i like Ai Bu Pa! hehehehe...Originally posted by InnoHippo:Favourite song:
wang qing sheng ba wu![]()
i think so......Originally posted by coolger03:think they've got one funny mtv where they were the news anchor.... then at the end, when they finished, they stand up, can see they are wearing shorts instead??
is the song title, ba ba ba har?
i oso like a cantonese song he sang wif a cha boh... can't remember the title...Originally posted by FireIce:my fav is Remus Choy~!
i like the song "Wei He Tian Sheng Bu Shi Nuu Ren"
can send me?Originally posted by InnoHippo:Favourite MTV:
an lian de dai jia
you can see and sing it at Partyworld KTVOriginally posted by BaByBoY:can send me?
you sing grasshopper songs tomorrow KTV lah.Originally posted by Ah Ma:yeah! my idol.s....i stil tink they r the best grp till nw i stil listen to their songs...
i like to sing their song at hm....i collect their cassettes to album frm young...Originally posted by InnoHippo:you sing grasshopper songs tomorrow KTV lah.
see whether the "kids" would freak out