What are some of the songs that you have heard that is being remade and sounded better than the original?
Fields of Gold - Eva Cassidy vs Sting
What are those that you think is still better than the remade editions?
Faith - Limp Bizkit vs George Michael
crowded house vs. sixpence none the richer - don't dream its over
the Bear
Feelings i think it's done by Gemini as opposed to The Offspring... i feel The Offspring brought their manic ways to a nice lovesong
Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell, as opposed to Counting Crows version... as much as a respect Ms Michell, i feel Counting Crows brought a touch of sad longing and resignation as well as hope to the song
J.Cash- "Hurt" Period.
Master -_-
Originally posted by Tim^Guitarist:
J.Cash- "Hurt" Period.
prefer NIN's version...
Anyway, Brother's Hymn - Pennywise
John Petrucci-" Flight Of The Bumblebee"(guitar solo)
It was scary... Dubbed as the "Hardest Guitar Piece 2 Play" by my friends and I...
Cash had more passion in it imo
Originally posted by Master -_-:
prefer NIN's version...
Anyway, Brother's Hymn - Pennywise
Wu Ding jacky wu and landy did the first while jay and landy did the second. i prefered jacky's as jay's had too much of a RnB in it.
the Bear
Johnny Cash had the whole lifetime behind it.. whatever Reznor wrote, Cash had already lived through... and sang it with passion because he knew and lived it...
Reznor was amazed at what Cash had done with it.. and i think he was actually in tears