Originally posted by hamidisaidi:Hi Mricales&Prophecies,
We may be of different religions (im a Muslim) but we do share a lot of common beliefs; one of which is that God have a 'hand' in everything that happens, be it good or bad.Without his Will, the girl may not live even how good the doctors or equipments may be. That is why no doctors will claim any surgery etc to be 100% safe.
To add, He gave us the freedom to choose between right from wrong. If we choose to do wrong, He can stop us but He did not. He let us be 'cause he gave us the ability to think and we will answer for our consequences. Just like a parent, He will not stop us from doing something if we insists on doing so, but we have to answer for it ourselves. If we want to commit heinous crimes like murder or rape, we will answer for it. It will defeat our purpose of being here if He stops all bad things from happening.
God is fair. He will reward those who do good and punish those who do bad. His punishements or rewards can come in this life or in the afterlife.
Hello hamidisaidi you would be surprised by what we have in common. Too few Christian study the Koran and too few Moslem study the Bible.
Peace be with you.
Originally posted by Smarty Boy:Hi M&P,
I am just curious to know (1) when and where are there contradictions in the bible?
I'll try to answer your first question first(not in the mood of reading long passage right now)
One of the most contradictory story told in the bible can be found in the story of the 2 men which were crucified along with Jesus.
Luke told us that one of these man repented and believed in Jesus. and Luke told us that Jesus told him that on that very day the man would be with him in paradise.
John made no mention of the two men who were crucified with Jesus.
Mark and Matthew told us that the two man who were crucified with Jesus, both of them mocked(insulted) Jesus and didn't repent.
Another point worth noting is that Jesus has always said or implied that He would be raised only after 3 days. So Jesus couldn't possibly be saying that in that very day He and the men who repented would be in paradise. Because Jesus was only going to be raised on the third day. Jesus was in sheol or the world of the dead for three days before being raised. This is one of the controversy which some try to explain that there had been a misintrepretation from its original greek language in which a comma wasn't translated to the english scripture altering the meaning altogether. With a comma what Jesus actually said would be: This very day I told you that you would be with me in paradise. So Jesus didn't promise that he would be with Jesus in paradise that very day. Jesus was merely saying today I tell you that you will be with me in paradise.
Those two are some of the examples.
As for number two, the church(I'm Catholic) has its faults too for example holding on the principle that the earth was the center of the universe.
'Experts' from the Catholic church agreed that everything revolved around our planet and incarcerate everyone who thought otherwise.
...until proven wrong. And the church corrected itself no longer insisting on this false belief which I've found to be groundless from the perspective of the scriptures(bible).
The point is you put your faith in Jesus not unto one organization. You worship God not organization. The church itself means congregation of believers which now has shifted its meaning into building for Christian worshippers to gather or into a hierarchy that governs and manage Christian activities. The church is you, the church is me the church is the congregation of believers and not pointing to any hierarchy. I do not mean that we have to disrespect the church hierarchy but too many people have fallen into religion fanatics. I used religion fanatics and not religious fanatics because anyone who is truly religious or a man of God would never become a fanatic. Worship God not your religion.
My 2 cents anyway.
Fucked up atheists studied physics? The aim of science is to know the mind of God...
Originally posted by gigabyte14:the girl sibei pretty
if she 10 years older i will woo her
if she 10yr older??? that mean she is xmm?? that mean she is my type right?? got pic bo? how chio?
While Christians cannot prove that there is afterlife, neither can physics prove or disprove that there is afterlife.
What happen to my challenge to the atheist January to sign a pact with Satan?
Originally posted by parn:Sad that people have so little FAITH in their lives.
try using that FAITH to find a boyfriend, if you can
Originally posted by I-like-flings(m):
if she 10yr older??? that mean she is xmm?? that mean she is my type right?? got pic bo? how chio?
no pic la
i read my fren's paper only
try the webby lor
Originally posted by thehappybunny:
'Galileo was found "vehemently suspect of heresy", namely of having held the opinions that the Sun lies motionless at the centre of the universe, that the Earth is not at its centre and moves, and that one may hold and defend an opinion as probable after it has been declared contrary to Holy Scripture. He was required to "abjure, curse and detest" those opinions. '
That did not change the fact that Galileo was a devout Christian.
Originally posted by googoomuck:While Christians cannot prove that there is afterlife, neither can physics prove or disprove that there is afterlife.
What happen to my challenge to the atheist January to sign a pact with Satan?
There is no public proof of the existence of God but there are many people whose life has been touched by God.
I'm a Christian and I've seen Jesus in glory while I was in my 7th grade quite a long time ago. So while atheists are still debating with other believers that there is no proof of God I've seen the proof personaly and I know that Jesus is indeed God otherwise He would not be in such glory that He is now.
Here another testament from men who died yet live to tell about it.
A Man who died in a plane crash yet live to tell about it
A man who died in a car crash yet live to tell about it
I tell you a secret that some of what he is telling you could very well begin to happen in this life. Well not to the extend that he's telling you but quite the same nonetheless. why because God is a God who is alive. Be blessed!
I want to share this 2 clips in a new thread and I will do just that.
Originally posted by googoomuck:Fucked up atheists studied physics? The aim of science is to know the mind of God..
The aim of science is to know the truth, not know the mind of God.
God always win or lose depending on how you argue about it. Like you can say God let her live long enough to finally use the machine. Or you can say God create the person who made the machine.
The aim of science is to know the truth, not know the mind of God.
The question is : can science ever know the truth?
Karl Popper sees otherwise from you, "Although in science we do our best to find the truth, we are conscious of the fact that we can never be sure whether we have
got it….In science there is no "knowledge," in the sense in which
Plato and Aristotle understood the word, in the sense which
implies finality; in science, we never have sufficient reason for the
belief that we have attained the truth.…"
What kind of science? empirical science? inductive science?
And what kind of truth? origins of the universe? meaning of life? how did morality come about?
Originally posted by 24/7:Herzog,
The question is : can science ever know the truth?
Karl Popper sees otherwise from you, "Although in science we do our best to find the truth, we are conscious of the fact that we can never be sure whether we have
got it….In science there is no "knowledge," in the sense in which
Plato and Aristotle understood the word, in the sense which
implies finality; in science, we never have sufficient reason for the
belief that we have attained the truth.…"What kind of science? empirical science? inductive science?
And what kind of truth? origins of the universe? meaning of life? how did morality come about?
Science (from the Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge" or "knowing") is the effort to discover, and increase human understanding of how the physical world works.
if the truth is out there, then we would learn how to find out more about it.
Originally posted by gigabyte14:try using that FAITH to find a boyfriend, if you can
Whether I want a boyfriend or not is None of your Business!!!
Oh...you can't get a girlfriend is it?
No wonder got so much time to be interested in me.
Originally posted by MyNameisNas:In the Muslim context, we believe that every sickness will have its solution. What matters most is just the timing of when the solution will be created.
Look at AIDS, God created aids as a revenge to all those who had wild-sex and sorts. Yet, no matter what scientist are always getting nearer to find its solution.
There are sayings which conclude to "God will create both the sickness and cure together before sending them on Earth"
LOL...... God create aids.... that is a creative theory.... =)
Originally posted by bratpig:Hmm...and I wonder why some people like to debate till no end about the non-existance of other religion but don't allow people to discuss about their own
Can't you all learn to be more open-minded?
I debate because their beliefs system is based on faulty logic... simple. if their reasoning is sound i would not have to keep breaking them down...
if your child say he buy a 5 dollar food and he give 10 dollars instead to the seller, would you be 'open minded'? what would you do... you would tell him off instead and explain to him the reasons why he is wrong to give 10 dollars...?
That is the reasons why atheists cannot shut up.... they have to speak against people who talk about things that are not reasonable.
If the child keep insisting on paying 10 dollars for a 5 dollar thing, would you just let him continue to do that or would you do some drastic action, like stop giving him pocket money or send him to theraipist.
Sure, its others people bussiness to have their own belief and logic. But atheist just cannot stop jabbing at them in the internet of their mistaken reasonings. This thing will continue forever... that is the way it is...
Do you all noe that in US, some schools and churchs are arguing to put god in the science classrooms to state that another possibility to evolution is god theory.
You all singaporeans are lucky that our govt is sane enough not to mention the word god in our science books.
My challenge to all singaporean beliefs are these. If god really is real and create these things... can you ask PAP to teach the story of god in our science classrooms, and how god create adam and eve in chapter one of
"singapore science textbook primary one"
Come one... wake up your idea...Singapore science curriculum supports evolution. PAP already support this science thing and yet you still want to say
god create so and so.... aids, human, adam... natural disaster...
if you want to know what cause natural disaster.. go look at
SIngapore geography textbook and see if they got say its caused by god to teach human beings a lesson..
Ask lee heisn loon, lee kwan yew, mah bow tan, george yeo, nathan and teo chee hsian, do they believe in the story that god create eve and adam. and then why do they believe that is true.
Originally posted by Miracles&Prophecies:There is no public proof of the existence of God but there are many people whose life has been touched by God.
I'm a Christian and I've seen Jesus in glory while I was in my 7th grade quite a long time ago. So while atheists are still debating with other believers that there is no proof of God I've seen the proof personaly and I know that Jesus is indeed God otherwise He would not be in such glory that He is now.
Your logic is not proof... its just your own logic and your own mouth... Try telling to our govt so that PAP would encourage us to all find god and jesus so that we can know it too, like you.
Originally posted by 24/7:Herzog,
The question is : can science ever know the truth?
Karl Popper sees otherwise from you, "Although in science we do our best to find the truth, we are conscious of the fact that we can never be sure whether we have
got it….In science there is no "knowledge," in the sense in which
Plato and Aristotle understood the word, in the sense which
implies finality; in science, we never have sufficient reason for the
belief that we have attained the truth.…"What kind of science? empirical science? inductive science?
And what kind of truth? origins of the universe? meaning of life? how did morality come about?
let me repeat this answer again on behalf of science for ten thousandth times..... Science is the most humble thing which seeks to find truth bit by bit is reasonable method in the world with infinite knowledge, and apply these real knowledge to aid humans. Science knows that it don't know many things . Of course, Science never claims that it know everything in the universe. There is just oo much knowledge.
Unlike science, religions just claims that god create universe and then continue with their own narrow minded stories and rules to follow. Their evidences are their respective books, miracles, ancestors legacy, and individual feelings.
Oh come on... I shall end of by saying this for rebuttal..
" Can religions, all the different ones, ever know the truth too?"
Physics only explain how things work, not why things work.
Most great physicists were Christians. Even Einstein believed there's a creator that maintained and created a harmony of the universe. BTW, Einstein was a Jew.
Until people who study physics today can come up with a new theorum that bears his own name, he's but learning the theorums of many Christian scientists.
i wont respond to your so called rebuttal since it's a shameless attempt to distract from the original topic.
but in your other reply, u seem to be one of those doofus who imagine: because evolution is true, therefore God doesn't exist. Mind enlightening me how does evolution theory prove God's nonexistence? Because there've been people (e.g. Simon Conway Morris and Ronald Fisher) who have no problem believing both.
now in your reply to me, first up, science and religion don't make these claims, people do. Science, pursued humbly and rationally, doesnt cause its practitioners to declare that God doesnt exist, BUT atheist fundamentalists who have no other way to pursue their agenda do so. They carry their atheistic assumptions to science, instead of basing them upon it.
about your delirious reference to "religions", i've no idea which ones you're writing about since you've neglected to make specific references. But as i said earlier, there's no conflict between religion (at least for Christianity) and science. I've mentioned some people who faithfully pursue the discipline of science and are still theists.
To the person who used Galileo as an example, just demonstrated that the simplistic belief that religion clashes with science is an idea that languishes in academic backwater, and probably suspension in time. It was a conflict between Copernican science and Aristotelian science which had become Church tradition, not science versus religion.
Like Herzog, if you believe science to be an attempt to discover the workings of the physical world, and that the truth remains out there (probably forever), at best, from your worldview, science should always remain a question mark and not qualify you to make unncessary conclusions. To make this jump from the question mark to a claim of refutation, you're taking a leap of faith - the very thing i suspect you're accusing theists of.
In fact, the belief that science will eventually discover the "truth" and find all answers, is a claim of faith in itself. Consider the biblical definition of faith - "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1, ESV)
after scanning some of your replies, i realize that you all are unreaonable in your logic. Without science, do you think you can enjoy the benefits that modern life affords. Please dun credit god again by saying that god create science.
to repeat, its christian or the bible who says that earth is flat and center of universe. Lucky science has discover such nonsense.
after scanning some of your replies, i realize that you all are unreaonable in your logic. Without science, do you think you can enjoy the benefits that modern life affords. Please dun credit god again by saying that god create science.
to repeat, its christian or the bible who says that earth is flat and center of universe. Lucky science has discover such nonsense.
The flat earth idea reached its peak after Darwinists tried to discredit the bible.
Originally posted by january:after scanning some of your replies, i realize that you all are unreaonable in your logic. Without science, do you think you can enjoy the benefits that modern life affords. Please dun credit god again by saying that god create science.
to repeat, its christian or the bible who says that earth is flat and center of universe. Lucky science has discover such nonsense.
Sorry to disappoint you but Galileo Galilei Ferdinand Magellan and Christopher Columbus were Christians.
Can you prove that the bible says the earth is flat?