Tue. Sep. 16, 2008 9:25pm:
A log of mice I've caught in the last 1 day 13 hours: 4 White mice, 3 Grey mice, 2 Brown mice, 15 Dwarf mice, 12 Steel mice, 8 Granite mice, 8 Bionic mice, 3 Diamond mice, 2 Gold mice, 3 Zombie mice, and 1 Ninja mouse.
Total points: 27,453
Total gold: 36,957
i can afford the deathbot now.. just.. but i need to pull in around 20,000 gold (coz i spent 10,000 on swiss) before i buy it...
got to have cheese to hunt
most.. useless.. mouse... ever.... part deux...
is facebook down ?
why i suddenly canot go in?
works fine for me.
my office allows fb. haha
NB the biggest haul from them...
first hour in lab:
i find that mountains got more good mice than harbour...
Originally posted by darkensun:first hour in lab:
Wed. Sep. 17, 2008 7:47am:I checked my trap and found that I had caught a mouse!
I caught a 7 oz. Zombie mouse from the Laboratory worth 2693 points and 2889 gold.
Additionally, the mouse dropped the following loot:
Tattered Mousoleum Cloth.
gratz gratz
wah lau eh!!
1k points and 729 gold
i'm running away from Harbour as soon as i can get my deathbot and able to have enough cheese to go back to Mountain
its a bloody conspiracy.
and i like was ahead of you a couple of weeks back but now im getting crap mice n u overshot me by miles
n luk waht appreared in between the earlier gold n points pillage...
MH huat huat ..
those wanna sound .. pls shout huat huat ~~~~
if i had 50 more gold pieces, i'd go back to town, get the deathbot and go back to harbour... but i think i'll just hunt a bit more, get as much as that remaining 61 pieces of swiss will bring me, but the deathbot and as much swiss as i can get, and go to Mountain again...
this time, i'm not touching it until Sunday night coz i won't be around
i figure a dwarf is still profitable..
as long as not stolen, or pillaged or courage crippled, can already
Journeymen liao!!! And now just went to the mountain to try out.
i am still crawling so nothing exceptional to update. in fact, si mi zombie de ar buay kua tio. :cry:
Originally posted by turbo_drift:Journeymen liao!!! And now just went to the mountain to try out.
wah so brave ah? me still hanging out in harbour. beri expensive to travel to sua teng leh.
and then hor, up to now, i still hv not caught a zombie leh. :(
anyways, congratz and good luck at sua teng. i stay with hai pian. kekeke
Originally posted by Ferret:Wed. Sep. 17, 2008 11:21pm:A log of mice I've caught in the last 1 day 12 hours: 2 Dwarf mice, 14 Steel mice, 17 Granite mice, 16 Bionic mice, 2 Zombie mice, 4 Mutated Grey mice, and 7 Mutated White mice.
Total points: 21,870
Total gold: 37,936
Loot Collected:
- Swiss Cheese x 2
- Marble Cheese x 2
- Cheddar Cheese x 23
- Lab Research (500 points) x 3
- Lab Research (750 points) x 2
- Lab Research (1000 points) x 2
- Radioactive Blue Cheese Curd Potion x 3
i neber see total points starts with 2 and total gold starts with 3 for meself yet. :cry: :cry: