Originally posted by windlover:
Got a question to ask. I am in need of cash and i have a TA150 FTplate. Can I sell to the shop and buy back paying by installment so that i can have the cash? Need money but cant bear to part with my bike. If i can, how much will i lose because of the transaction?
not worth selling bike and buying back lah. why dont you consider selling your phone, hifi or md or whatever u have? maybe gold ring or chain you go and pawn lah.would be better. oh btw do u have a incurance policy with ntuc income? if you have the policy for a few years liao you can take out a policy loan of a few hundred dollars. depend on ur policy lor.wat else to get money? hmm...simple way...work for it...no matter how long it takes to get to payday but the money will eventually comes to you. good luck!
errr....why u in need of cash?
btw...you wanna try cyber begging? heehee...