Excuse me people,
I'm looking for the young man whom I gave a piano lesson to a couple of days ago. Sorry, I can't remember your name!

pai seh!
You haven't responded to my messages. Er... do you need a second lesson?
Or you wanna practice first before your next lesson? I won't be in Singapore in October ok? my flight is on 11 October, and I can't get a return flight, so maybe I won't come back

No lah, seriously will come back one la, still got xiao hai zi to teach at work. Just dunno when only!!

remember when you run out of steam to practise, listen to the CD that we got from Sembawang ok?
Have you got your piano tuned yet? IMPORTANT, listen to the A when you get bored.
Oh, and if you need help, and I'm not in singapore, go look for the gentleman at Parkway Parade Robert Piano, you remember him right? Quite shuai4 ge1 one, I think he will understand you more, cos he finish army already..
Ok, see ya around.
You know how to reach me!!
zi4 ji3 zhao4 gu4 zi4 ji3, jie3 jie3 xian1 gao4 ci2 le!!

p/s please say hello to your Dad for me