ai ya... i thot someone will be able to give me the whole song thing.. keke...
cos me just started to learn and still can't play well....
and can't strum at all... always take too long to change next chord...

"Love, Me".
Intro: C Em Am Dm7 G C
Verse: C Em Am F G C
C Em Am Dm7 G (Repeat)
Chorus: F G C, F G C, F G Am, Dm7 G
F G C, F G Am, F G E7 Am Dm7 G
this is what one fren gave me... but then hor... i thot they used plucking to play this song... but then he say i shld learn/ explore for myself...

but me really catch no ball here leh... anyone can give me a tip or 2??
and oh yah... how abt first of may?? me like this song also... but is it easy for beginners to learn???