Where is that Heckker??? sbst>how come you werent driving the bus that crased on the mrt column? Shoots AIM-120 at Mahai.... Today got a SMART Cab crashed at the same site sbst>wouldnt it have been ideal if you had been the bus driver that crashed into the column then just as the rescue team was dragging you out of the wreckage the taxi crashed against your inert body? Shoots SCUD at Mahai 24-27 hrs dif... Can comb the 2 accident???? sbst>if i were the rescue team, i'd have left you hanging in the cab for 24 hours until the taxi came along to crash into you [8:53 pm] Em.. The site was opposite of each other And that personnal would be dead meat if a public finds out someone is there tatgne u now at beijing ? sbst>then i would place your trolley on the road opposite for the taxi to crash into dun tap the mic pls [8:56 pm] Mahai - So lame
mahai102> sbst drives buses for a living...he likes driving over dog poo on purpose on new year's eve sbst likes to give his passengers a little something to ponder...he will swerve his bus near to the mrt column hoping that some passengers will take fright & jump out of his bus
Originally posted by RaTtY81:
Mahai simply likes to irritate ppl with all these..