after reading a few round of your post, there seems to be only one central theme.Originally posted by casino_king:"Do you have a relationship with God such that you can say you need not to read the bible and pray to God anymore because you are talking to God and God is talking to you?"
The only difference is that they had Faith in God and you do not. So what is Faith in God?
I more or less knew what you were going to say because they are "stock" replies by Christians I know. Unless you can come up with something new; I had considered them.Originally posted by vince69:after reading a few round of your post, there seems to be only one central theme.
How do I know I have a relationship with God?
Because I had put my faith in the finished work of Christ, and hence I received salvation, justification, righteousness by grace from God. How I know this? Because God says so, and its recorded in the Bible.
What is Prayer?
Prayer is not just go to God when in needs, when we pray, we are really conversing with God, like I had said before, not just needs and worries, but also joy, praise, worship, and most of all listens; not just big things in our lives, but also the small things, the crazy things, in fact everything also can (at most God get a good laugh).
How to have a relationship with God?
imperfect men cannot approach the perfect God, His perfectness will 'fried' anything that are imperfect.
It is through faith in Christ that we can recieve justification and clothe in righteousness such that we can now have a relationship with God.
Why read the Bible?
To know God better, not that I can know everything, but because I treasured Him. Its like the wife wanting to know more about her husband its not about having faith or not, its about loving Him.
Oh, another thing, how do we know what is faith, justisfication, righteousness, ..etc without reading the Bible, how do we know how to approach God, or how to have a relationship with God without going to the Bible? In fact, How do we know if its God we are conversing with if we don't know God and how do we know God if we don't read about him as recorded in the Bible?
your thoughts?
Nothing wrong, very logical. Is logic the way to enter into the Kingdom of God?Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur:This is a play on words, but it's of no use to anybody. It may very be that I talk to God the way you deem it correct but I consider it praying.
Not an attack on CK, but just my thoughts on his entire theme and case. Correct me if I am wrong.
Faith in God: is the door to start having a relationship with God and be on talking terms with God - to enter into the Kingdom of God.Originally posted by casino_king:Having Faith in God is the door to start having a relationship with God and be on talking terms with God - to enter into the Kingdom of God. So what is Faith in God?
You need money to buy ice cream. That explains "money?" Previously I would have called you a monkey because I thought you were trying to be funny ... now I am beginning to realise that you are serious. You see how much worse this makes you look?Originally posted by Chin Eng:Faith in God: is the door to start having a relationship with God and be on talking terms with God - to enter into the Kingdom of God.
Therefore your question is a stupid question insomuch that you have already given the answer, therefore there is no need to discuss it anymore, especially when you want all answers to match yours.
Nothing wrong, very logical. Is logic the way to enter into the Kingdom of God?No logic isn't THE way to enter the Kingdom, but then again it is a means to an end, and the use of it as part of the journey is far from illegal. In fact come to think of it, nothing is necessary for entering the Kingdom except that He made it necessary.
Are you not the rich man (rich in logic) that Jesus said will find it impossible to enter God's Kingdom just as impossible as a camel to go through the eye of a needle. Don't tell me that the eye of a needle is some sort of small door. That is totally missing the point.I get what you mean. If one relys only on logic to know God. Then sad to say that it would be quite impossible to know God.
There are other things that you are rich in that makes it impossible to enter into the Kingdom of God.Isn't it the same for everything taken the the extreme. Nothing should replace Him as the desire of the heart. When it does even the safest things become the most fatal.
As I said, it's a play on words. I'm amazed anybody bothered to stick with him as long as you did. But I did mention a lot of illogical things he did rise up in his play of words.Originally posted by Chin Eng:Therefore your question is a stupid question insomuch that you have already given the answer, therefore there is no need to discuss it anymore, especially when you want all answers to match yours.
You can get the examples from anywhere. After you get the examples, know that the book only tells you to have Faith in God, not put your trust in the book. So what is Faith in God?Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur:CK asserts Reading the bible is not faith (fair enough)
CK argues we do not need to listen to the bible (okay)
CK gets the example of faith from Abraham and Jesus from the bible (huh?!!)
in this case, without studing the book, how do you know what the book tells you?Originally posted by casino_king:You can get the examples from anywhere. After you get the examples, know that the book only tells you to have Faith in God, not put your trust in the book. So what is Faith in God?
Originally posted by casino_king:
I more or less knew what you were going to say because they are "stock" replies by Christians I know. Unless you can come up with something new; I had considered them.
of course, my replies remains the same cause I am firm on these.
How do you know you have a relationship with your wife? With your parents? Can you be your parents' son but have no relationship with them?
LKY's great grand children will be able to read lots and lots of books on LKY but is that having a relationship with him? They might come across unauthorised versions of his biography and choose to read only those he wrote. Is that having a relationship with him? That is having faith in the authorised versions; sounds familiar?
When LKY dies, that is all that they can hope to do. [b]Is that the way to have Faith in God? Treat God like a dead LKY?
If LKY's children and granchildren wants a relationship with him now, while he is still alive, do they need to read his books? They might want to read the books written about him or by him to see how others see him and how he saw himself in the past.
Should they then tell LKY: "According to your books, you should treat me this way and respond to me this way; the same way that you responded to those people in the books about you!"
Shouldn't they simply ask him? They cannot if they are not having a relationship with him and not in talking terms with him.
read my answers again, don't preconceive them with your past considerations, I started off with the premise that I already had and still have a relationship with God, and its because I treasured this relationship with God that I want to also read about Him (study the bible) and know Him more. could I have asked him/ talk to Him? of course, I have a 24 by 7 always connected line with Him via the Holy Spirit, how close do you think I am with Him? but this does not stop me to also want to read about Him.
Having Faith in God is the door to start having a relationship with God and be on talking terms with God - to enter into the Kingdom of God. So what is Faith in God?
I think instead of coming up with stock replies that I can easily tear apart, why don't you try to tear apart my replies?
What do you mean by "without studying the book?" How can you know what a book says without reading it?Originally posted by vince69:in this case, without studing the book, how do you know what the book tells you?
If I don't trust what the book says (need to have faith in God), that means I think its telling a lie, then why should I put into practice what its says (have faith in God)?![]()
Originally posted by casino_king:This is a personal question, first ask yourself this
[b]could I have asked him/ talk to Him? of course, I have a 24 by 7 always connected line with Him via the Holy Spirit, how close do you think I am with Him? but this does not stop me to also want to read about Him.
You keep going back to you want to read about God as if man can ever know God or understand God. This tells me that you are desperately trying hear God's voice through the book.
This tells me that you only have an idea of God in your head. That what you say "I have a 24 by 7 always connected line with Him via the Holy Spirit," is just meaningless stock Christian reply.
You are no better than seekers in Hindu temples who worship idols. Even those seekers find God when they put their faith in God and reject the idols. You remain a seeker and I tell you that what you are seeking you can only find by having Faith in God.[/b]
Just these few sentences tells me that you do not have Faith in God and continues to depend on idols; it is a normal for humans to cling to idols but you must move on and discard the idols and put your Faith in God.Originally posted by vince69:This is a personal question, first ask yourself this
Do you have a relationship with God? Oh... bad me, I am assuming again, we are still talking about the God we christians believed in and worship, right?
If your answer is yes, what is your relationship with Him? if your answer is no, why haven't you?
Do you also know how to talk to God, hear His voice? If yes, how sure are you in that you are really talking to God and hearing His voice (from the very begining) and not something else?
Pls, you have not read my answers yet, you are just preconcieving that you know them.
I am not asking to you tell me the howOriginally posted by casino_king:Just these few sentences tells me that you do not have Faith in God and continues to depend on idols; it is a normal for humans to cling to idols but you must move on and discard the idols and put your Faith in God.
Anyway it is not something that I can transfer and teach you. If I do that, I will only introduce another idol to you. If you want to depend on all that you have been taught, on your own logic, on the logic of your pastors, on the "authorised" versions", on the idea of God you are comfortable with and refuse to put your Faith in God, what can I say? All I can do is tell you and the rest is up to you.
Just think about this, all I tell you is that to know God you need to have Faith in God and you have so much resistence. You need to depend on your bible, your church practices, your Christian concepts and ideas. You need all these instead of Faith in God.
Just ask yourself what Abraham had? His father was an idolator.
How did Abraham knew it was God? After you discard all the idols, you are left with only God. He simply put his Faith in God.
even david, the man who is after god's heart, pray to god....why the doubt in the powers of prayers?Originally posted by casino_king:[color=red]
I am only giving you these examples because you can find the rest yourself. I am here telling you that God is still the same and will talk to you. Stop giving you excuses that the times are different and so on. Stop giving yourself excuses that you and they are different.
The only difference is that they had Faith in God and you do not. So what is Faith in God?
Originally posted by casino_king:Just these few sentences tells me that you do not have Faith in God and continues to depend on idols; it is a normal for humans to cling to idols but you must move on and discard the idols and put your Faith in God.
Anyway it is not something that I can transfer and teach you. If I do that, I will only introduce another idol to you. If you want to depend on all that you have been taught, on your own logic, on the logic of your pastors, on the "authorised" versions", on the idea of God you are comfortable with and refuse to put your Faith in God, what can I say? All I can do is tell you and the rest is up to you.
Just think about this, all I tell you is that to know God you need to have Faith in God and you have so much resistence. You need to depend on your bible, your church practices, your Christian concepts and ideas. You need all these instead of Faith in God.
Just ask yourself what Abraham had? His father was an idolator.
How did Abraham knew it was God? After you discard all the idols, you are left with only God. He simply put his Faith in God.
Originally posted by laoda99:U are leading us in a wild goose chase with ur ambiguity...refusing to say what is faith urself....just playing with word games.....
mebbe u are really the orang utan? where do u quote those verses? it is from the bible isn't it? and u are telling christians to discard the bible while u can quote?
if god is "anything goes" like what u have said, anyone can write a gospel of their own, even u.....u can write the gospel of confusion and ambiguity.....
And yes, I do not believe u have a personal relationship with god....
Originally posted by casino_king: 21 May 2006 · 05:55 PMYou can get the examples from anywhere. After you get the examples, know that the book only tells you to have Faith in God, not put your trust in the book. So what is Faith in God?
Originally posted by casino_king: 21 May 2006 · 10:58 AMPreviously I would have called you a monkey because I thought you were trying to be funny ... now I am beginning to realise that you are serious. You see how much worse this makes you look?
Seems to me you have no original thought in your own head and worse of all, you take Singapore Tyrannosaur's ideas and vince69 question and claim it as your own. Do you have any sense of shame?Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur 21 May 2006 · 05:32 PM:As I said, it's a play on words. I'm amazed anybody bothered to stick with him as long as you did. But I did mention a lot of illogical things he did rise up in his play of words.
CK asserts Reading the bible is not faith (fair enough)
CK argues we do not need to listen to the bible (okay)
CK gets the example of faith from Abraham and Jesus from the bible (huh?!!)
I have no reason to regard the bible as anything but the unfaithful actions of men writing dogma, but yet I construct a thesis of true faith from unfaithful dogma?
It does not matter if anybody else, like me, has it. Faith in God does not need any "friends;" Abraham was alone in his Faith in God, His father was an idolator.Originally posted by vince69:I am not asking to you tell me the how
just a yes/no answer will be enough.
1) Do you have this relationship with God that you have been saying?
2) Do you have this Faith in God that you have been insisting on?
again, no need for long answer, just a yes/no answer will do.