JUST YOU WAIT...I got 3 bite already! usually you will get a catch in 10 bite right....right?
hahahhaa i dunno the stats man...
SKEUJIN~~~~~ you are out of cheese!!!!
i jus realised. haha thks sis.
ive been up for the last 2 hours but vegetating in bed. i kept on cllicking on camp but nvr realised i was out. :P
kakakakaakaa.........no prob bro~~~~
i saw i have one kaki online and click to see who is up so early. sekali to my horror, i saw one red line for you and checked. holy crap, u were out of cheese.
but then again, u only replenish THREE cheese? *sniggers*
Originally posted by skid:Sat. Sep. 20, 2008 3:54am:The sounding of the Hunter's Horn called the hunters to battle, but my efforts were fruitless. A Pirate mouse ate a piece of cheese without setting off my trap.
Additionally, the fiend pillaged 612 gold from me!wtf!!!
Sat. Sep. 20, 2008 9:38pm: The sounding of the Hunter's Horn called the hunters to battle. I was successful in my hunt! I caught a 2 oz. Zombie mouse from the Laboratory worth 2698 points and 2754 gold. Additionally, the mouse dropped the following loot: Tattered Mousoleum Cloth, Greater Radioactive Blue Cheese Curd Potion.
I am going to mosoleum soon... either monday or tues....
in lab now. wakakaka....
welcome welcome
I'm a MASTER!!!
and i am a grandmaster
Guys, wanna check at lab trapsmith was able to view the shadow trap ? must hunt for the trap ah? is it a loot?
portal traps must be bought... and they are at digby...
Overnight stats for mousoleum using swiss cheese... nnbz jialat.
at least u got zombie wat.
off topic, fer, u restart the parking wars application ah?