Its really amazing website..Thanks a million..Be blessed who send this site to you....God Bless u too
toward the end of the article, there is an interesting article that captured my eyes :
Religious Insights Concerning Jesus
Jesus teaching his disciples about the reincarnation of Elijah as John the Baptist:
are you acknowledging that jesus taught reincarnation and reincarnation is real ?
Jesus constantly taught the importance of good works of love to achieve spiritual growth. The idea that people achieve at-one-ment merely by giving verbal assent to Jesus, or by worshipping Jesus, or by merely believing in his name, or by believing in his work on the cross, is a gross distortion of his teachings. Having faith in Christ alone means nothing. Having the faith of Christ means to become like Jesus through living a life of love and good works toward everyone.
are you acknowledging that faith alone is not good enough to enter heaven. from the above sentence, it says by good works and not just faith. if yes, i think there are many christians here have the wrong concept of christianity.
so, in christianity :
1) believe in reincarnation or no ?
2) by good works or by faith alone can gain entry to heaven ?
can TS clarify ?
other quotes from the article that suggest reincarnation is real :
Jesus gave a woman who attempted suicide the choice to either reincarnate or return to Earth. (Sandra Rogers)
Jesus asked a woman if she wanted to be reincarnated. (Jeanie Dicus)
A man saw the Being of light transform into Jesus, Buddha and Krishna. (Mellen-Thomas Benedict)
i have never doubted jesus and god are real but i've doubted his original teachings have been distorted. from the above (people's near death experience), it seems my doubts are confirmed.
I experienced near death situation too but I didnt see any god leh. How come?
(p) | Jesus gave a man a guided tour through four afterlife realms. (Dr. George Ritchie) |
from the above, there are 4 realms of afterlife and not just 2 realms (heaven and hell). if you click and read in details, jesus showed the man that one of the realm is the spirit (ghost) realm. so, do christians believe in ghost ?
Beware! This website is for suckers.
Nothing good has ever come out of Asromanista2001.
About the owner and webmaster of the website:
"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" All joking aside, here is how I describe myself: middle-aged, computer scientist, cable news junkie, manic depressive, universalist Christian with Gnostic and Tibetan Buddhist leanings, former Montana cowboy, U.S. Army veteran, social liberal, economic conservative, single Californian, internet addict, and last but not least, NDE evangelist. - KEVIN WILLIAMS
Originally posted by Fairyfairy86:(p) Jesus gave a man a guided tour through four afterlife realms. (Dr. George Ritchie)
from the above, there are 4 realms of afterlife and not just 2 realms (heaven and hell). if you click and read in details, jesus showed the man that one of the realm is the spirit (ghost) realm. so, do christians believe in ghost ?
Christians believe in ghosts and spirits. And wizards.... witches, sand djinns, giants, dragons, centaurs, talking snakes...
Am I missing anything?
Originally posted by googoomuck:Beware! This website is for suckers.
Nothing good has ever come out of Asromanista2001.
About the owner and webmaster of the website:
"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" All joking aside, here is how I describe myself: middle-aged, computer scientist, cable news junkie, manic depressive, universalist Christian with Gnostic and Tibetan Buddhist leanings, former Montana cowboy, U.S. Army veteran, social liberal, economic conservative, single Californian, internet addict, and last but not least, NDE evangelist. - KEVIN WILLIAMS
so you are saying what the link said was false, the near death experience that those christians had with jesus were all not true. so there is no such thing as near death experience with jesus. ok noted.
i would like to hear from other christians like happyinfo, despondent, stardust badzmaro etc. what do you guys think about this thread.
Originally posted by Hahaha:):
hi all, read tis…
Read wid a netural mind. Put aside all your beliefs. Judgement doesn’t let u see the truth. Understand as it is. And u will know we are all one. No others.
Tis guy is being netural. Tat why his experience is extraordinary. He see the whole of everything.
God bless us all
I saw the Christian heaven. We expect it to be a beautiful place, and you stand in front of the throne, worshipping forever. I tried it. It is boring! This is all we are going to do? It is childlike. I do not mean to offend anyone. Some heavens are very interesting, and some are very boring. I found the ancient ones to be more interesting, like the Native American ones, the Happy Hunting Grounds. The Egyptians have fantastic ones. It goes on and on. There are so many of them. In each of them there is a fractal that is your particular interpretation, unless you are part of the group soul that believes in only the God of a particular religion. Then you are very close, in the same ball park together. But even then, each is a little bit different. That is a part of yourself that you leave there. Death is about life, not about heaven.
this guy said there are many heavens, it tallies with what the buddbism said ! it said there are 34 heavens (if i remebered the number correctly). i'm not saying christianity is wrong and buddhism is right. i'm just trying to say what a buddhist told me before, all the religions are pointing to the same route, it is we human beings who distort everything to suit our benefits. after reading this guy's article, it think what that buddhist said was correct.
Originally posted by Fairyfairy86:so you are saying what the link said was false, the near death experience that those christians had with jesus were all not true. so there is no such thing as near death experience with jesus. ok noted.
What? I said the by the webmaster Kevin Williams is for suckers. Yes.
i dun usually read too much into videos clips or stuff like tat cos modern technology has given ppl the door to distorting facts...i say this for both the creationistic and non-creationistic stands...i am not doubting my God or any other deities...if today i start a thread showing videos of ppl who were miraculously healed by God and doctors proved the healings to be true, i am sure there will be non-christians who qn the source of the video, the credibility of the doctors, the integrity of the church leaders(whether they bribed the ''sick'' ppl) etc...likewise, the same can also be said abt the video clips that seem to prove christianity wrong or along that line...
which is why although i believe in divine healing, have seen genuine healing taking place, i dun use them as explanations or evidence for God...wif this, i close my case...
basically making a pointless
Originally posted by despondent:i dun usually read too much into videos clips or stuff like tat cos modern technology has given ppl the door to distorting facts...i say this for both the creationistic and non-creationistic stands...i am not doubting my God or any other deities...if today i start a thread showing videos of ppl who were miraculously healed by God and doctors proved the healings to be true, i am sure there will be non-christians who qn the source of the video, the credibility of the doctors, the integrity of the church leaders(whether they bribed the ''sick'' ppl) etc...likewise, the same can also be said abt the video clips that seem to prove christianity wrong or along that line...
which is why although i believe in divine healing, have seen genuine healing taking place, i dun use them as explanations or evidence for God...wif this, i close my case...
if this link is just merely talking about meeting jesus minus other "non-christianity" stuffs, i think many christians will wish to acknowledge that it is real. again, this just got to show humans are trying to pick and choose what they like to hear or believe. if you see this clip positively, it is not trying to prove christianity is wrong, it is trying to prove jesus is real.
touch wood, if one day, you meet jesus and jesus tell you the same "non-christianity" stuffs like reincarnation, ghosts path and many heavens etc. i wonder what is your reaction. may be you will think that person is not the jesus that you are worshipping. anyway, all these are just assumptions.
Originally posted by Fairyfairy86:if this link is just merely talking about meeting jesus minus other "non-christianity" stuffs, i think many christians will wish to acknowledge that it is real. again, this just got to show humans are trying to pick and choose what they like to hear or believe. if you see this clip positively, it is not trying to prove christianity is wrong, it is trying to prove jesus is real.
touch wood, if one day, you meet jesus and jesus tell you the same "non-christianity" stuffs like reincarnation, ghosts path and many heavens etc. i wonder what is your reaction. may be you will think that person is not the jesus that you are worshipping. anyway, all these are just assumptions.
you are absolutely right that "humans are trying to pick and choose what they like to hear or believe".....
there are many claims as such as well as those that claimed miracles, meeting Jesus, meeting God, meeting whatever......
these claims are just as they are - claims....and anyone can claim anything....
but the truth does not change.....
Originally posted by Hahaha:):Hi all,
truth is truth after all. Not wat you think or thought, not wat your belief is.
The world presents to u or when u landed there, is cause by the state of mind. Hell is created by state of mind too. The example above shows him netural and is able to observe all creations of heaven.
The link contains alot of answers that we want to know veri much. Sometimes it take years to understand. If certain things present to yourself may not have an answer, put aside this question. Remember tis question which u really wanna know the answers. Maybe someday the answer will show itself to u. God bless us All
ok, we should take truth as truth and not "wat you think or thought, not wat your belief is".....
then we take a look at the link you posted and it is an example of one that is "netural and is able to observe all creations of heaven".....neutral? who decide so?
and conclude that the link "contains alot of answers that we want to know veri much" ......what answer?
but yet truth is not "wat you think or thought, not wat your belief is"......
still trying hard to understand what you are trying to say.......
to fairyfairy
exactly the same thing can be said of non-christians...
hahaha...neutral is decided by the TS that the answer u want, happyinfo?
Originally posted by despondent:hahaha...neutral is decided by the TS that the answer u want, happyinfo?
are you replying my post wif Hahaha:) or are you calling the TS?
Originally posted by despondent:are you replying my post wif Hahaha:) or are you calling the TS?
same same lah
i went to search "christians near death experience' to read on other accounts. all have some similarities. they were told of reincarnation and many levels of heavens. it is in line with early christianity which taught reincarnation. just to share my thoughts, nothing else.