows.
Originally posted by laurence82:Regarding your view on crashing into HOFS, just would like to point out, there has been cases people who belong to this forum gatecrashed into HOFS and Light of Atlantis (during its early days) and, preached Christianity and quoted sections from the Bibles. There were some discussions, but there were also blatant telling off people from these forums their practices are wrong, using the Bible as the authority.
Well, that was some time ago, so i would not point out the relevant topics.
SIS? Well, it had all been establish that his manner of writing is extremely jarring and uncouth. This is not just my opinion but many had stated such. Many regular Christian forumites, include my humble and unlearned self had already decided not to "challenge" his "enlightened" stance as it is an endless loop of pointless rebuttals.Yah yah yah... yakety yak yakety yak... all u have to say about me r again personal attack on me as an individual instead of on the points I had raised. I have probably been attacked in such fashion for the many times by u. Tat in my impression, r is not only low class but also senseless and show your depth in such matters.
I will leave it to all forumites to consider deeply whether SIS
1. is truly presenting scientific and logically conclusions who quotes indiscriminately from athestic sources,
2. an eloquent debater inspite of his lacking in the ability to write and spell coherently which makes understanding his writing extremely difficult, (this, BTW is not a personal attack, but a factual statement when one reads his notes.)
3. or whether he has his personal vendetta on berating Christians as low IQed stupid misguided individuals.
If he thinks that Christians are stupid misguided individuals, it's ok. After all Scripture says in Psalms 14:1Why would it have no meaning ? It surely meant meaning to u, a christian isn't it ? If someone insult u vulgarly on your parents in a dialect u do not understand, does it means it has no meaning to u and u should let them carry on their verbal assault on u ? On the issue here, it is on wat is the intentions and implications of the speaker or writer tat is of utmost importance. From the passage, obviously your intentions is again another verbal abuse on me. As such, why will it ever be "okay" for me ?
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
Of course, this verse has no meaning to people who do not believe in the Bible, so it would be OK to them....
Yeah, the Bible makes no sense until you submit to God's authority. So we look at this statement with regards to the topic raised. Is the bible relevant to those who have not heard of Christ?Why not ? it regards to your ancestors well being isn't it ? It is certainly relevant to everyone.
No problem with me.... If all who has a religion are fools to you, so be it... no big deal.Originally posted by stupidissmart:
Tat seems to be a pretty weak argument. Other religions scriptures r probably claiming u r fools for not believing in them. Since nobody can believes in all religions, so everyone r fools ? The real fools r the one tat jumps into a religion without verification.
Is it wrong for me to tell you about the issue from the Catholic point of view? Did I force you to believe me? You tell me.Originally posted by Icemoon:Just wondering .. SM always like to quote from obviously Catholic sites .. but can he tell good historicity from bad historicity? Is he assuming all Catholic authors give good historicity?
Does he examine the 'history' from another perspective? Like from the eyes of the Protestant and Jew.
He is like feeding propaganda to us.
what is each denomination's views on non-believers anyway?For christainity or catholic, all people who had a different religion or free thinkers get roasted in hell. No matter who u r, wat u do or how many good deeds u have done, u get roasted in hell. Even those who had never heard of christainity or too young to know about religion before they die also go there.
X2Originally posted by stupidissmart:For christainity or catholic, all people who had a different religion or free thinkers get roasted in hell. No matter who u r, wat u do or how many good deeds u have done, u get roasted in hell. Even those who had never heard of christainity or too young to know about religion before they die also go there.
I can assure you, there are many christian fundamentalists who believe in the automatic salvation of infants who died young. It is a slippery slope argument, how young is young .. heeheeOriginally posted by stupidissmart:Even those who had never heard of christainity or too young to know about religion before they die also go there.
Anyone wanna challenge tis statement ?
Not necessary. Christians always like to taunt unbelievers, if you can find one sinless person, then he can earn his way to salvation.According to the bible, u have already sinned when u r borned. Who is not borned out ? God make people conceive, yet punish people because they r conceived out. He might as well say breathing, drinking or eating is a sin.
Always remember sin is the cause of everything. Believing in Jesus Christ makes no sense unless you see the reason behind it.Then why restrict non believer or people from other religion from salvation ? Believe in jesus christ as an important criteria makes no sense. There is already a faulty system of classifying sin
Originally posted by Icemoon:Not necessary. Christians always like to taunt unbelievers, if you can find one sinless person, then he can earn his way to salvation.
Always remember sin is the cause of everything. Believing in Jesus Christ makes no sense unless you see the reason behind it.
Not necessary. Christians always like to taunt unbelievers, if you can find one sinless person, then he can earn his way to salvation.Another point to note... from revelation 21:8
Howdy Mac....Originally posted by SingaporeMacross:Jesus tells lies? You want to give us some examples?
Can i ask u one question....why do u engage urself in "attacking" christianity?Why do I engage in attacking christainity ? The answer is the same as why does some christian want people of other religion to follow their religion. My intentions is to let people learn the truth, to let them be really free.
Going to hell in the first decided by God. First...if u dun believe in God...then dun believe there is a place call hell. U shd be more afraid of becoming a pig rather than going to hell. If u dun believe in christianity...y CARE?? As for me...if u say i dun believe in buddhist...i will become a pig, a snail, a fly next life...i DUN GIVE A u care so much??
For us christian, we view God as our Father too. I give u an example...a logic of my own why no matter how many good deeds u do...but if u turn away from God u will go to hell. U have a father right. So just say, u go out to the society, help the poor, bring the grandma cross the road, spend ur time with the unfortunate...BUT U dont respect and acknowledge ur mom and dad as ur parents. So...u think ur father will care how u treat the other ppl?? will he call u a good son? the answer is no. And in christian...we view God as our Father.If u ask me, as a parent I will forgive my son even if he turn against from me. When I find he is doing good deeds, helping society and generally a contribution to society, I will still be proud of him even though he do not acknowledge me as his parents. Tis is particularly true since I DO NOT GIVE concrete evidence tat I am his parents as well. Any tom dick and harry can claim he or she is the parent of this child, but he surely can'y believe in all of them.
2nd, u can be a murderer or a robber. U are HATED by the entire society. U r scorned. But...u love ur dad. U respect ur dad. And ur dad LOVES u. If u would kneel down to ur dad and ...i am truely sorry for all the things i had done...U think ur dad wont forgive u? The society might wan to slaughter u...but ur dad will still forgive and love u. again...we view God as our lovingly and forgiving father.Even if he creates all autrocities and he do not acknowledge me, I will still consider him as my child. From tis point doesn't tat make god seems unfair ? He not only do not care about his other "children" who do not believe in him for a good reason, he even went to the point of meting punishments on them like pouring acid on them and burning them when they r unaware. How loving and forgiving is tis "father" ?
How can Jesus be a son and at the same time a father. U know what is triple point, euthetic point?? heard of them?? want to argue in science?Yah, I know the triple point, but wat has tat got to do with jesus ? I mean the triple point means a material can become a liquid, solid and gas at tis conditions... wat has it got to do with father and son ? Why talk about property of material to relationship ? Frankly I see little or no connections AT ALL.
In case if u dont know...each element or compound have a triple point or euthetic point. Where by different phases can occur at the same time. Steel have authesitic, martensitic, bainite..and all kind of phases. To keep u simple..water can be solid, liquid and gas...but no matter what FORM they are in....are the water??? are they H2O? So..if something so simple can exist in 3 state...y not GOD?Tat is dumb. Material is able to hold both properties at the same time. U might as well say a your bag is red and white at the same time, not completely red or white which is possible. For father and son, it is a property which is mutually exclusive. U can not hold both properties at the same time. A father has a child, and tis child cannot be his own father. It is mutually exclusive. It is like u only have a hand. It can either be a left hand or right hand, and not a left AND right hand. If there is a left AND right hand it just meant u have 2 hands isn't it ? How can it become 1 hand ? Doesn't tat sounds like a contradiction or a lie ? Either your waistline is fatter than 30 cm or thinner than 30 cm. It cannot be fatter and thinner than 30 cm at the same time. If u say it is fatter and thinner than 30 cm at the same time, it can only meant u r measuring different part of your body using different measurement system or on different people isn't it ?