Not only rock bands and heavy metal bands are satanic, boybands such as backstreet boys and *nsync are satanic too.
_|_ Proof ?
in wad way...pls elaborate...
if boybands r satanic, den pussycat dolls r...devilish??
Originally posted by babychicken:in wad way...pls elaborate...
if boybands r satanic, den pussycat dolls r...devilish??
They promote sex and lust in their lyrics.Not only that, hiphop is also satanic.Pop music is the latest form of satanic music
oh really?
I say LKY family is satanic.
LKY family sing pop songs tt promote sex n lust?!
Originally posted by Ongsoosiang:Not only rock bands and heavy metal bands are satanic, boybands such as backstreet boys and *nsync are satanic too.
then what?
your cb chinese songs aka jj lin is holy ah?
Originally posted by gigabyte14:then what?
your cb chinese songs aka jj lin is holy ah?
I have several JJLin's albums at home.The albums are from 2004 to 2006.
Oh yeah .. the next will be Chinese singers protest for Satanic rights !
idiot, dun anyhow say la..
i thought got someone here say jj songs are satanic
i read this article before. the author advice christians not to listen too much of secular music.
in a way i agree, and disagree la.
i agree that music does affect us in some way. we feel more violent when we listen to heavy metal etc. and we feel more calm when we listen to soft instrumentals.
so when we listen regularly to songs about broken hearts, unrequited love, hopelessness.. "in the end, it doesn't matter.." blah blah.. we're filling ourselves with negative feelings, and it does affect us in some way.
on the other hand, the writer advice christians to listen more worship songs, songs of hope, songs of joy, songs of peace.
i disagree that we should avoid them la, it's pretty impossible too. but nowadays i just very automatically listen to worship songs. the world's depressing enough as it is, it lightens my heart to listen to songs of hope and joy instead. just can't stop =)
also. i think it's abit harsh to label them as satanic. why do i feel like i mentioned all these b4?
i think it depends on a person's conviction. if u look it another, a lot of love songs can be love songs unto God
Originally posted by Ongsoosiang:Not only rock bands and heavy metal bands are satanic, boybands such as backstreet boys and *nsync are satanic too.
so spice girls and pussycat dolls are fine? how about S.H.E?
another classic one liner.
Wad a retard.
Listen holy music lor.
i listen to the Sex im satanic D:
so this eternal forum is basically fanatic
+1 RHK
u forget Twins, Farenheit, Energy.................
Originally posted by Ongsoosiang:Not only rock bands and heavy metal bands are satanic, boybands such as backstreet boys and *nsync are satanic too.
Define satanic
For gawd so loved the world, that he gave his only son, to start a rock band in the 80s, then boy band in the 90s, then went hiatus in the Millenium, before going solo in 2008. What's his Manson?