Among my football kakis and colleagues we have some... weird words or pronounciations that we use, some phrases are probably common, some are just plain silly... here's some of them.
Patented - Pronounced as "Peh(3)ten(1)tet(4)" Bo pian, gotta use hanyu pinyin

Usage : I saw him go through and I gave him my patented through pass
Ramnable - Meaning : Emmmm Ram-able? Bang-able?
Usage : I tell you, she's ramnable~!!!
You can combine the above to words and use it like this...
"Wah lao eh, I tell you she's patented ramnable!!"
Dying - Well not literally...
Usage : They're dying already, we can win now! OR After a joke, Hahahahaha, I'm dying~ I'm dying~!
Disco Jack - Meaning : Well there isn't any meaning, its just humping another guy with clothes on. No penetration occurs.
Ronery - Taken from "Team America : World Police"
Usage : Look at him, he's so ronery (lonely) and nobody rerarises (realises) it.
Fallen - To be attached.
Usage : Oh no... he has fallen!
While playing football we have names for shots and passes.
Blue wave : I dunno where this came from, the guy just named it.
Bast@rd shot : Scoring from a tight angle, why bast@rd? Because it went in when its not supposed to thus knocking the opposition team out with them commenting "bast@rd sial... like that also can score"
Infant shot : When the ball trickles into the goal, its not a powerful shot, or placing... its a very very very very very very weak shot that somehow went into the goal.
Laser pass : This guy sends the pass so fast and accurate, you wonder if its good or bad. So fast its hard to trap yet its so accurate it reaches you.
1000 leg dribble : That's doing endless stepovers and turns... but getting nowhere.
Ok back to words and pronounciations...
Chaotic - Pronounced as "Chao tick"
Usage : Damn chaotic man... so many things to do.
I think there's more, my mind is blank now... share what you and your friends usually say and no one will probably understand.