can change the spark plug after the run in...or else its too waste of $$Originally posted by RainXP:Try to use 4k is enough for a smooth pickup. Slowly, dun rush to pickup fast lor...
Pillion ppl just pickup slower, 4k will still do fine.
Morning engine cold, on choke, start engine liao, let abt 1 min for warm up, blow the trottle if you want, after that you can off choke and move off... When send for service bike, ask them to change a good spark plug...
proper run-in/brake-in is necessary as it can affect the performance of the bike in the future...for ur own gd, especially if u wanna sell the pple would wanna buy a kips with low top speed rite...and proper run in also reduce the risk of piston jam at high speed.Originally posted by HighwayAngel:Hmm? Running In... LOL my opinion abt this running in thingy only applies to pple who wanna have a longer life for their engine... not for those who wants powers and speed. Just imagine if run in for about 1k to 2k km how many wear and tear to piston liao... lol no more good compression liao ...
Originally posted by De|usi0n:
can change the spark plug [b]after the run in...or else its too waste of $$[/b]
i really dun believe a kips can go as much as 300km/hr with or w/o reserveOriginally posted by extr0vert:wah.... meaning most of ur bike petrol dun eat so much ah?
or i ram too much.... hmmm.....
wat are the likely reasons?
pal u serious anot? kips full tank can go 300 plus km. i think u got it wroing cause frm wat i noe kips oni can go the most uo to 200 plus km with reserved on. anyway i also riding kips so dun think is 300 plus. even with full tank.Originally posted by RainXP:Exhaust rust due to heat, you can send to shop for repray, but it will still rust, the best solution is to "tong" your pipe.
One full tank can go abt 300-350km.
ya wat u said was right no 2b bike can go over the limit of 300 plus km cause 2b bikes petrol tanks are small. if reali my kips can go 300 plus km than i think my fren can buy my kips rather drive his civic.Originally posted by extr0vert:yeah lor.....
if it is so, i think alot of ppl will by krr liao.....
most of the 2 strokes sports bike goes around the 170-200km region b4 hitting reserve.....
from my observation of my friends' SPs and TZM.
than hw cum now cannot liao? seriously not i dun believe is all my frens who ride kips even pump to overflow or wat cant even reach 300 plus km think maybe ur kips power up one. ok lah if so than i think milkshake and those who ride 2a bike can throw their away liao cause their bike can oni hit to 300 plus km.Originally posted by [D]ennis:can leh.. i also ride kips.
tat time when i first got my bike..went jb pump full tank..really full lor till overflow..
around 290km then open reserve.. but now cannot liao..
Originally posted by [D]ennis:oh ya btw i never mod..maybe tats y... all so original~~lol....
Originally posted by aSsTrObO|:me oso riding kips for more dan 1 1/2 yrs liao but never saw my bike go up to 300km + reserve.. farnie leh... the most hit 190km den got to on reserve liao.. dun brake at traffic light will save petrol one?? i heard of dat b4 one leh.. keke... any lao jiaoz can help reply? thanx..
Yes,what he said is true when I run in my bike I can go until 250~280km.Originally posted by [D]ennis:hahha.... reallly i no bluff u... u all mai di di whack lah
drive constantly.. sure can one.... my frend also mah
both of us can hit near to 300km then on our reserve....