Hebrew 10:10-23
10And by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
11And every priest stands daily at his service, offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.
12But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God,
13then to wait until his enemies should be made a stool for his feet.
14For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.
15And the Holy Spirit also bears witness to us; for after saying,
16"This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord: I will put my laws on their hearts, and write them on their minds,"
17then he adds, "I will remember their sins and their misdeeds no more."
18Where there is forgiveness of these, there is no longer any offering for sin.19Therefore, brethren, since we have confidence to enter the sanctuary by the blood of Jesus,
20by the new and living way which he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh,
21and since we have a great priest over the house of God,
22let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.
23Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful;Since our confidence is in Christ (and not in goats and calves), let us now draw near to God with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water
Peace be with you, May the Grace of our Lord be upon u!Originally posted by ICanOnlyHope:God seems unfair to many many people. More than what Christians would think. I am not targeting Christians but since Christians believe in a God, I write in this forum. I find that the Christian explanation of suffering is a bit inadequate. God is in control right? Then how come God allow people to suffer? Even allow good Christians to suffer?
What's worse is the attitude of some Christians to people who suffer. They think that the person is a sinner so he suffers. They think that the person has no faith so he suffers. They think that Christians must be rich & prosperous & healed. Sometimes a Christian can be so under pressure also not to mention non Christian. In this world there is so much suffering but why God still allow it?
Sometimes i have so much anger towards God. I feel that why can't i have anger at Him? Is He going to send me to hell for this? Then He must be an unfeeling God! Why worship such a God? What's the need for sin cleansing when i am already suffering so much thru no fault of my own? What sin have i committed to go thru all these? Why must God pick on people like me? What have i done that others have not done?
Can anyone pls explain the problem of suffering? Are Christians lying to themselves? Is God a liar? Is God only caring about His Ownself? At least Buddhism has a good explanation abt suffering. What we sow in our past lives is what we reap now. I can better identify with it. Bcos no explanation by God as to why i suffer! Thanks.
I cannot reveal here. I just feel very unfortunate to suffer what i am suffering now. Whenever i look at healthy people, i cry inside. & there are many many who are worse than me. They have no chance to voice it here or elsewhere.Originally posted by M©+square:Hmm....
I think a good start will be you stating clearly what are you actually suffering from.
You seem to the upset about everything and anything.
I suggest you read up 'The Problem Of Pain' and 'A Grief Observed' by C.S Lewis.
If you're a Christian - Where Is God When It Hurts? by Philip Yancey should be a good read.
God is NOT fair when He shows His favour to some & disregards others. It's all by His grace right? So a big sinner can also receive right? So He treats people differently. That's when He is biased bcos all are sinners what! Who is greater sinner than who? He doesnt treat great sinners? Why Christians always use sin to attack people when people hasnt sinned like the biggest sinner who escape scot free? You yourself say God isn't fair in your opening statement.Originally posted by vince69:For a start, Who says God is fair?
In the Bible,
God is righteous,
God is perfect,
God is good,
God is able
But did not say God is fair.
I mean, If God is fair, should Jesus who knew no sin, go about doing good deeds, healing the sicks, suffered those many toture and died on the cross (one of the worst, if not the worst form of dealth penalty at that time)?
If the daddy prepares the food, called out to his children to come and eat, if the children decided not to and feels hungry, cna he/she blame the father for it?
The same, God loves us and want to give us good things, things that are good for us, may not be what we want, but nevertheless good things. If we refused to accept them, can we blame God? (ok, at least the person who blame God beleived He exist, don't think anyone can blame someone he don't believed to exist, right?)
Having said all these, here is what God is, God loves us, but God is righteous and perfect, we had all fallen and therefore by ourselves cannot approach God.
That's why He had to paid for our debts of sins, Jesus at the cross fully and completely satisfied the requirement demanded by a righteous and perfect God in the area of sins, that now we can have full confidence and assurance that after we, being purified by the blood of Christ, can approached the loving Father God. And God can now righteously declared, their sins and lawless deeds I remember no more.
God had paid the penalty of our sins, he had freely given us the gift of salvation, do you want to receive it? I had, you need to make your choice.
I believe in God. I find the believe then have blessings part ridiculous. It doesnt mean when one believes, one is spared all trouble or even death. I find contradictions here. You also said Christians suffer, so why believe in a good God? Why always point to whether people have sinned or not? It's like Job being accused of sin when ALL have sinned. So why single out me for sin? Am i a bigger sinner than you? You have not sinned? If God treats you well, why can't He treat me well also since we are all sinners? This i cannot reconcile. Grace i cannot reconcile. Why grace shown to some & not to others?Originally posted by breytonhartge:To ICanOnlyHope:
The response that I will give you may sound harsh, but I pray you read it with an open mind because God loves you and wants to do great wonders in your life if YOU will let Him.
First from your post, I gather that you do not believe in God, then you move on to saying that you are angry with God. Stop this hypocrisy, either you believe God is real or you don't. Please. Why do you bring God into the picture when most of the time you deny His existence. When things are going well with you, do you praise God and thank Him for your provision? Many people who deny the existence of God are quick to acknowledge His existence when tragedy strikes them.
My next question to you is this, you who complain about a supposed irrational or malevolent God: "Which God are you talking about? The actual God who reveals Himself in the Bible? Or a god of your own un-biblical teaching or human imagination?"
What does the Bible actually say about our modern society and human suffering? First, it tells us that our world today is not "God’s world," Notice: "But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them" (2 Corinthians 4:3–4). So the "god" of this world is Satan the devil!
From the book of Job, we see that God sometimes allows satan to afflict human beings. Only after he had suffered and was deeply humbled did Job say: "I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes" (Job 42:5–6).
Realise this: Human life apart from the true God is futile. This may seem "cruel" or "unfair" to those who lack understanding of the awesome power and glory that God has in mind for those who truly serve and obey Him. But it is often the only way human beings are willing and able to learn. Another thing that is often overlooked is in the bible is that God specifically mentions time and time again that He will intervene and bring about punishments to nations and people who refuse to OBEY Him, but if we do, He promises blessings. (Leviticus 26:1–13).
Why? You might ask. Simple, because God deals with nations and people to teach us needed lessons. "For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives" (Hebrews 12:6). God will intervene so that we will learn the lessons to finally fulfill His great purpose. He does not do this in spite, but in genuine outflowing concern to help a people who have been totally obsessed with "me-ism" and materialism. He wants us to wake up and be willing to genuinely seek our Creator and fulfill the supreme purpose for which we are drawing breath.
There is a cause for every effect. The breaking of GodÂ’s great spiritual law is the basic cause of all human suffering. Once we have that one fact straight, and live by it, the amount of human suffering will become minuscule!
Note that God does not specifically pick on you. Do you think that as Christians God does not also chasten us and pull us up from time to time when He sees that we are going in the wrong direction? Suffering is not limited to the unbeliever only. God is no respecter of men, but it is your attitude to suffering that will determine your outcome.
But you claim not to have sinned? Are you sure? It is strange that you should mention about sowing and reaping because the bible also talks about this:
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
Have a good think about your past and things you have done, what you sow, you are now reaping. It is a law of the earth. You may think that you have not done anything wrong, but have you really been righteous? If not come before the Lord and repent.
You call God a liar, I would leave you with this verse:
Romans 3:3-5
3 For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect? 4 Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar. As it is written:
“ That You may be justified in Your words,
And may overcome when You are judged.”[a]
5 But if our unrighteousness demonstrates the righteousness of God, what shall we say? Is God unjust who inflicts wrath? (I speak as a man.)
Also see Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man, that He should lie,Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?
God tells us in Romans 6:23: "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Sin automatically brings sorrow, suffering and, eventually, the second death in the Lake of Fire, unless it is bitterly repented of (Revelation 21:8 ). As we read in 1 John 3:4: "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law" (KJV). For God’s law—the Ten Commandments—is like the law of gravity. God’s spiritual law "works" whether you believe in it or not!
I just dont understand why He is doing it to me & so many other people. Who has no faults? Do you? Why He is kind to some but merciless to others? Why some saved some not saved? Why some suffer some not suffer? Why some go to hell some go to heaven?Originally posted by babyys:Peace be with you, May the Grace of our Lord be upon u!
I really believe you need alot of healing from your hurts, pain etc etc....
Like you, i used to question why this why that, why me & not the other person etc...etc...And i have learnt that sometimes God allows evil to happen for a greater good. eg. (like a wake-up call) so just have faith that something good will come out of it.
Our God is a God of love and he definately does not want to see anyone of us suffer. It pains him to see us in agony. However because we were given free will to choose our paths, sometimes we just take the short-cut and decide to stray away from the light. But never forget that God will always be there for us. All he needs from us is the faith as small as a mustard seed to believe in him. We ourselves have to do some soul-searching to identify our faults. Its so simple to start pointing fingers but have we actually looked at ourselves?
No father in his right mind will feed poison to his own flesh & blood right? Same goes for God.
The thing is how do you know that I have not gone through hard times? Each of us has our own cross to bear. Each of us have our tests. But know this, though He slay me, YET I WILL STILL PRAISE HIM. What about all those who have gone before you? Who have faced persection, trials, torments, who have even died for their faith, are you any more than them? The hope that I have in the LORD is of the Kingdom to come, not in this world. This is the faith that we are called to have. Like Sadrach, Meshach and Abed_Nego when they were to be put to death for not bowing down to the idol of King Nebuchadnezzar, they said this "but if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the image you have set up..."Originally posted by ICanOnlyHope:I believe in God. I find the believe then have blessings part ridiculous. It doesnt mean when one believes, one is spared all trouble or even death. I find contradictions here. You also said Christians suffer, so why believe in a good God? Why always point to whether people have sinned or not? It's like Job being accused of sin when ALL have sinned. So why single out me for sin? Am i a bigger sinner than you? You have not sinned? If God treats you well, why can't He treat me well also since we are all sinners? This i cannot reconcile. Grace i cannot reconcile. Why grace shown to some & not to others?
Your theory of christianity's view of suffering is based on what people preached to you I suppose, this is not accurate, because there might be 'ravenging wolves in sheeps' clothings' and inaccuracyin interpretations.Originally posted by ICanOnlyHope:God seems unfair to many many people. More than what Christians would think. I am not targeting Christians but since Christians believe in a God, I write in this forum. I find that the Christian explanation of suffering is a bit inadequate. God is in control right? Then how come God allow people to suffer? Even allow good Christians to suffer?
What's worse is the attitude of some Christians to people who suffer. They think that the person is a sinner so he suffers. They think that the person has no faith so he suffers. They think that Christians must be rich & prosperous & healed. Sometimes a Christian can be so under pressure also not to mention non Christian. In this world there is so much suffering but why God still allow it?
Sometimes i have so much anger towards God. I feel that why can't i have anger at Him? Is He going to send me to hell for this? Then He must be an unfeeling God! Why worship such a God? What's the need for sin cleansing when i am already suffering so much thru no fault of my own? What sin have i committed to go thru all these? Why must God pick on people like me? What have i done that others have not done?
Can anyone pls explain the problem of suffering? Are Christians lying to themselves? Is God a liar? Is God only caring about His Ownself? At least Buddhism has a good explanation abt suffering. What we sow in our past lives is what we reap now. I can better identify with it. Bcos no explanation by God as to why i suffer! Thanks.
I find teachings on suffering very limited nowadays among churches in Singapore. Perhaps bcos we are an affluent country with plenty of stuffs & food. Nowadays teachings tend to focus on motivational, prosperity, healing types. We are not worrying abt persecution or suffering. People who are suffering seem to be rejected by the society as a whole not just in church. Maybe not so bad as wolves in sheep's clothing but the general environment is like America, a first world country, so people tend to look up to status, enjoyment, money, health, luxuries etc. So the church also have to preach that to attract followers maybe.Originally posted by 022615:Your theory of christianity's view of suffering is based on what people preached to you I suppose, this is not accurate, because there might be 'ravenging wolves in sheeps' clothings' and inaccuracyin interpretations.
Try to read the new testatments yourself and do not so much as to believe others.
Classic example of SOP answer.Originally posted by babyys:Peace be with you, May the Grace of our Lord be upon u!
I really believe you need alot of healing from your hurts, pain etc etc....
Like you, i used to question why this why that, why me & not the other person etc...etc...And i have learnt that sometimes God allows evil to happen for a greater good. eg. (like a wake-up call) so just have faith that something good will come out of it.
Our God is a God of love and he definately does not want to see anyone of us suffer. It pains him to see us in agony. However because we were given free will to choose our paths, sometimes we just take the short-cut and decide to stray away from the light. But never forget that God will always be there for us. All he needs from us is the faith as small as a mustard seed to believe in him. We ourselves have to do some soul-searching to identify our faults. Its so simple to start pointing fingers but have we actually looked at ourselves?
No father in his right mind will feed poison to his own flesh & blood right? Same goes for God.
You sound like someone going through some difficult times, maybe you want to discuss your situation with someone (if too personal, can use PM, I am sure some of the mature believers here can advise you/ pray with you).Originally posted by ICanOnlyHope:I believe in God. I find the believe then have blessings part ridiculous. It doesnt mean when one believes, one is spared all trouble or even death. I find contradictions here. You also said Christians suffer, so why believe in a good God? Why always point to whether people have sinned or not? It's like Job being accused of sin when ALL have sinned. So why single out me for sin? Am i a bigger sinner than you? You have not sinned? If God treats you well, why can't He treat me well also since we are all sinners? This i cannot reconcile. Grace i cannot reconcile. Why grace shown to some & not to others?
There are many many who are going thru difficult times now. My suffering is minute compared to what some are facing, but even so, it's so painful, how much more those who are suffering worse? Where is God?Originally posted by vince69:You sound like someone going through some difficult times, maybe you want to discuss your situation with someone (if too personal, can use PM, I am sure some of the mature believers here can advise you/ pray with you).
I can assure you, life is not easy (been through difficult times myself), one thing I do know, is that in those times, God had not adundant us all those times, and that during those times, I am also thankful for the fellow brothers and sisters that was there to give us support in prayers and encouragements.![]()
errr....simi si SOP??? i am really bad at abbreviations.Originally posted by M©+square:Classic example of SOP answer.
Originally posted by babyys:nice song indeed.
This song is specially dedicated to all who feel pain & hurts. In all things GIVE THANKS!
And I thank You Lord, for the trials that come my way
In that way I can grow each day as I let You lead
Cause You promised Lord, that with every testing
That Your way of escaping is easier to bear.
But it goes against the way I am
to put my human nature down
And let the Spirit take control of all I do.
Cause when those trials come by human nature
Shouts the things to do
And Gods soft prompting can be easily ignored.
And I thank You Lord, for the victory that growing brings,
In surrender of everything, life is so worthwhile.
And I thank You Lord, that when everything? put in place,
Out in front I can see Your face and its there You belong.
John 2:9Originally posted by ICanOnlyHope:There are many many who are going thru difficult times now. My suffering is minute compared to what some are facing, but even so, it's so painful, how much more those who are suffering worse? Where is God?
Sometimes life can be very lonely without anyone for support. You won't understand till you face the same situation. There are many many who are facing loneliness & rejection & sickness & pain. Maybe on their sick bed. Maybe in their wheelchairs. Maybe incapacitated. So many lonely scenarios. Where is God then in their situations?
I do not believe that sheer suffering teaches. If suffering alone taught, all the world would be wise, since everyone suffers. To suffering must be added mourning, understanding, patience, love, openness and the willingness to remain vulnerable. - Anne Morrow LindberghIt is natural to react in anger to the frustrations in life. But once we change our attitudes towards problems, then we can be free of unneccesary anger.
__________Originally posted by ICanOnlyHope:There are many many who are going thru difficult times now. My suffering is minute compared to what some are facing, but even so, it's so painful, how much more those who are suffering worse? Where is God?
Sometimes life can be very lonely without anyone for support. You won't understand till you face the same situation. There are many many who are facing loneliness & rejection & sickness & pain. Maybe on their sick bed. Maybe in their wheelchairs. Maybe incapacitated. So many lonely scenarios. Where is God then in their situations?