Originally posted by casino_king:
Noted, but where I disagree with you is that
1. [b]relationship is the ongoing journey even to our graves and beyond. You start the relationship through Faith, not beliefs.
2. When the relationship first starts it will blow your mind but after a while (Obedience is a non issue because) you will be like:
You: "If I do your this will I get all the bessings and riches in the world?"
God: "No, do you still want to do it?"
What do you think your answer will be? Nothing will be able to tear you away from the love of God.
What am I talking about?
Genesis 22:1 It happened after these things, that God tested Abraham, and said to him, "Abraham!" He said, "Here I am."You see Abraham talking to God? Not praying, mind you. talking to.
"It is enough. Now, O Yahweh, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers." (I King 19:4). Do you see this person asking God to kill him?
"What are you doing here, Elijah?"(I King 19:9) Do you see God talking to this person who wanted to end his own life? If there is anybody who is not worthy for God to talk to, he would be a very good example.
They have a relationship like that with God through Faith. Do you see any continous beliefs in God there or a relationship?
I am only giving you these examples because you can find the rest yourself. I am here telling you that God is still the same and will have a relationship like with them, with you. Stop giving yourself excuses that the times are different and so on. Stop giving yourself excuses that you and they are different.
The only difference is that they had Faith in God and you do not. So what is Faith in God?[/b]
Yes.Originally posted by casino_king:Tthe critical question is, "Do you believe with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength that there is only one God?"
If yes, then Have Faith in God.
It is not about words or ideas. It is like puberty. Children can argue over the meaning of words and ideas over the concept of puberty.Originally posted by SocialOutcast:You are arguing over words, not over ideas. There is nothing to talk about.
Originally posted by casino_king:Seems to me that you simply cut and paste messages from some websites and try to sound like an "intellect" ? Hrmm....paste properly next time ok ?
Noted, but where I disagree with you is that
1. [b]relationship is the ongoing journey even to our graves and beyond. You start the relationship through Faith, not beliefs.
2. When the relationship first starts it will blow your mind but after a while (Obedience is a non issue because) you will be like:
You: "If I do your this will I get all the bessings and riches in the world?"
God: "No, do you still want to do it?"
What do you think your answer will be? Nothing will be able to tear you away from the love of God.
What am I talking about?
Genesis 22:1 It happened after these things, that God tested Abraham, and said to him, "Abraham!" He said, "Here I am."You see Abraham talking to God? Not praying, mind you. talking to.
"It is enough. Now, O Yahweh, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers." (I King 19:4). Do you see this person asking God to kill him?
"What are you doing here, Elijah?"(I King 19:9) Do you see God talking to this person who wanted to end his own life? If there is anybody who is not worthy for God to talk to, he would be a very good example.
They have a relationship like that with God through Faith. Do you see any continous beliefs in God there or a relationship?
I am only giving you these examples because you can find the rest yourself. I am here telling you that God is still the same and will have a relationship like with them, with you. Stop giving yourself excuses that the times are different and so on. Stop giving yourself excuses that you and they are different.
The only difference is that they had Faith in God and you do not. So what is Faith in God?[/b]
What am I talking about?Originally posted by klydeer:Seems to me that you simply cut and paste messages from some websites and try to sound like an "intellect" ? Hrmm....paste properly next time ok ?
Very frequently, i dont know how your "answers" gel into all of our posts.
"When the relationship first starts it will blow your mind..."KSM ?!!
Wah lau, you totally lost me. I think you are perfectly suited to act in Lost 3.
Ok.Originally posted by casino_king:What am I talking about?
Genesis 22:1 It happened after these things, that God tested Abraham, and said to him, "Abraham!" He said, "Here I am."You see Abraham talking to God? Not praying, mind you. talking to.
"It is enough. Now, O Yahweh, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers." (I King 19:4). Do you see this person asking God to kill him?
"What are you doing here, Elijah?"(I King 19:9) Do you see God talking to this person who wanted to end his own life? If there is anybody who is not worthy for God to talk to, he would be a very good example.
They have a relationship like that with God through Faith in God.
Simple, Direct.
No theology, no what is righteousness through faith; no what is justification by Faith; no what are correct Christian practices, no what are good works...
Simple Faith in God
A person in Faith with God will never say what you say.Originally posted by casino_king:Your comment tells me straightaway that you have never been born again. You might even be a fervent believer of all the Christians concepts and fervent worker in church. You might even be an expert in interpreting the bible.
If you say that then you are saying that there are ways to know God besides Faith in God?Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur:It would be in error however to say that, one cannot come to believe in God through science. How the journey is made, if it is made on correct or wrong notions seems to me irrelevant as long as the person finally reaches God. And I believe that person would not be able to call to God unless God had been calling him all along, and working in all kinds of ways to be known. If such a being was omnipotent and omniscient, using our own inperfect science to reach us is hardly illogical, just that it cannot be done by us...
It is not about personal conduct. It is about being born again. Born again through Faith in God (not beliefs in God no matter from which source or you end up with an idol in your head.)Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur:Which is my contention in the first place. One seems to assume that faith in God is a personal activity of reaching Him, but it seems to me more of a letting ourselves to react in the right way when He reaches us. Your veto is that our faith should be a certain personal conduct that appeals to this God while rejecting as much as possible any notions that could possibly in error, seems to me a purest veto of sorts based on a human understanding of how faith should ever work in human effort.
That is conceit. You presume to know... not that it is not true, not that that is not the experience of people who are having a relationship with God.Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur:I have but a few notions that I do know. That He is Good (or we shall have no hope or motivation of reaching Him) That He is able (so it can be done) That He loves (or He shall not bother with it). In that sense the person with wrong conceptions of God may jolly well be closer and more faithful then the person who soughts to purify his conceptions of faith in God. In a sense it is about the seeker and what God decides to do with him.
God is not Singapore, God is not cheese.Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur:As for starting with beliefs:
When I think of Singapore I may get a mental image of Kovan MRT station, but of course I know that is not what Singapore is all about. It is the starting to base ones whole notion of Singapore on Kovan MRT that is the danger. The other danger it seems to me, soley yours... and that is to just focus on the word S.I.N.G.A.P.O.R.E. and to believe in it in lieu of any concepts. Both dangers it seems to me, are not faith in God. Kovan MRT is certainly in Singapore and deserves no dropping in concept when it comes to thinking about Singapore. All the same simply focusing on the shady and cloudy concept of Singapore can't go very wrong at first... but it can't go very right either. Eventually anything that can't go very right will go very wrong.
I am not saying that you equate God to cheese per se; all I am saying is that you cannot use Singapore and Cheese as an analogy when it comes to God. Try to figure out why.Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur:I'm not sure if any of your replies could not be also applied to you. It is no good to pick out my disease when you have the very same ones you paint me to have... unless we should sought to slit our own throats. The very same accusations of pride and preknowledge you apply to me may jolly well sit in well with the many preknowledges you have sought to set up. Of course I do not deny your right to preknowledge or assumption, for I do not believe it can be excluded for beginning any rational process... you seem on the other hand, to dissent from that opinion strongly.
The real question it seems to me is not if anybody claims to have preknowledge or assumptions, but if whose assumptions are more valid and true. It is my case, and one I believed I have proved quite extensively, that your basic assumptions (and entire case heneforth) are quite seriously flawed.
As for the thing about God is not cheese, this indeed is a curious thing that has been going on for a while. I shall not speak about it.
It is somewhat embarrassing that I ought to use the concept of cheese or even Singapore to illustrate God. But if you have been thinking of me equating God to cheese and Singapore then you are quite mistaken.
Simply put I was not describing God through cheese of Singapore, but rather human interaction with concepts that are quite in the noun. It is my assertation that we cannot know anything about anything if we do not first start out with an assumption of a first and non reductable first principle.
In the way I put our actions when translation to God may very well be similar or even be exactly the very same actions as translating to a piece of cheese or a nation. This is not to say that the objects are the same or ever were the same to begin with. I may speak the same word 'boot' with the same movement of mouth and motor skills, but I might mean kick with one word, and the noun with the other. This was what I was trying to illustrate, but by some curious method it seems you have mixed it up.
First and foremost all I can say is that due to being carnal and finite creatures, it cannot be avoided that we are going to relate to God in some ways, quite the same as we relate to a piece of cheese or a nation. And that is, by thinking about them. Where we differ is that you say that this can, and should be avoided while I think it is quite intractable and not really a sin at all, and also I have pointed out that you solutions don't really offer an alternative at all, but rather push back the question of similiar actions and concepts back (which is to your case).
Far from being above religion, it seems your personal brand of faith is yet another religion. One that claims to be yet again the one true one. How it is judged is another matter entirely, but all I can say is that it is not logically consistent. It is okay if you want to carry on believing in it in lieu of logic, but certainly not me. If that is the case, then there was never really any argument to begin with at all, we are on totally different levels to begin with.
You need not bother with all this at all. But of course I do because my commitment is to a logical defense of faith, but for an irrational stance there can be no logical rescue, only submission. If all logical answers are wrong for you, then it logically goes to say that there are no logical answers for you and any answers will be proved wrong by your logic. There is no fight to begin with.
All I am here to do is to simply demostrate the inadequacies of your own system to the public, mostly for their sake.
On a footnote, you mentioned God, Cheese and Singapore and their invalid usage to illustrate differences in relations of faith (because cheese is not God), but I might need you to enlighten me on the time when you used to concept of a human wife to demostrate the difference in relations of faith.
I am not sure how this is consistent with your argument that my illustration is invalid. Unless of course, you choose to reject your earlier one?
Originally posted by casino_king:I am unable to figure out why, I beg your enlightenment as I could answer you more fully.
I am not saying that you equate God to cheese per se; all I am saying is that you cannot use Singapore and Cheese as an analogy when it comes to God. Try to figure out why.
I used humans not to illustrate God... what was I trying to illustrate?It seems to me the metaphysics of your arguments and mine were very much of the same like and validity.
It is natural that people have idols; "preconceptions" whether cast in stone or as a mental note. To come into the Kingdom of God, what must you do with all these idols?I must dissent, simply because not all preconceptions are idols and not all idols are preconceptions. Preconceptions may very well end up as idols if they are by themselves are allowed to be counted on beyond their lawful status.
Was the point of it all to have a better and more accurate idol?Originally posted by casino_king:Footnote: Is having a better and more accurate idol the way to go?