thought sis was posting for a while in chitchat.Originally posted by M©+square:i still miss sis.
Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur:It is unfortunate (but not unexpected) that Casino King has chose yet again not to answer any of the points that had been presented to him. He has instead chosen to present the same models and jargons again and again when I think just about everyone in here has knocked the feet from under them. Sitting on a dead horse and shouting 'Hi'o silver' does not get people anywhere, but curiously he persists.
For as much as it is kind for him to help us quote verses, I think it would do him best to go back and study those verses in their full context. In the meantime I must say that the verse he quotes hardly supports his case at all.
I am not surprised, often people who try to attack truths do little but end up contradicting themselves. CK attacks the issue of thought in faith, and in the end discredits every single one of his thoughts as well... all the while not even making a dent on the dogma he sought to tear down. I am a little saddened by his reluctance to see the truth, but we must understand that the only thing, and the only real motivation I do see on his part, is hardly a desire to improve people here, but rather to preserve one's ego and go out fighting to the end... even if the end means repeating a certain piece of jargon over and over again and worshiping it as his sole salvation from the abberations of logic.
Words are idols are scary and heavy words to throw about, but I am rather well assured where my faith lies. Thank you for your time Casino King, and should you have nothing new to say it would be my advice to you to take your leave.
Our time here is done.
Here you go again,Originally posted by casino_king:Logic and beliefs are for seekers. Just like idols in temples are for seekers. Clinging on to your idols is what stops you from being born again. The concepts and words are only meant as an introduction. It was never meant to be clinged on to as idols. Cut off the idols from your heads and put your Faith in God.
Have no faith in logic, comprehension, intelligence and even "words of God."
These were never meant for you to depend on. Banish them and put them aside and only have Faith in God.
OK, I am going to be very blunt here for you.Originally posted by casino_king:Do you believe that there is but one God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind?
answered before, go back and read
How can there be a right God that you place your faith in and a wrong God that you blindly believe?
There is only one God, but you do not seems know Him nor acknowledge Him.
Only goes to show one thing doesn't it? That you prefer to have faith in your intellect, you logic, your version of God. Cast away all the idols in your head and have Faith in God.
playing with words again
had answer you this question before, go find them, I don't want to keep repeating myself.Originally posted by casino_king:Do you believe that there is but one God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind?
CK a couple of points:Originally posted by casino_king:Do you believe that there is but one God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind?
Then why do you keep contradicting yourself with "one true God" and "one false God?" How many Gods do you believe in? As far as I can see there are at least 2 that you believe in. Put your Faith in God.Originally posted by vince69:had answer you this question before, go find them, I don't want to keep repeating myself.
My respond to your post is the same as the one above this one.Originally posted by breytonhartge:CK a couple of points:
1. the christians here have already defined the God that they believe in, unfortunately, you do not have a grasp of this definition.
2. there is but one TRUE God, YHWH, the God of Jacob, of Issac, of David, and He is both God of the entire universe and the world. He is the God that formed you in your mothers womb, that gave you breath.
3. the christians here do belive with all their heart, soul and strength, so why do you keep posting the question? are you hoping that someone will give you a different answer?
Amen.Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur:Dudes, there is no need to engage CK in his own mad circle yet again. He has seen reason, and chosen to ignore it. No amount of abuse or showing his case to be paper thin will help unless he decides to break the spell himself.
A person who takes no authority from any logic (because any other logic exept his own is idolatry) cannot be hoped to be rescued by sheer argument. And unfortunately it is here which sheer argument mainly acts. I will sum up the way he argues with a few telling examples.
Imagine seventy people who said that they were angry really saw a red haze cloud their vision, and say that perhaps the phase "red-hazed anger" might be literally true. CK would them come along and refute them on the grounds that their testimony cannot be valid because they were angry, and hence unable to make any judgements of the thing then.
It's a little CK like saying the supernatural is impossible because it is only believed by simple who are in superstition. Well one asks CK what makes these people simple and in supersition, and he promptly answers "the supernatural"
One could go on to argue that Iceland is impossible because only stupid sailors have said they seen Iceland... well what makes them stupid? The fact that they say they saw Iceland.
How would you argue with somebody who says that the bible cannot be true faith because it is only read by idol worshippers, when asked what makes these people idol worshippers, the answer is, "well reading the bible of course". Obviously the flaw in his main argument is that his very argument excludes all other kinds of possible arguments except his own as valid, and hence it is no surprise he goes around with his own idea of this and that ignoring the weight of logic. He never regarded it at all.
If starting logic and ideas are idols, what exacty is the whole system of faith he is trying to see us but starting logic and ideas in his own head? His case self-refutes from the first word but of course he is happily blind to them.
Of which I am not surprised at all, one can see his point of veiw and our own as well... but he is totally blind to all points of view but his own.
As I have said, there is no need to answer him at all, for he shall take no answers but that he already started out with.
What is faith in God? Certainly not the thing we believe in that he believes. And in any case it is irrelevant what he has to say about what I believe is faith in God, because I find it very hard indeed to take advice from somebody starting from a self-contradictary (and he has taken no effort at all to even consider his self-contradiction) position.
A madman can talk on to argue the case on exactly the same grounds after they have been vapourized by the opponent, this is because reason and logic never mattered to him in the formation of his case, just that there is a motivation to make it come true. This unfortunately, is what I get from CK.
So as I said brothers, our time with him is done. He could post yet another 50 posts saying the same thing, but it won't make a dent on the case we've built.
It is done.
I am not contradicting myself, I am contradicting you.Originally posted by casino_king:Originally posted by casino_king:
Do you believe that there is but one God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind?
Then why do you keep contradicting yourself with "one true God" and "one false God?" How many Gods do you believe in? As far as I can see there are at least 2 that you believe in. Put your Faith in God.
So you have a concept, an understanding of God? And now you live your Christian life based on this concept and understanding of God? How are you different from the Hindus who worship their understanding in God? How dare you presume that man can ever have an understanding of God?Originally posted by vince69:I am not contradicting myself, I am contradicting you.
I am saying there is only one true God, and your understanding about Him and also regarding the faith in Him is wrong.
and amenOriginally posted by Ironside:Amen.
I did not presume I can fully understand God, you are the one trying to distort what I am saying and trying to putting this into my words. Not being able to fully understand God does not means we cannot want to know Him. You also cannot fully understand yourself, does that means you don't need to know yourself?Originally posted by casino_king:So you have a concept, an understanding of God? And now you live your Christian life based on this concept and understanding of God? How are you different from the Hindus who worship their understanding in God? How dare you presume that man can ever have an understanding of God?
Many people with Faith in God like Abraham (you can find more in the Bible) witness to their experiences with God and based on their experiences you now have an "understanding" of God? Do you think that such conceit and deception is what is required to come to God? Is it any wonder that people, not just in this forum look upon evengelicas as conceited pompous delusionals? Peopel who "understands" God?
sign.......... I am afraid I have to agree with you on this.Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur:It is unfortunate (but not unexpected) that Casino King has chose yet again not to answer any of the points that had been presented to him. He has instead chosen to present the same models and jargons again and again when I think just about everyone in here has knocked the feet from under them. Sitting on a dead horse and shouting 'Hi'o silver' does not get people anywhere, but curiously he persists.
For as much as it is kind for him to help us quote verses, I think it would do him best to go back and study those verses in their full context. In the meantime I must say that the verse he quotes hardly supports his case at all.
I am not surprised, often people who try to attack truths do little but end up contradicting themselves. CK attacks the issue of thought in faith, and in the end discredits every single one of his thoughts as well... all the while not even making a dent on the dogma he sought to tear down. I am a little saddened by his reluctance to see the truth, but we must understand that the only thing, and the only real motivation I do see on his part, is hardly a desire to improve people here, but rather to preserve one's ego and go out fighting to the end... even if the end means repeating a certain piece of jargon over and over again and worshiping it as his sole salvation from the abberations of logic.
Words are idols are scary and heavy words to throw about, but I am rather well assured where my faith lies. Thank you for your time Casino King, and should you have nothing new to say it would be my advice to you to take your leave.
Our time here is done.
strange... I don't recall any Christians I know who are affected by DVC. As a matter of fact, during each Sunday's tea fellowship in my church, we chat and laugh a lot about this book. No Christians who are worth their salt is affect even remotely. Those who are affected are probably very new seekers or really confused people. In fact, I encourage everyone I meet to read DVC. While I discourage people NOT to watch the movie, it's because it's a badly produced movie.Originally posted by casino_king:When Christians ask each other if Da Vinci Code affected their faith I was like? Huh? Was your Faith in God or idols? Dan Brown managed to expose your idols and you lose Faith? Thank God for Dan Brown. Those who lost their faith because of Dan Brown were having Faith in idols anyway, no big loss.
CE.Originally posted by Chin Eng:strange... I don't recall any Christians I know who are affected by DVC. As a matter of fact, during each Sunday's tea fellowship in my church, we chat and laugh a lot about this book. No Christians who are worth their salt is affect even remotely. Those who are affected are probably very new seekers or really confused people. In fact, I encourage everyone I meet to read DVC. While I discourage people NOT to watch the movie, it's because it's a badly produced movie.
interestingly also, I can safely say that everything I've concluded about DVC is even before scholars and theologians discuss them in the National Geographic specials.
is my faith shaken? no way! do I think that there are Christians in EH losing faith? I don't think so! any of my Christian friends losing faith? most definitely not!
Delusional.Originally posted by casino_king:So you have a concept, an understanding of God? And now you live your Christian life based on this concept and understanding of God? How are you different from the Hindus who worship their understanding in God? How dare you presume that man can ever have an understanding of God?
Many people with Faith in God like Abraham (you can find more in the Bible) witness to their experiences with God and based on their experiences you now have an "understanding" of God? Do you think that such conceit and deception is what is required to come to God? Is it any wonder that people, not just in this forum look upon evengelicas as conceited pompous delusionals? Peopel who "understands" God?