dunch u have any SB ?
oh.. i'm now in fishertonville in fish wrangler..
hope got hippie fish... and get enough gold to increase skill
fisherton got hippie !
lots of hippies !
good good.. then can increase skill.. after i get some gold
ok luck's a changing~
i've got about 20 cheese left.. after that, i'm probably going to get a pile of cheese and go to the lab
Originally posted by Ferret:dunch u have any SB ?
Uhhh, only have 26 pieces of SB. sian.
Originally posted by the Bear:i've got about 20 cheese left.. after that, i'm probably going to get a pile of cheese and go to the lab
come and have fun in the labbbb
-gnashes teeth-
got my hippie fish!!
moment i commented abt my luck..
i think i go play word challenge
hey.. want to go night fishing in the fishing game?
yeah i want, add me in.. how ?
i have no idea how.
Originally posted by Ferret:yeah i want, add me in.. how ?
i have no idea how.
neither do i.. i just go add
ok i wait... lemme know again soon.
i need to bath and snooze.
i think you have to request.. coz i cannot add..
clicky here => Join
i have clicked.
and now ?
i also dunno.. it went dead.. now trying to get in again..
do we rikes.. need 5 ppl ?
no.. maximum 5 people..
for mousehunt..
Fri. Sep. 26, 2008 10:59pm:
A log of mice I've caught in the last 1 day 12 hours: 2 White mice, 5 Grey mice, 3 Brown mice, 13 Dwarf mice, 6 Steel mice, 10 Granite mice, 6 Bionic mice, 2 Gold mice, 4 Diamond mice, and 1 Ninja mouse.
Total points: 18,679
Total gold: 24,825
so i dont need to do anything ?
and uh, get more chum ? just in case ?
nope.. so long as you have logged in.. can go night fishing..
i'm going to sleep already... got a LONG day with Aussie Rules and F1 Qualifying to watch.. if you see l'ilstream ask her to join also but i won't be able to "accept"
maybe subsequently, you start the night fishing?