For faith, u say people choose to be cheated. Nobody chose to be cheated. If so then tat person could only be mad. I have faith in airplane pilots etc because they have a good record of safety. I have faith in my science because at least I can pass science test. There is a reason for so. But for religion, there is no things to fall back on or reasons for believing. They just want faith because there is nothing else to follow
Now for the bible, I have read it but I think I am discerning enough to know wat is real love and wat is just putting the word love on your mouth. The love cheat can keep saying he loves his girlfriend but go out cheating and hurting her girlfriend by his action. A being says he love all men but keep killing them, cursing them, dooming them, angry over silly things and sending them to hell unless they become his obedient slaves doesn't seems much of a love to me.
For jesus christ, he claims he is the son of god himself. Angels fly over, wise men came over when he is born and all proclaiming he is son of god. And mary had him when god talk with her and she get pregnant though she is a virgin. John the baptist proclaim he is the messiah and praise him etc etc. He was not human the day he was born.
Now u say tat jesus is not god. But the trinity states jesus is god. Why don't u ask people or read more about the trinity first ? Just ask tis one statement "Is Jesus God" ? If u say tat the father is different from jesus, I agree. But if u say jesus is not god, I do not agree.
Like i said again, u follow blind faith, u risk being cheated. Thats why thier faith in hopes of not being cheated is not unfounded. By being informed, u risk disbelieving your faith because you may assume you know all things when actually things are so simply to begine with. So like me, i am stuck in the middle. I believe in faith, but i am also as informed. So it will be my journey to discover faith and science side by side with the others like me who believes in progressive science together with faith/religion.
Until today, i hardly truly understand the concept of love. I at one time didnt even know what love is. Thats why, its simple, Q:What would Jesus do ? Will always be the right choice. A guiding principle of morality. I have did terrible things i am not proud of, put it in that context of Jesus, he wouldve done it differently.
The being who claimed love, punishes for a reason. He shows his miracles, but a slight lack of faith gets him killed. I can understand ur frustration at such a being. But God cant come down to be as flip flopping to his decisions, fast forward, Jesus comes down, correct the very idea of such a Being, i dont know the workings of the Almighty one, perhaps m recorded as it is, it shows us that He IS a living God. That a new era has dawn, and that instead , to bring about Jesus's love, for God to reconcile, The Father The Son and the Holy spirit is only logical to bring about new changes and the old ways are gone.
He was born, and is AS human. Given that from Virgin Mary,Its the Wise men and John that treated him God-like, but u never see Jesus admit saying.. YES.. I AM GOD. No. He is as human, grew up, was a child, did children things, but just extremely obedient, full of goodness and love. And experiences growth from child to teen to adulthood.
Like i said, to understand the Trinity concept, composes of 3, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I did not say flat out he is NOT God, i just said he is Not Fully GOD Himself at the moment of time ON the earth, but is still a poten being in the form of man. Hence, he cries, he bleeds, he prays , eats , joy, laughter sorrow, pain , anguish... as human
Originally posted by BadzMaro:Like i said again, u follow blind faith, u risk being cheated. Thats why thier faith in hopes of not being cheated is not unfounded. By being informed, u risk disbelieving your faith because you may assume you know all things when actually things are so simply to begine with. So like me, i am stuck in the middle. I believe in faith, but i am also as informed. So it will be my journey to discover faith and science side by side with the others like me who believes in progressive science together with faith/religion.
Until today, i hardly truly understand the concept of love. I at one time didnt even know what love is. Thats why, its simple, Q:What would Jesus do ? Will always be the right choice. A guiding principle of morality. I have did terrible things i am not proud of, put it in that context of Jesus, he wouldve done it differently.
The being who claimed love, punishes for a reason. He shows his miracles, but a slight lack of faith gets him killed. I can understand ur frustration at such a being. But God cant come down to be as flip flopping to his decisions, fast forward, Jesus comes down, correct the very idea of such a Being, i dont know the workings of the Almighty one, perhaps m recorded as it is, it shows us that He IS a living God. That a new era has dawn, and that instead , to bring about Jesus's love, for God to reconcile, The Father The Son and the Holy spirit is only logical to bring about new changes and the old ways are gone.
He was born, and is AS human. Given that from Virgin Mary,Its the Wise men and John that treated him God-like, but u never see Jesus admit saying.. YES.. I AM GOD. No. He is as human, grew up, was a child, did children things, but just extremely obedient, full of goodness and love. And experiences growth from child to teen to adulthood.
Like i said, to understand the Trinity concept, composes of 3, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I did not say flat out he is NOT God, i just said he is Not Fully GOD Himself at the moment of time ON the earth, but is still a poten being in the form of man. Hence, he cries, he bleeds, he prays , eats , joy, laughter sorrow, pain , anguish... as human
I will only start believing in God again once some disgusting guy merges every nation on Earth and goes around beheading people who dont worship him :D
Originally posted by Larryteo:I will only start believing in God again once some disgusting guy merges every nation on Earth and goes around beheading people who dont worship him :D
Originally posted by BadzMaro:
You know who i am referring to right?
LOL. who?
Originally posted by Great Heavens!:LOL. who?
Originally posted by BadzMaro:If it is so SIMPLE.. everyone wouldve attained that degree and Jesus like already. Even if i pray, how do i know it is the answer ? Have i been more in tune to know it ? You guys may be my answer as i have NEVER participated in this kind of discussion even in church. I find it... somewhat, more informed.
I always wondered what real love is. Is BGR love ? what love is that ? Affection , lust ? How do i know its love ? Am i too blinded by material things and money ?Most of the time i seem to be answering my own questions. And i have to thank you all to be honest.
I never particiapted in EH. Only this few weeks when i notice the strings of attacks n statements. So i had to challenge myself. My own understanding to date. I learn alot of things myself.
Oh my goodness, you surprise me with your post. Anyway, in certain way, christianity is ambiguous. Unless you have the privilege of seeing and conversing with Jesus then you are in a good position to find out what need be. Without which, many will just continue to pray, wait and continue to wait till they get answers or give up.
Many christians have the same concern. they keep praying but don't know what the answer is. There are grey areas even in christianity. Perhaps you want to go find a mentor who is mature in his spiritual life to help you.
Originally posted by Fantagf:Oh my goodness, you surprise me with your post. Anyway, in certain way, christianity is ambiguous. Unless you have the privilege of seeing and conversing with Jesus then you are in a good position to find out what need be. Without which, many will just continue to pray, wait and continue to wait till they get answers or give up.
Many christians have the same concern. they keep praying but don't know what the answer is. There are grey areas even in christianity. Perhaps you want to go find a mentor who is mature in his spiritual life to help you.
Thats why i said its the Message to me that is important and i try to understand it. The "What would Jesus Do" concept.
I already acknowledge my weakness in my faith. maybe i am stubborn or just refusing to let go of the material things and wants that surrounds. The earthly gratifications. Pleasures of the flesh and other things.
So the only thing i can do , is try to find the answers myself, go church, use the gift God gave me and that is my brain to absorb and to understand why how. Feel what its like to be helping the poor, teaching music and choir for free. Giving. Forgiving. And to discuss and challenge myself myself in places like this. Or else i may just be another empty Christian shell by label and not by faith and Jesus's teachings.
I want to know topic....not offend to christian here.
I am just goes....
Jesus was nailed at the cross. I heard from my friend that he was caught by jews??? And the jews hammer him into the cross to let the non jews see? Is that true????
Well, its the Roman soldiers that did the hammering actually. But in the presence of the non-jews and jews alike to witness. But the Jews were also the ones that had him cruxified, as in persuaded the Governor whats his name that time to go ahead with it.
Originally posted by BadzMaro:Well, its the Roman soldiers that did the hammering actually. But in the presence of the non-jews and jews alike to witness. But the Jews were also the ones that had him cruxified, as in persuaded the Governor whats his name that time to go ahead with it.
Aiyo...very chim lay...
You mean roman soldiers happen to catch Jesus? And they nail Jesus to the cross? During that time, Jesus is just an ordinary pple in the street?
Well, i cut n past for you a summary. N its after he was betrayed by one of his own dsciple.
The Jewish high priests and elders of the Sanhedrin accused Jesus of blasphemy, arriving at the decision to put him to death. But first they needed Rome to approve of their death sentence, so Jesus was taken to Pilate, the Roman governor in Judea. Although Pilate found him innocent, unable to find or even contrive a reason to condemn Jesus, he feared the crowds and let them decide Jesus' fate. Stirred by the Jewish chief priests, the crowds declared, "Crucify him!"
As was common, Jesus was publicly scourged, or beaten, with a leather-thonged whip before his crucifixion. Tiny pieces of iron and bone chips were tied to the ends of each leather thong, causing deep cuts and painful bruising. He was mocked, struck in the head with a staff and spit on. A prickly crown of thorns was placed on his head and he was stripped naked. Too weak to carry his cross, Simon of Cyrene was forced to carry it for him.
He was led to Golgotha where he would be crucified. As was the custom, before they nailed him to the cross, a mixture of vinegar, gall and myrrh was offered. This drink was said to alleviate some of the suffering, but Jesus refused to drink it. Stake-like nails were driven through his wrists and ankles, fastening him to the cross where he was crucified between two convicted criminals.
The inscription above his head tauntingly read, "The King of the Jews." On the cross Jesus hung for his final agonizing breaths, a period that lasted about six hours. During that time, soldiers cast lots for Jesus' clothing, while people passed by shouting insults and scoffing. From the cross, Jesus spoke to his mother Mary and the disciple John. He also cried out to his father, "My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?"
At that point, darkness covered the land. A little later, as Jesus gave up his spirit, an earthquake shook the ground, ripping the Temple veil in two from top to bottom. Matthew's gospel records, "The earth shook and the rocks split. The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life."
It was typical at crucifixions for Roman soldiers to show mercy by breaking the criminal's legs, thus causing death to come more quickly. But this night only the thieves had their legs broken, for when the soldiers came to Jesus, they found him already dead. Instead, they pierced his side. Before sunset, Jesus was taken down by Joseph of Arimathea and laid in a tomb according to Jewish tradition.
Originally posted by BadzMaro:Well, i cut n past for you a summary. N its after he was betrayed by one of his own dsciple.
The Jewish high priests and elders of the Sanhedrin accused Jesus of blasphemy, arriving at the decision to put him to death. But first they needed Rome to approve of their death sentence, so Jesus was taken to Pilate, the Roman governor in Judea. Although Pilate found him innocent, unable to find or even contrive a reason to condemn Jesus, he feared the crowds and let them decide Jesus' fate. Stirred by the Jewish chief priests, the crowds declared, "Crucify him!"
As was common, Jesus was publicly scourged, or beaten, with a leather-thonged whip before his crucifixion. Tiny pieces of iron and bone chips were tied to the ends of each leather thong, causing deep cuts and painful bruising. He was mocked, struck in the head with a staff and spit on. A prickly crown of thorns was placed on his head and he was stripped naked. Too weak to carry his cross, Simon of Cyrene was forced to carry it for him.
He was led to Golgotha where he would be crucified. As was the custom, before they nailed him to the cross, a mixture of vinegar, gall and myrrh was offered. This drink was said to alleviate some of the suffering, but Jesus refused to drink it. Stake-like nails were driven through his wrists and ankles, fastening him to the cross where he was crucified between two convicted criminals.
The inscription above his head tauntingly read, "The King of the Jews." On the cross Jesus hung for his final agonizing breaths, a period that lasted about six hours. During that time, soldiers cast lots for Jesus' clothing, while people passed by shouting insults and scoffing. From the cross, Jesus spoke to his mother Mary and the disciple John. He also cried out to his father, "My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?"
At that point, darkness covered the land. A little later, as Jesus gave up his spirit, an earthquake shook the ground, ripping the Temple veil in two from top to bottom. Matthew's gospel records, "The earth shook and the rocks split. The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life."
It was typical at crucifixions for Roman soldiers to show mercy by breaking the criminal's legs, thus causing death to come more quickly. But this night only the thieves had their legs broken, for when the soldiers came to Jesus, they found him already dead. Instead, they pierced his side. Before sunset, Jesus was taken down by Joseph of Arimathea and laid in a tomb according to Jewish tradition.
Gross... anyone here watched passion of the christ? Absolutely disgusting... Jesus's ribcage was literally visible and exposed without skin when he was carrying the cross after all the whipping and beating.. yikes...
Originally posted by Larryteo:Gross... anyone here watched passion of the christ? Absolutely disgusting... Jesus's ribcage was literally visible and exposed without skin when he was carrying the cross after all the whipping and beating.. yikes...
Honestly.. i havent watched it. >o <
Originally posted by BadzMaro:Honestly.. i havent watched it. >o <
It's disgusting and it's catholic. Don't watch it.
Originally posted by Larryteo:It's disgusting and it's catholic. Don't watch it.
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:LOL
Originally posted by Larryteo:It's disgusting and it's catholic. Don't watch it.
LOL...FYI it's not catholic.Jesus suffer more than just the movie alone.
Originally posted by Wacky Sung:LOL...FYI it's not catholic.Jesus suffer more than just the movie alone.
he suffered so much for our sins and yet we still have to suffer on earth. look at the earthquake at haiti, tsunami and so on . i really don't understand why?
Originally posted by Fairyfairy86:he suffered so much for our sins and yet we still have to suffer on earth. look at the earthquake at haiti, tsunami and so on . i really don't understand why?
That is natural disaster, nothing to do with any religions.
Nobody can predict it.
Originally posted by Fairyfairy86:he suffered so much for our sins and yet we still have to suffer on earth. look at the earthquake at haiti, tsunami and so on . i really don't understand why?
Bad karma lah
Originally posted by googoomuck:Bad karma lah
i am at eh, karma is for buddhist lah, you think i don't know. can use christianity to explain these natural disasters ?
Originally posted by Fairyfairy86:
i am at eh, karma is for buddhist lah, you think i don't know. can use christianity to explain these natural disasters ?
God's wrath lor.
Originally posted by Fairyfairy86:
i am at eh, karma is for buddhist lah, you think i don't know. can use christianity to explain these natural disasters ?
Very logical what. Bad karma. There are many causes of death. Victims die because they all have bad karma.They will all be reborn again and again.
Better die early. Good health is smply the slowest way a human being can die.