Master Of PuppetzThe solos fit the song...
Hell...This has been named the best metal album...
one of my favs to be played on a live show...
Hotel California(unplugged)No need for explainations...Just listen...
Nothing Else MattersSimple solo...But it's beautiful...
Drag the watersIt's catchy...It's technical...What more can u ask for..Dimebag really has alot of nice riffs and chops...
Tender surrendersimply beautiful...Highly technical...I enjoy playing this to warm up b4 my gigs...
J.Petrucci(Dream Theater)-
Flight Of the BumblebeeToughest guitar solo by far IMO
The only song i have probs in compared to the endless 'tallica, malmsteen, vai tracks...The solo's insanely fast and technical..
I could name a hundred more...But these are just off the top of my head...