-raises paw-
Originally posted by littlestream:transferred le. wah lau eh, brother aka skeujin jin jia lat. ran out of cheese le. he like ran out of cheese quite often. kekekeke~~~
thanks streamie ~
Originally posted by Ferret:thanks streamie ~
aww.....thanks ferret but why u gib me so much neh? *hugz*
Originally posted by littlestream:transferred le. wah lau eh, brother aka skeujin jin jia lat. ran out of cheese le. he like ran out of cheese quite often. kekekeke~~~
wakaka. been very busy with work. no time to check n being super niao i wana run out of cheese before i go town to buy more.
Originally posted by skeujin:wakaka. been very busy with work. no time to check n being super niao i wana run out of cheese before i go town to buy more.
hee hee....i also. i played till my last cheeze then i go to town to stock up. but i didn't go lab 'cos i wanna upgrade my weapon first. still a beri beri beri beri long way to go............haiz..........
I haben reach master.
Ok i cant go into MH now. Neither can I get into Parking Wars.
Is it just me?
Originally posted by kiseki:Ok i cant go into MH now. Neither can I get into Parking Wars.
Is it just me?
can go in wat
now all the applications cannot go in.
all the FB games pai liao
Originally posted by the Bear:all the FB games pai liao
streamie u need more gold for your trap mahz ?
Wed. Oct. 1, 2008 8:02pm:
A log of mice I've caught in the last 1 day 12 hours: 13 Steel mice, 10 Granite mice, 10 Bionic mice, 2 Zombie mice, 6 Mutated Grey mice, and 4 Mutated White mice.
Total points: 17,200
Total gold: 28,966
Loot Collected:
Marble Cheese x 8
Cheddar Cheese x 8
Lab Research (500 points) x 3
Lab Research (1000 points) x 2
Radioactive Blue Cheese Curd Potion x 2
Originally posted by Ferret:streamie u need more gold for your trap mahz ?
yesh, i am building my reserves. why neh? ne yau ge wo ah? bu yao hor. xie xie ne first ah, hao gan dong leh. but ni keep for yourself hor. *hugz.....muackz* :)
i shld have 20-30k after buying my drillbot. u wan mah ? can pass u
Originally posted by Ferret:i shld have 20-30k after buying my drillbot. u wan mah ? can pass u
awww.....you are way too kind and so sweet. thanks for even thinking and then offering but no, i shouldn't. you keep it to buy your SB. i will slowly build. i may need to stop. i've been having dreams about clicking my mouse at every 15 minutes interval. :oops: thanks, ferret! *mmmmuacks* :)
mmmkays. if u need, dont hesitate k ?
ok i am back at lab.... slowly killing mouse again..
FB down?
cannot even ping it
working fine for me
Originally posted by abnn:FB down?
cannot even ping it
do you have a direct link?
coz the URL is now http://apps.new.facebook.com/....