Hi laffin123,
i) It goes something like this. According to Einstein, time and space are relative unlike the Newtonian, Galilean point of view in which time and space are absolute. This ties in nicely with the outcome of the Michelson-Morley experiment which serves to confirm the constancy of the speed of light regardless of the velocity of the frame of reference.
This is nicely explained if time is relative. i.e. an observer on a spceship travelling close to the speed of light will note that a unit of time in his frame of reference will translate to a longer period of time in a stationary of reference (Google time dilation). E.G 1 sec to that guy in the spaceship could be 1000 years on a stationary frame of reference.
Now who is to say that God is at rest or moving with whatever velocity. But say supposing he is moving very close to the speed of light during the creation period then he can indeed say that 1million or billion years in our frame of reference = 1 day to him.
Please be advised that this is just trying to use our limited scientific knowledge to possibly account for the creation and is not definitive.
Remember this is man trying to fit God into his observations but that does not imply God is bounded by any physical laws. He is infinite we are not. We are subject to laws of physics which govern even the stars and planetary motion, HE is not. In fact all are subject to his commands including the laws of physics and the stars.
ii) see (i)
iii) The author of Genesis is probably what he saw in a vision of God or audience with God. Remember God intended the Holy scriptures to pint the way to man's salvation and his glory, not as a text on how everything came about. If he did we probably would not be able to understand much if anything at all consideru=ing our limited mental capacity compared to HIS.
No offence, I am somebody who does not believe in creator. Why Christ must die for us ? In the first place, God shouldn't create us and this world. If God has really created human beings and this world, I think He has somehow lost control of what he has created.
Hi DawnFirstLight,
God created everything for his glory and honour. Now, before I go on let me make it clear that God is not egoistic. Its just that he simply deserves all glory and honour. Imagine a super big sparkling diamond. Everyone would give due attention to its glory and beauty right and you cannot say that the diamond is being egoistic right? I mena Its just so beautiful. Well God is something like that only in this case even the diamond, the stars, the planets and the angels themselves are giving due attention to HIS glory.
So my point is God's will is to lead to ultimate glorification for HIMSELF and that is the whole point of Biblical history. He did not create this world for us to satisfy us but HIS will. So no one can say whether God should or should not create this world.
Christ came to die for God's elect (i.e. those who accept HIM) so that we could enter HIS kingdom to serve HIS purpose. Like it or not the whole human race is going to hell because of the first sin unless we accept the death and resurrection of Christ. Now I know many will say then this is not fair but then how can we humans use our standards and perceptions to judge the Creator.
Remember, God is not elected to be in power by us or the angels or anything at all. He does not have to answer to us or anything at all but everything has to answer to him. Even if he were to condemn all and not save a single soul we still cannot fault him for if that is his will then he is right. Yet out of his grace and loving kindness, God himself in the form of Christ came to Earth to teach us, live like us and suffer one of the cruelest forms of death in history so that he can bear our punishment and save HIS elect.
Somewhere in Exodus, God says "I shall have compassion on whom I shall have compassion and I shall have mercy on whom I shall have mercy" - Not our choice, not our logic, not our decision but all HIS.
If a human judge were to say that openly in court he would probably be questioned, fired or face other consequences. It is not within his power to do as he pleases but to apply the law which has been agreed by the people via parliament.
However, in God's case he says that openly and made an open declaration in HIS word clearly indicating HE can do whatever he pleases and is not accountable to anyone but HIMSELF. His laws are not agreed on or subject to a vote from the people, democarcy does not apply in this case. If he has chosen to love you, he has chosen to love you and there is nothing you or anyone can do about that remember you don't earn HIS love it is purely by grace so if he has chosen you for his salvation all you can be is grateful for HIS graciousness.
And God certainly has not lost control. Everything is moving exactly according to his will to achieve HIS ultimate purpose which no one on Earth can understand or fathom. All we can do is sit and wait and enjoy whatever blessings HE has chosen to shower us with and for those who have accepted Christ show gratitude for HIS salvation.
happyinfo2 is a fundamentalist in the sense of the word, no point debating with that fellow as its endless proving the existence of god. you can see the senseless comments this fellow has posted many a time. heed my word, dun waste your time dicussing such matters with these extremists. they are trapped within their own paradigm. asking them to open their mind and explore is juat a waste of effort and time. their minds are trapped, like a convict in a cell.
Originally posted by Fortmax777:
Hi Fortmax, no offence. Let's takes this as a religion exchange of view. I believe your God does exist because Buddha said so and there will not be so many followers if He does not exist. Many of his followers are smart guys. However, your God is a loving God, He will not create a horrible place called earth. Heaven is also not the place where I wish to go because I do not wish to live all over again and live forever ( I will definitely feel bored), not even in a nice place like heaven. Whether a person feels happy or not does not depend on the environment he lives but how his heart feels. Buddhism emphasise on taking control of our hearts and feelings. Merry Christmas to you guys!
Originally posted by Fortmax777:Hi laffin123,
i) It goes something like this. According to Einstein, time and space are relative unlike the Newtonian, Galilean point of view in which time and space are absolute. This ties in nicely with the outcome of the Michelson-Morley experiment which serves to confirm the constancy of the speed of light regardless of the velocity of the frame of reference.
This is nicely explained if time is relative. i.e. an observer on a spceship travelling close to the speed of light will note that a unit of time in his frame of reference will translate to a longer period of time in a stationary of reference (Google time dilation). E.G 1 sec to that guy in the spaceship could be 1000 years on a stationary frame of reference.
Now who is to say that God is at rest or moving with whatever velocity. But say supposing he is moving very close to the speed of light during the creation period then he can indeed say that 1million or billion years in our frame of reference = 1 day to him.
Please be advised that this is just trying to use our limited scientific knowledge to possibly account for the creation and is not definitive.
Remember this is man trying to fit God into his observations but that does not imply God is bounded by any physical laws. He is infinite we are not. We are subject to laws of physics which govern even the stars and planetary motion, HE is not. In fact all are subject to his commands including the laws of physics and the stars.
ii) see (i)
iii) The author of Genesis is probably what he saw in a vision of God or audience with God. Remember God intended the Holy scriptures to pint the way to man's salvation and his glory, not as a text on how everything came about. If he did we probably would not be able to understand much if anything at all consideru=ing our limited mental capacity compared to HIS.
you are a more likable person to talk to than happyinfo2.
i) & ii) It is very insightful explanation from you. Clearly it is not known why the supernatural being wants to travel very close to the speed of light during the birth of the universe. Why is it not travel that fast now ? Is there any mention in any religious books? One more point I like to add: gravity force is needed in Einstein 's general relativity, maybe you want to consider gravity as well.
iii) You are very right that people in the past wrote something which was applicable to that time. Maybe it is written to glorify his name. But you know my intention: bible contains so many confusion points and attracts my questioning. This is a free world, I reserve my right to ask and to make conclsion. And people here said I am Out of Context or illogical even though I try my best to be open minded.
Originally posted by Rooney9:laffin
happyinfo2 is a fundamentalist in the sense of the word, no point debating with that fellow as its endless proving the existence of god. you can see the senseless comments this fellow has posted many a time. heed my word, dun waste your time dicussing such matters with these extremists. they are trapped within their own paradigm. asking them to open their mind and explore is juat a waste of effort and time. their minds are trapped, like a convict in a cell.
Thanks Rooney9 for the advice.
You are very right about his character. Very close mindedness. I worry for his next generation to be indoctrinated with a closed mind. I worry about the society with these type of people.
Originally posted by Happyinfo2:1. Fact is, your mind is closed and that's your limitation.
2. Fact is, science has no answer as yet.....and that's your limitation because your mind are closed to any alternative views...
3. Dodging what? Fact is, your closed mind is your limitation to learn more.....and refusal to face the truth.
No, you came here not to create awareness as your posts has shown (as well as timing). If you are here to create awareness, then open your minds to alternative views.....
Yes, have a break and read thru this thread.....as well as the alternative views.
I have 3 lines for you. Hope you find them beneficial for your life journey
1) Be a sincere and truthful person and you find happiness;
2) Be open minded and you find more friends than enemies;
3) Be a curious person and keep on asking.
sincerely and the last post to you
laffin in support for REASON and EVIDENCE
Originally posted by Fortmax777:Hi laffin123,
i) It goes something like this. According to Einstein, time and space are relative unlike the Newtonian, Galilean point of view in which time and space are absolute. This ties in nicely with the outcome of the Michelson-Morley experiment which serves to confirm the constancy of the speed of light regardless of the velocity of the frame of reference.
This is nicely explained if time is relative. i.e. an observer on a spceship travelling close to the speed of light will note that a unit of time in his frame of reference will translate to a longer period of time in a stationary of reference (Google time dilation). E.G 1 sec to that guy in the spaceship could be 1000 years on a stationary frame of reference.
Now who is to say that God is at rest or moving with whatever velocity. But say supposing he is moving very close to the speed of light during the creation period then he can indeed say that 1million or billion years in our frame of reference = 1 day to him.
Please be advised that this is just trying to use our limited scientific knowledge to possibly account for the creation and is not definitive.
Remember this is man trying to fit God into his observations but that does not imply God is bounded by any physical laws. He is infinite we are not. We are subject to laws of physics which govern even the stars and planetary motion, HE is not. In fact all are subject to his commands including the laws of physics and the stars.
ii) see (i)
iii) The author of Genesis is probably what he saw in a vision of God or audience with God. Remember God intended the Holy scriptures to pint the way to man's salvation and his glory, not as a text on how everything came about. If he did we probably would not be able to understand much if anything at all consideru=ing our limited mental capacity compared to HIS.
You are comparing men's limited knowledge but desire to explore the world and the universe with men's limited knowledge and assumptions of this entity called god
Therefore what you said cannot hold true
Originally posted by Fortmax777:Hi laffin123,
i) It goes something like this. According to Einstein, time and space are relative unlike the Newtonian, Galilean point of view in which time and space are absolute. This ties in nicely with the outcome of the Michelson-Morley experiment which serves to confirm the constancy of the speed of light regardless of the velocity of the frame of reference.
This is nicely explained if time is relative. i.e. an observer on a spceship travelling close to the speed of light will note that a unit of time in his frame of reference will translate to a longer period of time in a stationary of reference (Google time dilation). E.G 1 sec to that guy in the spaceship could be 1000 years on a stationary frame of reference.
Now who is to say that God is at rest or moving with whatever velocity. But say supposing he is moving very close to the speed of light during the creation period then he can indeed say that 1million or billion years in our frame of reference = 1 day to him.
Please be advised that this is just trying to use our limited scientific knowledge to possibly account for the creation and is not definitive.
Remember this is man trying to fit God into his observations but that does not imply God is bounded by any physical laws. He is infinite we are not. We are subject to laws of physics which govern even the stars and planetary motion, HE is not. In fact all are subject to his commands including the laws of physics and the stars.
ii) see (i)
iii) The author of Genesis is probably what he saw in a vision of God or audience with God. Remember God intended the Holy scriptures to pint the way to man's salvation and his glory, not as a text on how everything came about. If he did we probably would not be able to understand much if anything at all consideru=ing our limited mental capacity compared to HIS.
thats your commentary and perception, which is not reality or the truth as we know it. you can say all you like, as anyone can make any comments as they wish. its not in the mainstream as we know it.
Originally posted by Fortmax777:Hi DawnFirstLight,
God created everything for his glory and honour. Now, before I go on let me make it clear that God is not egoistic. Its just that he simply deserves all glory and honour. Imagine a super big sparkling diamond. Everyone would give due attention to its glory and beauty right and you cannot say that the diamond is being egoistic right? I mena Its just so beautiful. Well God is something like that only in this case even the diamond, the stars, the planets and the angels themselves are giving due attention to HIS glory.
So my point is God's will is to lead to ultimate glorification for HIMSELF and that is the whole point of Biblical history. He did not create this world for us to satisfy us but HIS will. So no one can say whether God should or should not create this world.
Christ came to die for God's elect (i.e. those who accept HIM) so that we could enter HIS kingdom to serve HIS purpose. Like it or not the whole human race is going to hell because of the first sin unless we accept the death and resurrection of Christ. Now I know many will say then this is not fair but then how can we humans use our standards and perceptions to judge the Creator.
Remember, God is not elected to be in power by us or the angels or anything at all. He does not have to answer to us or anything at all but everything has to answer to him. Even if he were to condemn all and not save a single soul we still cannot fault him for if that is his will then he is right. Yet out of his grace and loving kindness, God himself in the form of Christ came to Earth to teach us, live like us and suffer one of the cruelest forms of death in history so that he can bear our punishment and save HIS elect.
Somewhere in Exodus, God says "I shall have compassion on whom I shall have compassion and I shall have mercy on whom I shall have mercy" - Not our choice, not our logic, not our decision but all HIS.
If a human judge were to say that openly in court he would probably be questioned, fired or face other consequences. It is not within his power to do as he pleases but to apply the law which has been agreed by the people via parliament.
However, in God's case he says that openly and made an open declaration in HIS word clearly indicating HE can do whatever he pleases and is not accountable to anyone but HIMSELF. His laws are not agreed on or subject to a vote from the people, democarcy does not apply in this case. If he has chosen to love you, he has chosen to love you and there is nothing you or anyone can do about that remember you don't earn HIS love it is purely by grace so if he has chosen you for his salvation all you can be is grateful for HIS graciousness.
And God certainly has not lost control. Everything is moving exactly according to his will to achieve HIS ultimate purpose which no one on Earth can understand or fathom. All we can do is sit and wait and enjoy whatever blessings HE has chosen to shower us with and for those who have accepted Christ show gratitude for HIS salvation.
in you reply to DawnFirstLight, you seems to overly speak up for your god, highlighting his strong points and sidelining his weak points. I am interested to find out how your god has helped you in any way ?
Originally posted by Fortmax777:
Just curious, how come you guys can believe in someone whom you cannot comprehend?
Originally posted by Rooney9:laffin
happyinfo2 is a fundamentalist in the sense of the word, no point debating with that fellow as its endless proving the existence of god. you can see the senseless comments this fellow has posted many a time. heed my word, dun waste your time dicussing such matters with these extremists. they are trapped within their own paradigm. asking them to open their mind and explore is juat a waste of effort and time. their minds are trapped, like a convict in a cell.
Extremists trapped within their own paradigm like a convict in a cell are people who stick to their views despite having no reasons to do so. Having nothing to back up their baseless claims and lies....
That really sound like you Rooney9......you are a liar as proven again and again.
Originally posted by laffin123:Thanks Rooney9 for the advice.
You are very right about his character. Very close mindedness. I worry for his next generation to be indoctrinated with a closed mind. I worry about the society with these type of people.
laffin, be more worried abput people who make illogical conclusions and claiming to have open mind but in fact not.....
and liars saying I study the Bible but in fact did not........
and yes, take advice from a liar.........cause he is closer to your tribe.
Originally posted by laffin123:Happyinfo2
I have 3 lines for you. Hope you find them beneficial for your life journey
1) Be a sincere and truthful person and you find happiness;
2) Be open minded and you find more friends than enemies;
3) Be a curious person and keep on asking.
sincerely and the last post to you
laffin in support for REASON and EVIDENCE
1) Be a sincere and truthful person and you find happiness;
2) Be open minded and you find more friends than enemies;
3) Be a curious person and keep on asking.
Don't claim to be something you are not.....like study bible, open minded etc....
Be curious and look at alternative views with an open mind and heart and absorb more knowledge and understanding.....
It's ok not to agree but don't rely on misrepresented facts and liars...
Create awareness by all means but don't be a hyprocrite......like what you are doing.
and yes, the 5 years old appreciate your joke and will never forget you....laughing.....oops laffin.
If this world and human beings were not created, today we will not need any saviour. If someone had created us, it is only right that he save us regardless whether we are christians or not because we were brought to this world reluctantly (not our wish) by Him.Guys out there, agree with what I said?
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:If this world and human beings were not created, today we will not need any saviour. If someone had created us, it is only right that he save us regardless whether we are christians or not because we were brought to this world reluctantly (not our wish) by Him.Guys out there, agree with what I said?
I agree with you.
Further they created this scenario : if the men who god created do not believe in him, these people will go to hell. Even if someone stuck in a remote place, has no knowledge of god, he has to go to hell. (Not our wish also go to hell)
No logic at all. The scripture sounds like glorifying this god and this religion.
laffin "there is no hell in the first place"
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:If this world and human beings were not created, today we will not need any saviour. If someone had created us, it is only right that he save us regardless whether we are christians or not because we were brought to this world reluctantly (not our wish) by Him.Guys out there, agree with what I said?
yes. if there is heavens, why bother to create earth? earth is somewhere between heaven and hell. there are never ending questions on creationist, such as how can god exist independently like emptiness? why even bother to create pests like rats, roaches, flies etc to co-exist with humans.
Originally posted by Happyinfo2:Extremists trapped within their own paradigm like a convict in a cell are people who stick to their views despite having no reasons to do so. Having nothing to back up their baseless claims and lies....
That really sound like you Rooney9......you are a liar as proven again and again.
look who is talking. asking you for proof that god exists and you let on that the bible, the churches that do good are proof enough that god existed. if thats proof, thats a lame proof so to speak. proof means carbon dating, tv screen capturing the images of god and science concurring that god exists, has that happened yet? bible was written by men, and the good men of churches doing good things were men too. if these were considered as proof, then may I inform you thats not good enough evidence to substantiate it.
earlier someone mentioned that the onus is to proof that god exists and someone pointed out how can one proof if it doesnt exists. apparently someone here lack some common sense and logic. need I continue anymore?
you even have the cheek to claim that science has proved that god exist? can anyone backup this unabashedly claim? in which science journals that appeared scientists has proven that god existed, could you please quote me the name of the article and year of the journal?
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:Hi Fortmax, no offence. Let's takes this as a religion exchange of view. I believe your God does exist because Buddha said so and there will not be so many followers if He does not exist. Many of his followers are smart guys. However, your God is a loving God, He will not create a horrible place called earth. Heaven is also not the place where I wish to go because I do not wish to live all over again and live forever ( I will definitely feel bored), not even in a nice place like heaven. Whether a person feels happy or not does not depend on the environment he lives but how his heart feels. Buddhism emphasise on taking control of our hearts and feelings. Merry Christmas to you guys!
Dawnfirstlight - No offence taken happy to discuss your questions.
1. Why do you call Earth horrible. Certainly it is not perfect and its horrible only depending on which part of Earth you live on. But many such horrors are human inflicted.
2. You have not been to heaven and neither has anyone on earth. What gives you the conception that you will feel bored?? Remember you will be with God on a personal level and he will be your friend/comforter/Father. Do you know how nice heaven is? Its beyond human imagination and there is no way we can comprehend it untile we get there.
On the contrary, do you know how horrid hell is. Again its beyond human imagination. All the images of hell eg fire (for Christians), they grind you up/mash you up (for Taoists) are not even close to representing how bad that place is. I heard of someone who had a vision of hell in her dreams 1 night. Result: Cried nearly continuously for 5 mths and still recovering from shock after that - Asked by pastor to describe what she saw opened her mouth but nothing came out - Basically because there is no way of describing such horrors in the human language or expression.
Basically, it is a place describe so horrible that even if your most hated person in life were sent there you would mourn for him.
3. Think of your life as 1 mm on a ruler and compare that with the distance between Sg and New York just for scale. Well Eternity is much longer that so I hope everyone reading this does give some serious thought to after death. It will happen to all of us soon enough.
Originally posted by laffin123:fortmax777,
in you reply to DawnFirstLight, you seems to overly speak up for your god, highlighting his strong points and sidelining his weak points. I am interested to find out how your god has helped you in any way ?
I am a Christian so I will tend to speak up for God. But also God has helped me in many ways and I shall share some exaples with you. God works in many ways and helps us in many ways some not even conventional.
1) Was lost sad and lonely. Life in mess, trouble with law and very depressed seems all alone in this world. Prayed for companionship, along came my GF (now my wife for coming 10 yrs).
2) NS. Kena tekan. Emotionally weak to be away from GF. Prayed for help. Posted out of unit which tekan me and got stay out vocation.
3) ORD. Lost dunno what to do. Prayed to go o/seas to pursue degree. Went o/seas to pursur degree.
4) Start degree. Lost because 3 years no study and returned all my knowledge to my Pre-U teachers liao. Prayed for wisdom. Caught up very quickly graduated with 1st Class.
5) Graduated looking for job. No income got to support my self in menatime. This one is interesting and unconventional. Prayed for Finance. Went casino won $1000 + every week for about 2 months. By the last two weeks didn't even try. Walk into casino with $500 place first bet on anything/any game (even a stupid game like Casino Wars) win once win twice win thrice go home. - 10 mins total - $1500.
6) Got interview. decided I like job. Pray for job - employed almost immediately. After employed began losing at Casino, but got God's msg that Casino was only supplying finances temporarily. So decided to stop going regularly and focus on work and family.
7) Feel that I have a very pleasant life know with good job, working hours which allow me loads of time to enjoy family life and brilliant wife also converted when she saw my testimony. Living happily ever after for now.
Cannot really ask for anything else. Maybe would like to win lottery but won't be greedy if HE gives HE gives. If not also happy.
Originally posted by laffin123:
Hi Laffin, if I am not wrong, you are a free thinker. I was like you who thought that after a person passed away, that is the end of the story. However, the ugly truth is that it is not the case because I have some encounters which I shall not elaborate here. I hate the truth but have to face it. I have found my religion and found peace. Sincerely hope that you will find answers and peace soon.
Originally posted by Fortmax777:laffin,
I am a Christian so I will tend to speak up for God. But also God has helped me in many ways and I shall share some exaples with you. God works in many ways and helps us in many ways some not even conventional.
1) Was lost sad and lonely. Life in mess, trouble with law and very depressed seems all alone in this world. Prayed for companionship, along came my GF (now my wife for coming 10 yrs).
2) NS. Kena tekan. Emotionally weak to be away from GF. Prayed for help. Posted out of unit which tekan me and got stay out vocation.
3) ORD. Lost dunno what to do. Prayed to go o/seas to pursue degree. Went o/seas to pursur degree.
4) Start degree. Lost because 3 years no study and returned all my knowledge to my Pre-U teachers liao. Prayed for wisdom. Caught up very quickly graduated with 1st Class.
5) Graduated looking for job. No income got to support my self in menatime. This one is interesting and unconventional. Prayed for Finance. Went casino won $1000 + every week for about 2 months. By the last two weeks didn't even try. Walk into casino with $500 place first bet on anything/any game (even a stupid game like Casino Wars) win once win twice win thrice go home. - 10 mins total - $1500.
6) Got interview. decided I like job. Pray for job - employed almost immediately. After employed began losing at Casino, but got God's msg that Casino was only supplying finances temporarily. So decided to stop going regularly and focus on work and family.
7) Feel that I have a very pleasant life know with good job, working hours which allow me loads of time to enjoy family life and brilliant wife also converted when she saw my testimony. Living happily ever after for now.
Cannot really ask for anything else. Maybe would like to win lottery
but won't be greedy if HE gives HE gives. If not also happy.
this reminds of other faiths, who go to the temple with fruits, chicken and duck and place it at the altar and then prayed that he/she can strike lottery, can improve one's fortune, have a successful marriage and so forth. the lists goes on and on. its insatiable desires that are endless. god must be busy answering to people prayers eh.
Originally posted by Rooney9:this reminds of other faiths, who go to the temple with fruits, chicken and duck and place it at the altar and then prayed that he/she can strike lottery, can improve one's fortune, have a successful marriage and so forth. the lists goes on and on. its insatiable desires that are endless. god must be busy answering to people prayers eh.
But in this case the prayers were really answerd and I can feel his presence sometimes when alone.
There is no simple way of explaining this feeling but to experience it for yourself. He has seen me through all the good and bad times of my life. If you are open enough, consider going to a church to learn more.
I pray that one day you will come to know this great friend as well. Have a good weekend.
Originally posted by Fortmax777:
I believe what you said. The reason why there are many followers in other religions is also because their followers' prayers were answered or else they will not stick to their religion. Of course there are times when your prayers did not come true, or else all christians on earth will live to ripe old age which is not happening all the time. Just to share with you, Buddhism taught us to get to the roots of the problem instead of keep praying whenever you face a problem. The roots of the problem we face got to do with our karma (cause and effect). You must be a good guy, that is why your prayers always come true. Once you understand about karma and know how to rectify or face with it, you will realise that you have less problems in life and things will go well along the way even without praying.
Originally posted by Fortmax777:
But in this case the prayers were really answerd and I can feel his presence sometimes when alone.There is no simple way of explaining this feeling but to experience it for yourself. He has seen me through all the good and bad times of my life. If you are open enough, consider going to a church to learn more.
I pray that one day you will come to know this great friend as well. Have a good weekend.
thanks for the offer, but no thanks, thanks. I will not believe in any religion that centred on a god or many gods. I rather be a free thinker and not get trapped in a paradigm or concept that is flawed from the beginning.