Good evening, this is DP reporting from Bukit Panjang Express. First the main news, while having an afternoon nap today, DP was awake by a call from a resident. The conversations are as follow:
Resident (R): Hello, is this the number to call for any latest news in BP?
DP: (Yawn) Yes, correct, whatÂ’s the news?
R: IÂ…IÂ…. saw a buaya in the LRT today.
DP: ErrÂ… you mean a buaya as in term of a person?
R: Yes, yes… He is about 30 – 40 years old, wearing a cap and carrying a haversack.
DP: So what exactly happened?
R: Okay, this buaya, at first he was talking on the phone, sounds like he is teacher or private tutor, not very sure. Then hor this secondary school girl sat opposite him. He began to eye her on and off. Then he like wants to buaya her like that, asked her, which school she is from. The girl like very shy said XXX sec school lor. He then said she very pretty leh, looks like japanese girl, very cute. The girl blushed like very shy like that didnÂ’t know how to answer him. He then asked some questions, canÂ’t hear properly, the girl like shy shy, dared not look at him.
DP: Interesting Â….
R: Not over yet. Then the girl alight at one of the station and the buaya followed her out. He then pretend pretends, ah, you also live here is it? Then they disappeared downstairs liao.
DP: HmmÂ… why are you telling me this?
R: So that, you can warn the rest to beware of that buaya mah.
DP: Oic. Good for you, I will post in the forum tonight. Hope that the girl is okay.
R: Yeah lor, yeah lor. Hope she is fine.
Okay folks, that was the main news for today! If people said that you are cute or looks like Japanese actress please do not be too happy. He may be a sex manic which watches too many Japanese AV liao.
Now for the other news, DP was buying lunch at Senja Grand today. Suddenly someone called out his name, he turned around and see a pretty lady. ‘Er… you are?’ (As usual DP cannot remember names) I am XXX, you secondary school friend, remember me?’ ‘Oh, yes, you are XXX, it has been so long! You live around here?’ ‘Yup, I just move to Blk 625, what about you, which is your blk?’, etc….
DP is very happy today because he met a secondary school friend.