ok i'll make this as short n sweet as possible... there's an idea for holdin a jamfest this new year's eve... basically the bands who join this event will be able to jam in public till the new year... rite now the project is still in the development stages... i need to see if the east-side bands r up for this idea... its a gd chance to polish up on ur public relations n to show everyone wat ur made of... if enuff bands join then a proposition can be written for a sponsor... already got 1 in mind dun worry...
equipment, advertisement will be handled by the sponsor if the event proceeds... any suggestions on how to improve this event prior to the submission of the proposition are gladly accepted... the last thing we want to happen is for this event to go bust... pass this message along to other east-side bands... the more the merrier...
bands who r interested email me at
[email protected]... pls state ur name, genre of music, no. of members, experience level, how many songs u can play n any other info u wanna add... participation in this event has been confirmed to be free-of-charge...
this topic is OPEN so questions can be posted here... check back here for future updates... personal replies will be done through email... if u wanna distribute this msg across any other threads, be my guest... remember, this is mainly for the east-side bands... if u're from anywhere else n u dun mind the inconvenience of travelling all the way here to perform, then u're welcome to join...
this is for all kinds of rockers, tat includes j rockers... however bands advocatin satanism in their MUSIC are advised not to sign up as this is not an underground event... this WILL be held in public n non of us want any bad publicity to be in the papers... tat is all for now...