Originally posted by LoudnessFZ:
wow more worst than me hor...haha...passed on the 4th try
when i failed i took note of everything that i did mistake,and i asked what went
wrong if they didnt tell me.
from there i make a point to remember most of the mistake ive made,from
there i learnt most.
and its easier to remember becoz i took prac 8 last time like 4 session in a week,
say monday i failed take again wed den fri den sat den sunday..thats why
easy to remember.
unlike ssdc's system now which suck big time with long period in between pracs,
and the tp test date seems further and further away.
just take note of every mistake u did and thats where u learn.wobbling part..
practice on a bicycle..
p.s:about the gear shifting part,if u cant step it,KICK IT with the very tip or heels
of ur foot.
Ya Loudness you are very true indeed SSDC got long period in btw pracs leh! haha got some ppl even change school i heard

this fri i going for prac 7 again! hope i can make it gg for circuit revision tml

I did learn to be patient but the thing is the more i think and the more i wait i really feel its kindda ridiculous to wait that long unlike my friends in other driving centers, they got lessons available almost everyday

so unfair!