Its by grace not acts that a man can be saved. No free will there. The message is crystal clear, either one is with Christ or against him. No middle way... but there could be work in progress....
Let your yes be yes, and no be no. Anything else is from the devil.
Originally posted by Susanteo2011: my Dog....................
G.O.D = Game Over, Dude!
Originally posted by Aneslayer:GOD
Originally posted by Servant:Alize
What do you think is the answer?
By your Matthew 25:31, a Christian who brings thousands to God and sucks them thousands of their blood and treasure, is a goat.
However it is repeatedly stated that as a Christian, all your sins large and small are forgiven.
I point to the adulteress of whom Jesus said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone; Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more."
And to Zacchaeus the corrupt and despised tax collector, who Jesus honored by being his guest, even before Zacchaeus repented.
as long as got pay tithes......................can go heaven...................
even if you're a rapist or murderer........................
the bible is not a book you can understand reading it literally.
a lot of people dont even understand the full meaning of the commandment 'thou shall not steal'.
As long as you have a kind heart regardless of race or religion. I do believe if someone have a wicked heart even he is a christian or not will be send to hell for punishment.
Originally posted by likeyou:As long as you have a kind heart regardless of race or religion. I do believe if someone have a wicked heart even he is a christian or not will be send to hell for punishment.
who's hell are the wicked going, and who's heaven are the kind hearted going?
Originally posted by Aneslayer:GOD
so if someone like Osama, accepted christ just before he dies, he will go to heaven? if this type of people can go to heaven, wont heaven be full of criminals, convicts etc? Heaven is a place where it is full of criminals.
Originally posted by Rooney9:so if someone like Osama, accepted christ just before he dies, he will go to heaven?
if this type of people can go to heaven, wont heaven be full of criminals, convicts etc? Heaven is a place where it is full of criminals.
Our morals, our laws, our opinion do not matter, its nothing in God's view. God is looking for more than law abiding people. Criminals can reform, even Madela was jailed, I believe Gandhi was once detained.
Don't even get me started on the wrongfully judged.
Please believe me when I say that heaven is not for everyone and hell is not as bad as one would be lead to believe.
Originally posted by Rooney9:so if someone like Osama, accepted christ just before he dies, he will go to heaven?
if this type of people can go to heaven, wont heaven be full of criminals, convicts etc? Heaven is a place where it is full of criminals.
Indeed yes. According to the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard in Matthew 20:1, you may complain to God about this.
His reply will be: you have taken up my offer voluntarily, and I have honoured it. If I have promised the same reward for someone who has come to me later, who are you to complain? A rapist's victim will have to forgive and LLST. If God can forgive, who are you not to?
“When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.’
“The workers who were hired about five in the afternoon came and each received a denarius. 10
So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. 11 When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner. 12 ‘These who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’
“But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? 14 Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. 15 Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’
Originally posted by Rooney9:so if someone like Osama, accepted christ just before he dies, he will go to heaven?
if this type of people can go to heaven, wont heaven be full of criminals, convicts etc? Heaven is a place where it is full of criminals.
Osama specifically will be "welcome" in Heaven.
It is also written:"If the Army and the Navy ever look on Heaven's scenes, they will find the streets are guarded by United States Marines."
-USMC Hymm
Originally posted by sgdiehard:who's hell are the wicked going, and who's heaven are the kind hearted going?
Why is it an issue of kindness?
I dun see the wisdom is believing this kind dogmatic preachings. just doesnt make sense to me, not to mention the unfairness of it. presto, does god even exists in the first place? it is too human to be considered as divine?
Originally posted by Aneslayer:Our morals, our laws, our opinion do not matter, its nothing in God's view. God is looking for more than law abiding people. Criminals can reform, even Madela was jailed, I believe Gandhi was once detained.
Don't even get me started on the wrongfully judged.
Please believe me when I say that heaven is not for everyone and hell is not as bad as one would be lead to believe.
no wonder Neal of Matrix, wants to be out of the matrix. if this is the system, then I wouldn't want to be a part of it, not that it exists anyway. man created god, that is why it is too human to be divine. how divine can this type of system in it, just doesnt make sense of it all. luckily science, medicine and techonoly is evidence based discovery. otherwise I wonder what society will be like based on dogmas and commandments. backwards you bet.
when I was young, my mom told me to pray to the books god (if there is such a thing as god of study) in a temple, saying I will be good in study if I pray to it. When I had stomach ache, she burnt the amulet into the water and I have to drink it.but I dun blame her, cos she is ignorant, as most uneducated people in that generation era are. even those who are highly educated also doesnt fare better, to believe in this kind of dogma that are not relevant in this day and age of discoveries. But I dun blame them, because it has been like this for the past 2 millenniums. but once they start asking questions and the answers given, they will start to realise perhaps there is no god after all.
Originally posted by dragg:the bible is not a book you can understand reading it literally.
a lot of people dont even understand the full meaning of the commandment 'thou shall not steal'.
of course the bible can't be understood reading it literally.........
it's a joke book after all............and a lousy one too.........
Originally posted by Susanteo2011:
of course the bible can't be understood reading it literally.........
it's a joke book after all............and a lousy one too.........
I guess Jesus will forgive and admit to heaven those he sees fit to, and we cannot complain as we have at some point sinned in our lives.
Furthermore it is not the heinousness of the sinner's deeds, but how much remorse he feels, that matters. I guess we'll meet a great diversity of people in heaven.
I hope in choosing to accept him in my last days, I will not be seen as too grave a sinner, will have opportunity to accept and will be seen as having sincerity.
*About meeting people in heaven, why do Christian widows remarry? Won't the first deceased after all his waiting, have to go alone while seeing his wife and children call another man husband or father, for all eternity?
Oh and since you respond with such grace, let me ask another question.
1. Heaven is perfect, and we can have anything we want. Say bubble tea (an innocent pleasure, notice I am not saying we would be rich). However, we would be in our highest moral states, having zero greed and desire to consume. Would we want bubble tea in heaven? Furthermore, the only thing we would want is God, because nothing is better. God is infinitely good and we would want infinitely more of him to the exclusion of other things.
Aside from God, will there be any point in having all these wonders of heaven?
2. We would be in our highest moral states, our sins would be washed away.
Is this at all possible? We would be sinless, and therefore equal to God, and yet nothing on earth or in heaven can equal God!
3. Being infinitely patient I might be happy to queue for my own bubble tea. Yet you, my infinitely helpful friend, would do it for me. Who would buy it, or is heaven so perfect that it appears out of thin air?
I really just dont understand why a non christian who has a kind heart, help the poor, gives money to the poor, never curse people, never scold people, very humble and nice people, not even killing an ant...all good merits and yet jesus will not let him go heavan? Instead ask him to go hell? What logic is this?
im a ccb
Originally posted by likeyou:I really just dont understand why a non christian who has a kind heart, help the poor, gives money to the poor, never curse people, never scold people, very humble and nice people, not even killing an ant...all good merits and yet jesus will not let him go heavan? Instead ask him to go hell? What logic is this?
becoz Jesus is a fictional character..................
becoz the pastors want everyone to be christian so they can makan your money and have power over you..................
THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS RELIGIONS.........................IT'S A MAN-MADE CONCEPT.....................
just as the Buddha said.................''in truth, there are no Buddhas and no teachings..............''