Originally posted by SoulDivine:
LOL.... Asromanista2001, You are the funny one.
It is good for people to spend some time joking and laughing, as life is never all about endless work and suffering.
All religion in the world are at a constant state of decline, this is a good sign if you have put into the consideration on how much fear and deaths religion have created since the start of the Egyptian civilization.
In the coming months and years, all that are false will be brought to light.
Fear of change will be a global problem.
I am here to help people who are lost or confused in Life.
With love and joy
religion is just a man-made ''label''.........................in truth, there's no such thing as religion..................it's a man-made concept...................
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:
salah liao................God said he created man in his image..................so he looks like us.................
but is god white or black ?.......................LOL.......................LOL.................
### the universe is made up of energy...................energy cannot be created or destroyed...................only transformed.....................
just as the Buddha said '' the universe has no beginning and no end...................''
how can something that can't be created or destroyed have a beginning or an end ?
Mmm look like us? 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 nose?
Originally posted by mardiana:Mmm look like us? 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 nose?
haha should have 1 anus, 1 penis or 1 vagina too
maybe God is like zhong wuyan..................
the face - 1 half white, 1 half black......................
then God is hermaphrodite.................he got dick and pussy.............
he can screw himself.....................LOL...................
yes man made, invented by men. even men have to give god a name Yahweh.
men have done so much for God, gave him his name, written a book called the bible, but what has God done in return? nothing, because it is invented.
funny lah.....................why god needs a name huh......................is man allowed to call him by name ???.......................LOL...................
when i get my chihuahua puppy...................i'll call him Yahweh....................
i think sounds better than Yahoo...........................
its all human efforts. we gave him a name, wrote a bible for him and build churches, and even ask tithes from followers and we dun even know god exists.
we know that god doesn't exist.......................!
all the absurd stories of god in the bible obviously shows he is TOO HUMAN to be real................
### by the way, should i call my new chihuahua.............Yahoo or Yahweh...........?
Spare a thought for christian lah.
Dun be insensitive.
better to be insensitive than let them continue to be deluded in their wishful thinking...............
their wishful thinking of a heaven is the ROOT CAUSE of their delusion..............
they hope so much for a wonderful after-life that they cling on to.................HORSECRAP
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:
better to be insensitive than let them continue to be deluded in their wishful thinking...............
their wishful thinking of a heaven is the ROOT CAUSE of their delusion..............
they hope so much for a wonderful after-life that they cling on to.................HORSECRAP
If ppl find logic in christianity let them be. I don't see anything wrong with that unless It's a religious cult group.
If u are a buddhist should spend time practising ur religion and not waste time here.
U should bring ppl to dharma centre.
Originally posted by theWEIRDme:to me, i define God as a belief. it’s like different culture = different beliefs. different people believes in different things. just like how different people have got different thinking.
God to me is someone more than a human that you believe exist and helps you with all your troubles and watch out for you.
i myself am a freethinker. but i believe that God do exist. i sometimes pray to Jesus.
I still pray to Jesus sometimes.
But I gt serious doubts in Trinity.
God revealed himself in 3 modes( father,son,holy spirit) rather than Trinity. It's simpler to think/understand that way.
Because I still consider myself a sinner. I do confess to Jesus my sins sometimes.
Originally posted by Singapore AFOL:I still pray to Jesus sometimes.
But I gt serious doubts in Trinity.
Because I still consider myself a sinner. I do confess to Jesus my sins sometimes.
Is It biblical to think God exists in 3 modes ( father,son abd holy spirit)?
For me I think God revealed himself in 3 forms, being father,son and holy spirit.
This is how I understand the bible.
Originally posted by Singapore AFOL:Is It biblical to think God exists in 3 modes?
Originally posted by theWEIRDme:
okay.. i don't really know what's that. but Jesus is the son of the real God right?
Isn't the human part of Jesus the son of God ?
The divine part of Jesus is divine.
Jesus have two nature fully human in human nature and fully divine in his divine nature.
ok...shld be more fitting to discuss abt the trinity in this thread since the thread says define God...Singapore AFOL, did u read my last post abt the trinity in the other thread???
Solid liquid gas model to explain trinity.
ok...actually tat model is flawed when used to explain trinity...my explanation for trinity would require several natural egs, each explaining/accounting for one espect of the trinity...to me, its reasonable tat several natural egs are needed to explain sth supernatural but b4 i start anything, may i noe if u are truly interested to find out more?
Originally posted by despondent:ok...actually tat model is flawed when used to explain trinity...my explanation for trinity would require several natural egs, each explaining/accounting for one espect of the trinity...to me, its reasonable tat several natural egs are needed to explain sth supernatural but b4 i start anything, may i noe if u are truly interested to find out more?
How do u explain?
U should post more abt trinity here.
I have some problems understanding the concept of Trinity.
But I believe Jesus is both divine and human. He has two natures.
lets see...hmmm...ok, the concept of trinity according to the bible is that God is 3-in-1, meaning that he is One but with 3 different identities(Father, Son, Holy Spirit), with 3 different roles and 3 different forms. the 3-in-1 Godhead are everywhere all the time...this is the definition of the trinity in biblical sense...i am not quoting, juz using my own words...
eg 1: tis explains how One can have 3 identities...a man is one body but has 3 identities in the hse...he is father to his child, a son to his father and a husband to his wife...
eg 2: this explains 3 different roles...offshoot from 1st eg...filial to his father, guidance to his child, pillar of strength/soulmate of his wife...
eg 3: this explains 3 different forms...u got this one rite...water has 3 different forms, solid, liquid, gas...theres also the analogy of 3-in-1 coffee...coffee powder, cream and sugar...
eg 4: this explains everywhere all the time...we learn in chemistry abt compounds...let use CO2...there are 2 elements of oxide and 1 element of carbon...for carbon dioxide to exist, all 3 elements must be everywhere at the same time...
i dunno if i missed anything else abt trinity, if i have, feel free to ask and i will try my best to reply...God bless!!!
So my thinking on God reavealing himself in 3 forms or modes is correct?