aiyoz dat so many of us -.-"Originally posted by HoN:sally..........y neber wish mi????kekekekeke
if i goin to die of loneliness i will sure inform u wan...Originally posted by 3vA:tHaNkS SaLLy JiE mEi. . . m3 aNd mY b0i b0i VeRi gD. . . [ w/o aNy 1 DiStUrBiNg. . . ]
i sUrE HeLp y0u FiNd 1 bF. . . [c0z m3 sCaReD tAt y0u'LL DiE oF LoNeLyNeSs. . . ] hAhA. . .
bAcK-StAbBeRs i sEe UnTiL SiAn LiAo. . . * fU XiN dE nAn ReN * aLs0 sEe UnTiL SiAn. . . tHiS iS JuZ a ReMiNdEr 2 aLL vErY * ZhUaN Yi * PpL. . . dUn bEcUz oF 1 fLoWeR tHeN GiVe uP tHe wHoLe bEd oF r0sEs. . . iT's 2003 n0w. . . eVeRy 1 WiLL hAf bEtTeR LuCk iN LoVe LiFe aNd $$ LiFe. . . hAhA. . .
hUr hUr hUr. . . iF u aRe rEaLLy g0iNg 2 DiE oF LoNiNeSs h0r. . . dUn iNfOrM m3. . . 10qOriginally posted by Arai^ger:if i goin to die of loneliness i will sure inform u wan...
yaya ppl dun becoz of a ger or gal then gif up ur everything, coz its the most stupid thing a fool will do.........