Originally posted by visual:
thanks, and i got the bike today
and guess what (the exhaust back part the paint a bit chipped off and a bit rust!!! and the gear peddle bar also abit rust!! and the best part! they forgot to install the ERP, so now i ride around with out ERP!... so have to be careful!! what is going on with the people from MAH PL??? is bec theya re too big to chap me?
very frustrating, and the insurance form also not ready and so far they cannot find the manual!! so they ask me to come back another day... ... *sigh* i am truely kena screwed by them lah...
you're entitled to the manual, chase them for it.. how can a dealer/parallel importer of the bike not have the manual? besides, that bike is meant for the euro market, it will come in english.
er.. paul's dero has an "ermax" windscreen, i can't remember if he shipped it in, or got it here in singapore... best would be to ask him i think. no matter what, that windscreen would be cheaper than honda originals..
running in is more about keeping revs low... for example, choosing not to exceed 80km/h is only a rough gauge, cos i can easily run at 80km/h in gear 1, when my valve is open (>8250rpm).. hopefully the rest give you some comments on it.. cos i'm still not too sure about the running-in prodedures.. everyone seems to have a different story. i've even read somewhere on an ang-mor site that revving the engine is fine.. in fact better!