to quell doubts lets make things clear. can big bikes corner faster than small bikes? firstly what big bike are you talking about? low rider? tourer? sports tourer? dual sports? pure sports?
do expect your small bike to overtake all the above k. but save the low riders, all the rest can take you on any time any day. it's just a matter of ai or mai.
honestly im tired that small bikes belive that they can take corners faster. it's not that big bikes cant, it's simply that we dont want to or find it inappropriate. hey our bikes costs at least twice as much as yours. we dont have the 'luxury' of 'made' in thailand parts from LAB. we know the value of our lives, our bikes and our licensce.
hey if you think you are so great and wana show me a spark inducing corner, good for you! i'll sit back and njoy the show. Just be sure that you dont have a repeat performace like the other thread and end up turtle on the road. i will definatly stop, laugh my pants off then decide on whether to help you.
with age comes maturity but personally dont piss me off like reving me at a stop lite or cutting into my lane suddenly, i will come after you with a vengence and ride circles around you, till you admit defeat.
basically im a nice guy and belive in 'live & let live'. im not being bias about small bikes. every1 has their roots starting from there. you can do whatever you wana do on your bike, say whatever you wana say, but when you make it public, some1's gona bite back.
I welcome any type of bikes regardless of capacity, make or breed to ride with me. it's just some bikers have to be reminded every now and then of reality. hey if a big bike cant speed and cant take faster corners than small bikes, y do we we wana ride them? investing in singapore's economy by paying more road tax? Geez!
apologises if i have offended any1. peace.