Originally posted by dgp:
Good day,
im gonna COI a bike frm someone... installment still got 14mth..
how to go abt it? still carry on till it fin then later on transfer? but wat if he dont admit it? i mean we are strangers afterall
if not shall i do a reloan but how to do it? interest will go higher?
kindly advise
many thanks
either u continue as sub rider
he tua u, u tua him back lor,
cheong red lite, cross activated erp gantry
dun pay parking fines
all will go to him mah, to LTA the bike is still his
can play bastard back also one la, better still lend to osama or his fellas to let them do their stuff..
ar bo is to do reloan n confirm the bikeshop will chop u big time
tranfer fees la
insurance fees la
agreement fees la
plus the total sum of his bike plus interest, will be charge to u n u also get interest also, basically u r paying double interest lor
up to u to decide, if u have the money, go for the 2nd option...
if not write down black n white lor is u thik ing sub rider