now the driver is out on bail and charge for reckless driving,on bail on 021102 for $10k, but the marking on the rd is not enough yet
,the comfort company send some guys to the funeral and say that the driver told them in his statment is that the rider dash across the traffic light when it was already red light green arrow and he was making a right turn not U-turn
,,,,upon hearing tis the malay father was very angry and start to argue and shout and most of us went and surround the comfort company guys
...some abuse them with vulgar lang
...then the comfort guys say tis la say that la,say if its the driver fault then the company will pay the compensation to the families
,,,,i mean,WTF!!
ppl had been kill and u come and try to defend the driver and kong L J HUEYS to us,,,,,
they are lucky that never kanna hammer on the spot
,,,,or else i think they kanna lan like that
....sorry for using some vulgar
.,,,,,,still quite angry on wat happen,,,still need witness to come out to tesify against the driver......then again...i think its quite sg ppl are always,,,,bo lim pek ai tai chi.....sianz....