Went for practical 1 at BBDC at 0835 hrs this morning.....Dunno Y izzit becoz too used to riding on public rd liao, after coming down from the slope; I check right for traffic and left for blind spot b4 making a left turn, I E-brake suddenly and fell off the bike becoz I saw a girl cutting into my lane. She apologized twice - 1st when I was picking up the bike and 2nd after the practice.... I replied "Bu yao jin", Indirectly I'm agreeing she's in the wrong....
Thinking back abt the incident, I think I was in the wrong becoz if I had make a very slow turn, the incident wouldn't happen... Very fortunately, I didn't crash onto her .... Dunno if she passed the prac, I'll feel very bad if she failed becoz of me.....